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Pokemon 5? Oh and a something embarrasing for Square Enix


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Hi guys...
Check these out:

Zorua, I choose you!
The first images of critters from the so-far unnamed new Pokemon title (i.e Pokemon 5) have emerged online.

The werewolf-like Zoroak is also the star of a new Pokemon movie and evolves from the rather cuter Zorua.

Technically nothing is known about the game as yet, except that presumably it's for the DS. Although some fans are speculating that it may be a launch title for a theoretical new "DS2".

Do we need ANOTHER new DS?

Square Enix caught bullshotting
Square Enix have got themselves caught up in an embarrassing scandal after sending out pictures of what purported to be comparison shots of the 360 and PS3 versions of Final Fantasy XIII.

Fans quickly realised that it was no such thing - just the same image with different icons photoshopped on top.

Square Enix has admitted the mistake but claimed "there is no material difference between the two consoles".



Well-known Member
and why did Square release those photos in the first place? :huh:

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Vergil'sB*tch;202741 said:
Hi guys...
Check these out:

Zorua, I choose you!
The first images of critters from the so-far unnamed new Pokemon title (i.e Pokemon 5) have emerged online.

The werewolf-like Zoroak is also the star of a new Pokemon movie and evolves from the rather cuter Zorua.

Technically nothing is known about the game as yet, except that presumably it's for the DS. Although some fans are speculating that it may be a launch title for a theoretical new "DS2".

Do we need ANOTHER new DS?

Square Enix caught bullshotting
Square Enix have got themselves caught up in an embarrassing scandal after sending out pictures of what purported to be comparison shots of the 360 and PS3 versions of Final Fantasy XIII.

Fans quickly realised that it was no such thing - just the same image with different icons photoshopped on top.

Square Enix has admitted the mistake but claimed "there is no material difference between the two consoles".


Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie: Phantom Ruler: Zoroark will be the latest movie of Pokemon series featuring two new okemon which is Zoroark and Zorua, so it is possible that a Generation 5 Pokemon game will be released. I am looking forward to it. :D

As for the case of Square Enix faking comparisons of Final Fantasy XIII screenshots of XBox 360 and PS3, it is unusual for Square Enix to do a stupid move like that. Either it was leaked intentionally or unintentionally. It could also a publicity stunt, but it can't be confirmed. But this doesn't shake my resolve of buying FFXIII on Xbox 360 despite alleged lower graphics. ^_^


Well-known Member
Since the Z's sprites are not found in any of the forth generation games, a fifth generation is a certainty. As for release on a new model of DS, seems VERY unlikely. The DS has sold a ridiculous amount around the world, I imagine the only things that may change between the console will be DSi exclusive features, even then I imagine those to be mere mini-games.

As for Squares blunder they officially claimed that the photos were used early on to test how the 360 control navigation looked, these photos were mistakenly put into the wrong folder on their server and accidentally released ¬_¬;

While I imagine that graphically the PS3 will probably be superior, if they've spread the game across 3 discs, the 360 graphics will still be gorgeous ;)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
There are only 150 Pokemon, anyone who tries to correct me on this will find themselves being killed in their sleep.

That being said, let's move onto Square before the foam boiling in my mouth becomes a problem I should consult a doctor about.
Of course there will be a sodding difference between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of FFXIII, the PS3 has a higher capacity for graphics rendering and as a result, a series that was originally designed and intended for the PS3 will show obvious benefits in that department.

Frankly though, I still don't care, I'm just happy that I'll still be able to play Final Fantasy XIII, considering I bought a 360 I thought I'd miss out on my favourite series as a result, but I'm not, so obvious differences be damned, I say!


Enma Katana no Kami
Angelo Credo;202831 said:
There are only 150 Pokemon, anyone who tries to correct me on this will find themselves being killed in their sleep.

really last i checked i think it was over 500. what do you have aganst the other. 400. and im gessing that for some reason you don't like May or Dawn eather.

and just try to find me.... you will never return. home!

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
[Deep Voice] : In other news,two young men identified as Angelo Credo and darkslayer13,gosh what stupid news and names-pardon me.These two were found dead this moruning with nasty wounds all over their body,seemingly from claws and some kind of knife.Our best bet as reporters is to assume that they were caught in the middle of Freddy's and Jason's fighting although that seems unlikely since the two our with me~...[gulp].No other news for today.I'm happy I had to live that long-

Excuse us for a while.Technical Problems are to be solved quickly.

Eris Strife

The Discordian Trickster
I would buy a Pokemon 5th Gen game. :D That, and SoulSilver version because I never got the GSC games when I had a GBA.

*looks over to Square Enix* You just ruined the good impression that the 13 Final Fantasies built up.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dude, DON'T TALK ABOUT ABSOLUTE VIRTUE. You have NO idea how close I came to actually defeating him... He had around a thousand health left (I was getting lucky) and he uses Benediction. I was one of the players participating in the thirty hour battle against him, and I lost. I felt so defeated... They weakened him, and he's STILL unbeatable by legitimate means. The Jailer of Love is easy, it's just Absolute Virtue is SOOOOO broken! Please PLEASE don't ever mention him again...


Don't trust people
ABSOLUTE VIRTUE! Ha! I meantioned it again, what ya gonna do about it?

Hope there aren't any broken bosses in FFXIII.


Enma Katana no Kami
Devil Bane;205231 said:
[Deep Voice] : In other news,two young men identified as Angelo Credo and darkslayer13,gosh what stupid news and names-pardon me.These two were found dead this moruning with nasty wounds all over their body,seemingly from claws and some kind of knife.Our best bet as reporters is to assume that they were caught in the middle of Freddy's and Jason's fighting although that seems unlikely since the two our with me~...[gulp].No other news for today.I'm happy I had to live that long-

Excuse us for a while.Technical Problems are to be solved quickly.

news update; turns out it wasn't darkslayer 13 (who can not be beaten.) it was some random guy who looks simlier. angelo credo however was really there. ( its very rude to deny the majority of pokemon and such rudeness is always punished.)

Eris Strife

The Discordian Trickster
Yeah... by denying the majority... you deprive yourself of the chance to capture such legendaries like Ho-oh, Lugia, Celebi, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Manaphy etc. etc.


Enma Katana no Kami
don't forget dialga palkia and giratina. ( or arcius who i dont think has appeared in any games yet but ...)

Eris Strife

The Discordian Trickster
Righto! Who else did we miss out? Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie and Cresselia (I think it's spelled this way). Well, the point is that he missed out on all these cool Pokemon. XD


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
darkslayer13;206048 said:
and all the non- legendary pokemon that have popped up. some of them are really cool.

Like Lucario? If I could have any Pokemon, it'd be Lucario. He'd be like the awesome bodyguard I always wanted! Or she. I really don't care.

Eris Strife

The Discordian Trickster
@DT: It's a he. XD And yeah, Lucario is awesome, that, and the fact that you can get him on Iron Island after a short quest.
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