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Parental Reactions to DMC...

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Bad a$$ Gunslinger
I decided to start this thread, because my mom has had some pretty assuming reactions to DMC. and i am curious to know about other parental reactions to the games that we all love....lolZ.

these two are my all time favorite of my mom's reactions to DMC.

7:30pm, eastern standard time...a few years ago- family room at my house in the middle of nowhere....LOLZ
Me and my boyfriend at the time, (he is now my ex but we are still good friends. btw he was the one who got me hooked on dmc.) are sitting on the couch playing DMC 1. The volume is at fairly decent level. I don't really remember what it was excatly but im gonna guess it was at about 27. (which is loud enough for my mom to hear in the living room upstairs.)
He was playing and he got to the Alastor cutscene.
Me: Owies! Is he (Dante) ok? That must have hurt!!!! (rather loudly)
Him: Yeah, he's fine.
My mom: (from upstairs) You guys ok down there?!
Me: We're fine, Mom! (to bf) hon turn down the volume.
he does.
a few months later
10pm, eastern standard time- family room.
I am downstairs by myself, I believe this was just after I had broken up with the guy who was my bf in the story above. I was pretty damn p*ssed at him. (but i won't go into that) But instead of taking my anger out on him and those around me, I played it out in video games...(and let me say, any of the dmc games are good games to play when u r angry and frustrated). I was playing DMC 3: SE which i had just bought a few weeks ago. I was getting a$$ whooped by Nevan. My mom came downstairs, (i think she was intending to watch me play for a while before i went upstairs to my room to go to bed.)
Me: Mom, are you sure you want to be down here right now. I am playing a pretty violent video game.
Mom: no its ok. i'll watch you play.
Me: ok but don't say i didn't warn you. (I change to gunslinger mode, skip the cutscene and start whooping Nevan's a$$.)
Mom: This is Violent!
Me: I hate to say I told you so.
so there is two of my mom's most classic reactions to dmc.
curious to here,yours...LOZ

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
My mom said "is there any way possible to become this guy? (Nero)"
me: "No"
Mom: "Then i'm fine with that"

thats the only reaction I got.


Give Me More...
Mum: Wow, they graphics are good. (Turns to her boyfriend) Aren't they good? Its like someone is really doing that.
M. BF: Yeah, they are cool.

Thats the reaction I get with every game these days.

New DMC Player

Well-known Member
Good stories lol. Im married but no kids yet. So the question that I would ask myself 'If I saw my kid playing DMC, what would I do?'

I would say, "Move over son let mom have a turn" :lol:

Stylish Nereezy

the lone soul reaper
Grandpa(64 y/o): "damn you be whoopin they a$$ with that sword don't you?

Me: i know :D

Sister(14 y/o): damn you always playin this game do you get tired of it?

Me: no i love it

Sister: whats those words right there mean?

Me: its the stylish meter it means i'm kickin they a$$:cool:

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
All I can say is that when I was playing DMC 3 with Vergil, my mum referred to Vergil as good looking.

Then she wanted a go, I humoured her and let her try it out, don't judge me for this...But she beat the boss I was stuck on in five minutes flat...


New Member
My dad just says these DMC kind of games are stupid lol
I dont get a question like this "When will Vergil OWN Nero"
Although It doesnt seem bad if he did ask me that

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
My parents are concerned about it at first,but they understand the nature of DMC games.Instead of them scolding me,they are playing the DMC games as well.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Mother- You play these games to much.

Me- Cuz I luvs them...

Mother- Go outside?

Me- NO

Mother- Why?

Me- To much sun, and I hate my friends.

Mother- Oh, wow.

Mother- so... um what're you playing?

Me- Devil may cry3 SE

Me- Leave me, your presence is making me sick to my stomach.

Mother- Shutup boy.

Me- *plays*

Mother- Who are you fighting?

Me- Vergil2

Mother- This game looks easy...

Me- Cuz I'm good.


Me- >.>

Me- I am.

Mother- prove it.

Me- No you prove it.

Mother- I can't play these games.

Me- Fine

A couple of minutes later my mother is playing!
She gets Cerebus and Agni and rudra.

Me- Enjoying yourself on DMCSSE very easy?



Mother- This is nice...

Mother- I'm glad you have this. It's so nice*looks at Dante*

Me- ok.........

Me- So what do you like the most?

GET READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Mother- I like the ice sticks and the flame things... SWORDS... There swords right?

Me-....................LOL... Ice sticks!?


I changed the weapons at the statue and gives it back to her after a false promise of giving her "superIcesticks".

It was Hilarious, she was so geeked to get her hands on her precious ice sticks!

Me- Here you go dear mother.

Mother- Thanks sweet face!

Mother- Where are the ice sticks?

Me-....*holds back laughter*

Me- I guess you used all the ice?

Mother- *Very sad I don't believe it kinda look*


I equip her with rebelion and told her to keep hiting the wall and the ice might come back!
She did it for 20 minutes before giving up!
I was in tears!


Aya Brea
Mom: Isn't whatever you call it...Devil May Care due back to block buster today?
Me: CRY!
Mom: If you want to rent Devil May Care again you can.
Me: CRY!

She never really questioned me on it. She's seen me play it and never really made any negative comments on it, but she always gets the Cry part wrong.


Is not rat, is hamster
As a parent myself, I don't really give a crap about the content in DMC at all...if there is something unsuitable in a game, I tell J it's not appropriate and she goes off and does something else. I also tell her why I don't think it's suitable. She's played a bit of DMC 3 SE...got bored a bit quick, to be honest...but then she's also played Oblivion, Fable, GTA, RSV2, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4...I do everything she does first to ascertain whether she'll be able to cope with the content and then she just gets on with it. In GTA, she just drives around and won't steal anything because "stealing is bad and it'll make all the people really cross and sad at me". And as for bad language, hell she grew up on a council estate. It's a miracles she's not a junkie already...:lol:

In DMC 4, she likes watching the cutscenes - she asks lots of questions and then warns Steve when "baddies" are coming so he can disaptch them. It depends on your view of a violent video game - Simpson's Hit and Run can be construed as violent as can Viva Pinata if you want to be really pedantic - after all, you are beating animals until they get sick and then break apart just for coming into your garden.

Hell, my kid is more afraid of the Grinch then she is of cartoon demons in DMC :lol:

Stylish Nereezy

the lone soul reaper
Bringerofchaos;101728 said:

I equip her with rebelion and told her to keep hiting the wall and the ice might come back!
She did it for 20 minutes before giving up!
I was in tears!

LMFAO:lol::lol::lol: thats hillarious


The Oncoming Storm
I bought my dad DMC4 for his PS3 his reaction hasn't happened yet because he's never even played it!


Is not rat, is hamster
Trish67;101784 said:
which grinch? jim carey or the old animated one.
Jim Carrey - she's never seen the animated one. This is the child who will happily sit through all three extended versions of LOTR at the age of about 3 but goes mental when the Grinch is in the post office, wrapping up Cindy Lou Who...

I think she's just odd...


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
Oh JW. I was odd at the age too. I was afraid of the trees in the wizard of oz. Lord of the rings.....I love lord of the rings..I went to see the fellowship when it came out in theatres, with Dad. I was like 13, i think, and i watched almost the entire from behind my father's shoulder. (the orks scared me) lol....but back on topic...
I honestly don't think I can ever get my mom to play DMC.

But flash forward....
My kid is playing DMC. having trouble with a boss.
Kid: hi mom
Me: hi honey
kid: argh i can't beat this a$$hole.
Me: let me try honey
kid: r u serious mom?
Me; yeah
kid: ok (hands me the controller. i beat the boss in like two minutes) WTF, MOM?


Is not rat, is hamster
I think parents need to accept that gaming, for the forseeable future, is here to stay and is now part of modern culture. Gone are the days when kids sat in their room trying to tape the Top 40 (or whatever equivalent you have in your country) without getting any of the talking bits on the recording...now it's all gaming, teaming up over XBOX Live or some other network and getting to know people as they shoot them in the face.

I think if parents actually watched the DMC games, not necessarily played them as it may not be their thing, then they would have a better understanding of what is actually happening as opposed to walking in during a particularly violent part and making a snap judgment on that basis alone. Having said that, the games are rated and it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that the content their child is watching/playing is suitable for them. I check everything Jessica does before she even so much as touches the box - if I don't think it suitable, she is not alllowed near it. If I do not consider it likely to scar her for life or whatever, then she may participate provided I am watching her. She never plays a console (apart from her DS) without an adult watching her - an adult who knows the game well enough to be able to remember what is coming up next and turning off the machine if need be.
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