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Old games


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
Does anyone still play or buy old games? Recently I bought zelda: orcarnia of time (and it's awesome!), so i'm wondering if people still play or buy old games.


Dines with dementia
I love old games, those were great times when having good graphics was not an excuse to make a bad/boring storyline.
Let's see... I like Grim Fandango, Broken Sword 1 & 2, Longest Journey (not that old, but still...), Space Quest V (great humor and story), Day of the Tentacle, Abe's Odyssey. Wonder is Worms 2D is considered old.. still a damn entertaining game.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
i bought final fantasy 7 like a little less then 6 monthes ago...and my mom got me final fantasy 8 for christmas...they were both pretty sweet..lol, except for that i havent bought any old games..im planning on attempting to track down the others...i dont know wether im going to play 10..or 10-2...i heard they were more of a comedy then a real game..lol


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Oh, man. I love the older classic games for the ol' Sega Mega Drive. I can't get enough of the Shining Force RPG series. Retro FTW.


Gosh Napoleon...
Yeah, ps1 games rock... they bring back memory's :)
like when i play any crash game or any ff game before 10 it brings back nice memory's...lol i sometimes think there Better then the newer games other then online play.


Aya Brea
I still have tons of old games for the PS1, and will be getting a SuperNES and Nintendo 64 soon. Those two systems had by far the greatest games that I've played.

Mischief Makers is a HUGE fav. of mine from the N64.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Dont so much buy old games anymore, but i sometimes choose to go back and play some. Ive been wanting to go back and play The Settlers II again but wont work on XP :(. Im also going to play Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay again soon, not that old but it was on the Xbox and i never completed it but loved it.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
yeah...i love the older games..not only do they bring back memories but they had more story and character development...all kids are interested in these days are graphics and gameplay..lol...wich isnt bad but i would really like to get these kids into great storylines...it just makes the game more fun...and i know this is alittle off topic and im sorry to anyone who might tag me for it...but...if anyone has any advice about wich ff i should pick up next PM me please...ive played 7 and 8 im confused about wich to play next


Bio Hazard
I like older games better then newer games most of the time. Like Dragonseeds, Final Fantasy 9, Legend of Mana, Legend of Zelda, older Tomb Raider games, Megaman, Raymond, and so on. Graphics are not important, game play and storyline are.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
SLudge;72505 said:
I like older games better then newer games most of the time. Like Dragonseeds, Final Fantasy 9, Legend of Mana, Legend of Zelda, older Tomb Raider games, Megaman, Raymond, and so on. Graphics are not important, game play and storyline are.

and good characters, and character developement..lol, older games had the right idea with their storylines..they let u know about the character and why u should care about it..lol, games today dont do that so much.


Bio Hazard
Yep. Today most game developers care only about making their games look good. They don't focus on the most important part, storyline and/or game play. If ya want all 3, you should play Crysis ;) great game. But you do need a really good PC to play it tho.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
actually i dont think it's entirely the fault of the developers..the fans have changed...in the days of the older games we all grew up playing all there was to go on was storyline cuz u couldnt do anything with graphics really...older games had to have a great storyline or else they wouldnt sell..now that we have graphics thats all the fans want...fans dont care about storline or gameplay anymore


Ultimadream;69877 said:
though i do want Abes Odyssey for PS1.

mate that game was awesome!

also the 2d worms games, i dunno the open warfare series didnt have the right effect...

theres just something about over pixelated worms blowing big chunks of pixel out of eachother...


Bio Hazard
Yea, I know, graphics are what most people care about now a days. But their missing out big time. Good graphics are nice, but its not what makes a game good.


Don't trust people
WOW i play:
The ultimate DOOM
Doom PLutonia Experiment
there is more... i think.... DOOM wads doesn't count?? do they?


Aya Brea
I just bought a Super Nintendo. I used to have one since I was little and it lasted until I was in 7th grade. A bad lightning storm came and we had it plugged in that night and I take it that it fried it. Since SNes were hard to come by, we sold our games. ): I was amazed it lasted so long. I had my N64 since I was in elementary and my brother had to be a douche and trade it in back in 2005. akfjalkjfalkf

I still play old PS games. Parasite Eve is a personal fav. old classic of mine. Along with the original Resident Evil (I have Director's Cut though...). Other than PS, I LOVE alot of nintendo games. I'm now playing Illusions of Gaia (SNes game), Donkey Kong Country, and Star Fox (Snes Ver.) I'd do anything to have an N64 again. I'll have to stop by Play-n-Trade to see if I can order one. ^_^


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I got recently FFVII and Silent Hill. Silent Hill doesn't profuses anymore but you get it on amazon.com
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