Wah, I hate...shipping wars. @_@ Someone attacked me on Tumblr for shipping Noel and Serah in FFXIII-2, all because I posted expressing liking them as a ship since they made me think of a disney couple, all adorable and perfect [well near perfect]. I know they're not canon, I accept that, but that didn't seem to matter because apparently all non-canon ships are eeeeevil.It's like the Avatar fandom. People got into some serious fights over shipping Aang, Zuko and Katara. These same people are now fighting over shipping Korra, Mako and Iroh:lol: Then there are the Adventure Time fans...:blink:
Acorn's Tumblr Rule Number 923: Don't provoke me into a shipping war. I'll tell you to mind your own business and ignore your sorry booty booty. Speaking of which...
Which Dante had the best ass.
Which Vergil had the best booty?
Vergil what the booty are you doing!? o___o