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Problem with Berial


Well-known Member
Hey guys , I just bought the game yesterday , beated the game on human and devil hunter , and about 30 mins ago , i tried to do bloody palace , i was beaten at lvl 20 ... I have problems fighting berial and blitz , that's why ... When i fought blitz , he almost killed me , luckily , he gave a green orb , which restored half of my hp , and after that , i had to fight the boss who almost killed me many times , and this time he killed me ... can someone give me some tips about fighting berial and blitz ? and also , about fighting groups of angelos ? i never did no damage when fighting those , even when there was just one , but i guess that is because im a newbie and i dont have good reflexes yet ... but still , can someone give me some tips about killing the demons in this addictive game ? :D


Cut 'Em Up!
Welcome to the forums, there is a Bloody Palace Help thread floating around here somewhere...

Anyway, I'm not sure which character you play as in Bloody Palace so I'll assume Nero as he is the easiest to beat it with.

For the Blitz, just shoot him with charged shots whenever you can and when you get him out of his electric state and vulnerable to sword attacks just unleash some sword combos on him. Just repeat this over until he dies, practice makes perfect.

I'll edit post and give you more help when I play this game again as it's been a while since I played, and I have forgot the names of the moves.


SSSlayer of demons
First, welcome! With Nero, I go to Berial's face and attack, jump cancel, attack, jump cancel and so fort until he has no flames. Then, I DT and hit him a little with Maximum Bet then use Buster at jis face. Then I use Buster on the ground. And repeat all until you defeat him.
With Dante, I use Kick 13 until he falls down. Then I DT and use Kick 13. That will make an amazing combo. When he flames on I again use Kick 13.
Hope this will help ^_^!


Well-known Member
I just saw a thread about someone who had problems with Bael , and when he was relaxed , he got him . That happened to me too now , I almost had no damage on mission 2 on SoS difficulty , I took 2 hits , one from an assault , and 1 from berial , i'll just practice this mission to get berial , after that , gonna try the palace again , and yes , i played with nero , dont like dante too much ^^
forgot to say , thanks for the tips guys
EDIT: oh , and VeNGeD , i was on the floor laughing when i saw your sig LOL


Well-known Member
Nah , I simply can't ... I did all 19 bloody palace levels with no damage , even the blitz (thanks VeNGed for the tips ;) ), and I died at Berial and he had 1/2 hp left ... What I do wrong ? ... I dodge almost all his hits , when he is doing that fire nova attack i retreat and show him the power of maximum bet and lvl 3 charge shot , and still cant... i have almost all skills , i need just 4 more , red queen combo c , and the 3 levels of table hopper(i found it useless atm), hp to max , dt gauge to max ... guess i'll have to go through Son of Sparda to have more experience , anyone knows what difficulty is in bloody palace ? and also , anyone knows how is legendary dark knight difficulty ? how strong are the mobs etc. and please , if u are a dmc veteran and played LDK difficulty and you say that it's easy , think about how it will be for me , because i'm a newbie in this game , and also , it's my first game from the dmc series


Well-known Member
Slayer_of_Darkness96;177855 said:
Mine too. It's my first DMC game played ever.

Nice , but since when u play ? :D I just started yesterday , and I dont know how to jump cancel , i saw some videos , but looks to hard , so i'll just try it when i become more experienced , and i think that will be wednesday or thursday lol . In my first post i said that i dont have good combat reflexes yet , after that i hanged out with my friends , and about 2h ago i tried bloody palace again , gave up , went to eat something , watched some anime and about 1h ago , tried SoS , it's pretty easy , no enemy can't touch me , except blitz (just cant dodge this guy :( , he appears and disappears every time), faust (his attacks are hard to dodge) and bosses... now i'm at mission 6 , it will annoy me very much because of the cutlass ( most hated enemy) and gladius (pretty annoying too)
P.S. : Sorry for my bad english...


Devilicious Devi
I for example use Lucifer + Shotgun + Trickster style for Blitz and mainly Pandora + Gilgamesh + Swordmaster and Gunslinger styles for Berial, that`s as Dante, as for Nero.. uhm, lol, 3? charge shots at Blitz and then go all out on him in DT + Exceed, as for Berial, hit the flames on his back and jump alot.


Well-known Member
DeviRyuuD;177860 said:
3? charge shots at Blitz and then go all out on him in DT + Exceed, as for Berial, hit the flames on his back and jump alot.

Okay , thanks , I saw enough vids , now im going to try
But still , I have some questions : anyone knows what difficulty is in bloody palace ? and also , anyone knows how is legendary dark knight difficulty ? how strong are the mobs etc. and please , if u are a dmc veteran and played LDK difficulty and you say that it's easy , think about how it will be for me :D


SSSlayer of demons
DeathLord81;177858 said:
Nice , but since when u play ? :D I just started yesterday./QUOTE]

You finished Human and Devil Hunter (or only Devil Hunter) in your very first 2 days of playing your very first DMC game. You're good.


Well-known Member
Slayer_of_Darkness96;177863 said:
You're good.
Thanks , I just beated angelo credo on SoS , with one continue -.-" , first time he mopped the floor with me. And if I am good , why do I still have problems with Berial in Bloody Palace ? :D But maybe you're right , I may be a just-born DMC legend :D Maybe in a couple of weeks I will be as good as Kile hehe *awakes* :D
EDIT : just a little show-off lol , my best mission (SoS): http://img15.imagehosting.gr/out.php/i712100_deathlord-s.jpg
and my rankings : http://img15.imagehosting.gr/out.php/i712101_deathlord-rankings.jpg
what do u think ?
oh , and also , i need an advice , what skill should i choose next , red queen combo c or table hopper ?

EDIT again ... : Can anyone give me a link to download a screen recorder ? I wanna show you a palace run of mine to see and tell me what I do wrong... This is 4th time I died at stage 20 ... This time I was really close , he had just 1/10 health...


Well-known Member
Slayer , I got the recorder , I started Bloody Palace , paused , started the recorder (at least thought so...) , kicked berial's ass , reached lvl 30 , killed those frosts , some assaults , and when blitz appeared... After that , I wanted to stop the recorder and I saw "Click OK to start recording" EPIC FAIL lol . Guess I'll just record another


Get Destro'd
Berial (SoS/BP)

DT and charge pistol at the very start (need full DT for this sequence)
1) Full Max Bet twice - berial will turn red if done right. Timing must be fast.
2) Full max Bet once again
3) CS3
4) Buster to Face- Berial should be lying on the ground at this point still red
5) Grim Grab - (to pull you close) Dbl Down (split)
6) Show Down - Must stand close to him. I prefer face
7) Buster
8) If not finished send a CS3 his way
9) and taunt cuz you're stylish and you received no damage

Blitz BP 19
1) DT and Charge Gun
2) Take 2 steps forward
3) Max Bet twice to remove electricity
4) buster (when you juggle him up jump and buster in air)
5) Charge shot 3
6) Repeat step 4
7) Charge shot 3 and you will get a full SSS worth 1:00 plus

These may require practice but they are easy ways to get fast no damage on BP. Well worth it ;)


Well-known Member
thanks for the tips , but i mastered the killing of blitz (with nero , didnt try with dante lol) , i usually max bet , cs3 , when i can get him i shoot another cs3 (his electricity should turn off), i prepare a showdown, he cant avoid it because when i charge it , he blows because of that c3 shot , then dt buster, back off , when he is about to turn red , i shoot some normal shots and bang SSS (dont forget to taunt ^^ just love the guitar taunt hehe) , as for berial , he is the boss i have most problems with , i really dunno why ... i can beat him on SoS , but when i get to fight with him in the palace... oh , and dunno why , when i fought with him in the palace , his flames never turned off O_O oh , and also , what do u mean by full dt ? sorry , newbie here :D


Well-known Member
I made my way through the mobs of BP today , I can kill berial now pretty easy ^^ ,I took some screenshots of the last floors I reached : http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/139/11907935.jpg
I made a new record , it's pretty high for me :D , almost double than my last record lol , only half way there , pretty good for a newbie , eh ? :D Thanks alot for the tips guys , I think that the thread can be closed now, the problem with Berial is no longer . Thanks again for the tips.


Get Destro'd
DeathLord81;177997 said:
thanks for the tips , but i mastered the killing of blitz (with nero , didnt try with dante lol) , i usually max bet , cs3 , when i can get him i shoot another cs3 (his electricity should turn off), i prepare a showdown, he cant avoid it because when i charge it , he blows because of that c3 shot , then dt buster, back off , when he is about to turn red , i shoot some normal shots and bang SSS (dont forget to taunt ^^ just love the guitar taunt hehe) , as for berial , he is the boss i have most problems with , i really dunno why ... i can beat him on SoS , but when i get to fight with him in the palace... oh , and dunno why , when i fought with him in the palace , his flames never turned off O_O oh , and also , what do u mean by full dt ? sorry , newbie here :D

In order to pull off that Berial sequence I posted you need to have maxed out DT gauge, have it filled, and also have devil Heart purchased. Since the sequence requires you to be DT'd from the very start.

As for Blitz, it will always show SSS when he explodes if you have raised your style to at least an A (could be wrong), but it will only give you time bonus for the style prior to explosion. Example if you got him to S and he explodes into an SSS you get 45 sec bonus. If he is SSS and he explodes into SSS you get 1min bonus. Good luck on BP!


Well-known Member
LoGoS;178044 said:
In order to pull off that Berial sequence I posted you need to have maxed out DT gauge, have it filled, and also have devil Heart purchased. Since the sequence requires you to be DT'd from the very start.

As for Blitz, it will always show SSS when he explodes if you have raised your style to at least an A (could be wrong), but it will only give you time bonus for the style prior to explosion. Example if you got him to S and he explodes into an SSS you get 45 sec bonus. If he is SSS and he explodes into SSS you get 1min bonus. Good luck on BP!

Really ? I didn't noticed that , I always got him with SSS and he always gave me like 45 sec. bonus as you said . As with BP , thanks , I'll need it . I will try again when I will have some more free time , maybe I will reach 61 , or maybe I'll beat the BP , who knows ? hehe


Well-known Member
Yeah , I play with automatic atm , I'm newbie , remember ? :D I'll try to play without , but the only reasons I play with automatic is because of the charge shots and max-act (can't do it ...)
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