I think you put it quite eloquently. At this point they'd almost be better off just making a downloadable game with a few characters just running up through Bloody Palace, bring back a bunch of the old bosses, and just have people constantly go up, trying to get further while earning Orbs to level up, to get even further. Leaderboards, time attack, it'd probably be the best thing for it at this point. It'd be great, really, have a bunch of unlockable costumes, enemies from throughout the series, it'd be a great nod to the franchise, and it would screw up the continuity and leave people with more unanswered questions
Although, I wonder, now that we know Itsuno wanted to get rid of Hard Lock a long time ago, would DMC5 end up without one? Or would he be too scared to stand his ground and change it up...?
I honestly had this EXACT thought. Just make a downloadable game for the DMC fans who for some reason can't stomach DmC's slightly altered gameplay, and claim that they don't give a damn about story and presentation.