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One month away...


Well-known Member
So, the game comes out next month. How are you all feeling about it? It's been a bumpy ride these last two years, but we're finally getting a new DMC game. I was initially hesitant on the game, but it grew on me in a big way. I'm way more interested in this game than getting DMC5. Though I have to say that the naysayers and haters are still as loud as ever. Which is a bit annoying.

How about you guys?


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
SO ****IN EXCITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously, cant stop thinking about playing the game atlast


The Forsaken Offspring of Heaven and Hell
So, the game comes out next month. How are you all feeling about it? It's been a bumpy ride these last two years, but we're finally getting a new DMC game. I was initially hesitant on the game, but it grew on me in a big way. I'm way more interested in this game than getting DMC5. Though I have to say that the naysayers and haters are still as loud as ever. Which is a bit annoying.

How about you guys?


^THAT is what I say. XD


The Mad Man
I was the same way, hesitant at first, and even, to an extent, until now (Look up another game I was overly hyped for - Turning Point: Fall of Liberty). But I am super excited for DmC and can't wait for the Vergil's Downfall DLC. I pre-ordered it just for Vergil


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
I am soooo excited!! :D

I have actually been behind this game ever since the 2010 reveal trailer! For two years, I've stood by it despite what other people thought; and i'm happy with the way its turned out. The wait has been killing me, and I almost can't believe that its actually coming out a month from now! This is probably the most excited i've ever been for a video game. I have the 'Son of Sparda' edition pre-ordered, hopefully it arrives on release day ^_^.


Well-known Member
I know, Right? But...
"I'm way more interested in this game than getting DMC5"
lol no. If they announced DMC5, I'm done with DmC.
I'm just not interested in the other games anymore. Unless they really add some game changing elements to it, which they won't, then I don't see the point of it. Most of the naysayers think the answer to what DMC5 should be is DMC4 with more content. Which is exactly what the problem is with the series. It's become TOO combat focused. When you look at the big picture, you realize that the whole experience is pretty shallow. The way it's designed, the levels, the characters, etc - it's about the combat. And it shows. But the hardcore don't want to admit it. That's what DmC was trying to do. Create a more well rounded experience while telling its own unique story.

I don't blame Capcom Japan for believing the game series was stagnant. I would too if I was stuck making these games for fans who think any minor addition/tweak is a game changer. I'd much rather Itsuno and the DMC team continue on with Dragon's Dogma, cause that series shows much more promise than anything the original DMC series could muster.


The Forsaken Offspring of Heaven and Hell
I'm just not interested in the other games anymore. Unless they really add some game changing elements to it, which they won't, then I don't see the point of it. Most of the naysayers think the answer to what DMC5 should be is DMC4 with more content. Which is exactly what the problem is with the series. It's become TOO combat focused. When you look at the big picture, you realize that the whole experience is pretty shallow. The way it's designed, the levels, the characters, etc - it's about the combat. And it shows. But the hardcore don't want to admit it. That's what DmC was trying to do. Create a more well rounded experience while telling its own unique story.

I don't blame Capcom Japan for believing the game series was stagnant. I would too if I was stuck making these games for fans who think any minor addition/tweak is a game changer. I'd much rather Itsuno and the DMC team continue on with Dragon's Dogma, cause that series shows much more promise than anything the original DMC series could muster.

THANK YOU for being someone who understands the point of a game!

Yes, the DMC series has done nothing but focus on the combat. Makes me even sadder to see that its fans don't really care about anything in the game BUT the combat! Which then, Capcom realizes, "What's the point of this game if we're not doing anything with the story?". See, DMC had something going with mainly TWO of their four games: DMC 1, and DMC 3. Those are the only two games with any story-like relevance. Otherwise, it was nothing but jump, shoot, and hack n' slash. And the fact that 90% of the fans only want to promote that, makes me very upset. DMC 4 had something going, where they were starting to bring in a legitimate storyline with Nero. However, Nero had no story behind himself what-so-ever, save that he was fighting in order to save his love interest, Kyrie. What did Dante and Trish have to do with this aside from doing a job that Lady sends them on, only to take their last roll of bills? Nothing. Not a damn thing. Dante was just DMC 4's half-way point switch to easy mode. That's it...

So yeah, again, ranting aside, sticking to the thread: unless they do something that'll actually grab my attention for what it is I'm looking for in this series, I could give two ****s less about a DMC 5. Yeah, I said it. What? You naysayers and haters gonna rag on me about it? Go ahead. I welcome it. It'll just make you all look silly in the end. :p

But point being, if there's any hope for Devil May Cry, I say it all rests on the new DmC reboot. And again, I will play it six feet under before I decide I'm done with it. And nothing any of you yahoos who seem to have the single-minded goal of hating everything that's not what they like for nothing, are gonna stop me!

....I'm done now. Go back to playing your games.


Well-known Member
I'm not a hater btw, I just prefer DMC. And DmC looks promising and a good game on it's own TBH.

And I still believe that Itsuno and DMC4 team still have the will to make the best Hack and Slash game in this gen. I hope the Devil May Cry game Capcom said they will release by 2015 is DMC5.

No more DmCs. NT can do a great job if they worked on a new IP.


Well-known Member
I'm not a hater btw, I just prefer DMC. And DmC looks promising and a good game on it's own TBH.

And I still believe that Itsuno and DMC4 team still have the will to make the best Hack and Slash game in this gen. I hope the Devil May Cry game Capcom said they will release by 2015 is DMC5.

No more DmCs. NT can do a great job if they worked on a new IP.


Well-known Member
Well whenever it comes out dirt cheap then i will get it but until then im looking forward to borrowing it, rather than buying it, im more interested in DMC 5. Im a hardcore DMC fan from DMC 1 and about video games i love the graphics, gameplay and story and character design and feel so i hope they can at least make a story relevant to the original instead of leaving blanks here and there and thats annoying.


Well-known Member
I'm not a hater btw, I just prefer DMC. And DmC looks promising and a good game on it's own TBH.

And I still believe that Itsuno and DMC4 team still have the will to make the best Hack and Slash game in this gen. I hope the Devil May Cry game Capcom said they will release by 2015 is DMC5.

No more DmCs. NT can do a great job if they worked on a new IP.

That could mean anything. They said they were open to having both games going on at once, and that they'd switch off between them. You can find an article where they said they wanted to crank the games out much faster. That'd be the way to do it.

At this point, I'm almost certain they'll make DMC5. To be honest, it'll be easy to win the haters back, since the kind of game they want isn't all that difficult to produce. Hell, they could make the announcement at TGS2013.


Well-known Member
That could mean anything. They said they were open to having both At this point, I'm almost certain they'll make DMC5. To be honest, it'll be easy to win the haters back, since the kind of game they want isn't all that difficult to produce. Hell, they could make the announcement at TGS2013.

I completely agree. DMC5 would keep the haters mouths closed and make them stop whining about DmC. Everyone wins.


Well-known Member
I completely agree. DMC5 would keep the haters mouths closed and make them stop whining about DmC. Everyone wins.
Yeah, but it kinda makes me sad too. This game was supposed to be able to stand on its own, but then this very vocal minority won't stop going on and on about it. It just makes it seem like Capcom is rewarding them for all their crap they've been spewing for the last two years. If they do it, then it could send people a message that if you complain and smear a publisher long enough, you'll get what you want. Which is something they shouldn't do.

The way I see it, you shouldn't give in to brats. No matter how loud they are.

EDIT: When I say brats, I mean people who spew lies and hateful messages towards people who work on or otherwise like this game.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
I'm just not interested in the other games anymore. Unless they really add some game changing elements to it, which they won't, then I don't see the point of it. Most of the naysayers think the answer to what DMC5 should be is DMC4 with more content. Which is exactly what the problem is with the series. It's become TOO combat focused. When you look at the big picture, you realize that the whole experience is pretty shallow. The way it's designed, the levels, the characters, etc - it's about the combat. And it shows. But the hardcore don't want to admit it. That's what DmC was trying to do. Create a more well rounded experience while telling its own unique story.

I don't blame Capcom Japan for believing the game series was stagnant. I would too if I was stuck making these games for fans who think any minor addition/tweak is a game changer. I'd much rather Itsuno and the DMC team continue on with Dragon's Dogma, cause that series shows much more promise than anything the original DMC series could muster.

I think you put it quite eloquently. At this point they'd almost be better off just making a downloadable game with a few characters just running up through Bloody Palace, bring back a bunch of the old bosses, and just have people constantly go up, trying to get further while earning Orbs to level up, to get even further. Leaderboards, time attack, it'd probably be the best thing for it at this point. It'd be great, really, have a bunch of unlockable costumes, enemies from throughout the series, it'd be a great nod to the franchise, and it would screw up the continuity and leave people with more unanswered questions :p

Although, I wonder, now that we know Itsuno wanted to get rid of Hard Lock a long time ago, would DMC5 end up without one? Or would he be too scared to stand his ground and change it up...?

Am I the only one who understood the reference?

Neighbor please, of course not.


Well-known Member
Yeah, but it kinda makes me sad too. This game was supposed to be able to stand on its own, but then this very vocal minority won't stop going on and on about it. It just makes it seem like Capcom is rewarding them for all their crap they've been spewing for the last two years. If they do it, then it could send people a message that if you complain and smear a publisher long enough, you'll get what you want. Which is something they shouldn't do.

The way I see it, you shouldn't give in to brats. No matter how loud they are.

EDIT: When I say brats, I mean people who spew lies and hateful messages towards people who work on or otherwise like this game.

I really don't want a new DmC. But I hope you guys get a new game from NT and Capcom, A completely new IP. They will definitely make a better H&S game than DmC. After working with Capcom on the reboot, And Itsuno and DMC team giving them advices, Ninja Theory will definitely do a Great job with a new IP.

And Capcom will probably release DMC5 by 2015. Because it will get a LOT of support from both of DmC haters and DmC fans.

In the end... we're all satisfied. ;)
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