If anyone's interested, there's a video here with all of the Days movie, plus some other footage after.
Funny, that looks kind of like what it looks on an emulator with maxed settings.It's the same screenshot you've seen before....BUT IN HD!
Playstion 4 is coming out soon I think it's backwards compatible.
Didn't they say that about PS3 and that kina failed? I might just stay behind everyone else and get the PS3 since It'll be cheaper (hopefully) when the PS4 comes out XD
BTW, awesome avi and sig. I love Terra ^_^
Oh god yes, gimme the secret boss and everything from BBS Final Mix.if it includes BBS Final Mix. I'm ******* set.
Oh god yes, gimme the secret boss and everything from BBS Final Mix.
Same for Mickey.I'd love a Japanese voice over option. Donald Duck is hilarious in Japanese.