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NT vs Capcom: Female Characters


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Why are we all arguing over the girls

Mundus is OBVIOUSLY the sexiest

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Personally I don't consider any of the female characters as "great" female characters. only so few from DMC are what I'd call great female characters even in what they were designed to do. NT isn't gonna win any points either all things considering.



Trish was nothing but spandex on human skin whose just there to remind Dante of his mother and bring up his unresolved issues with his mother. Other then that she serves no real purpose in the story. Maybe as Dante's romantic love intrest (incest much), but beyond that Trish is...just there to be the series "sex idol". (which she really isn't in my opinion)

It's only incest if she was actually cloned from Eva, which I seriously doubt. Mundus created her "in Eva's likeness", not from her DNA. But eh, whatever.

Lady had actual purpose in not only wanting to fufill revenge on her father, but to also be someone Dante can relate to when it comes to losing family. but after DMC3, her existence was whored out for the horny teenage fans of the series. And just because she's got bigger boobs does not mean a damn thing if the character hasn't blossomed as much as her breast have. Lady had potential to be great, but was nothing but another sex item with nothing to offer but tits and ass shots.

I can't deny, I was disappointed that she didn't get more meaningful screen time in DMC4.

Kyrie is the worst offender. The reason I didn't like Kyrie WAS NOT because she couldn't fight or defend herself. To me, a female character doesn't need to be a kick ass girl or a femme fetal to be a good female character. She must have something dynamic about her character, something that makes her stand out among the others, and gives me a reason to want to actually care about her well being. Kyrie has none of this. When she was captured, I actually would have WANTED her to scream out in fear when she was first seen imprisoned in the savior's core. It would have made her character more real and more raw. All her shielding has been broken and she truly calls out to a hero to save her from her mortal danger.

Oh thank god, someone who gets all the females in the series didn't need to have the same abilities. You have a fair point...perhaps if she had shown more emotion, it would have made Nero's parts a little easier to digest. I'm pretty used to it at this point, but I can admit that it would have balanced them out, given Nero more justification for his furious crying and yelling.

There's also Patty. Now Patty may be annoying and spoiled at times, but she actually brought some fresh air in the whole "All our women are hot as f*ck" cesspool DMC has. She was small, cute, and modest. She had attitude that made her stand out from the other female characters. (Trish was the cool type, Lady was the bitch type, and Lucia was the serious type) Not only that, but she went above and beyond to get to Dante and get him out of the underworld all with a small pendant containing a powerful demon warding tear around her neck. That's bravery and that, to me, is what made Patty so unique in terms of female characters for me.

So much respect for you right here; many people don't get this stuff about Patty. It baffles me when they overlook the fact that she went to the underworld to save him, in fact. All they seem to see is this demanding brat; I loved the fact that she showed such courage and loyalty...and all that from a little girl, no less.



I almost forgot Patty, but she's a cool female character too, thanks for the reminder, DragonMaster.

By the way, most people already told what i like about Lady, Trish and Patty. But going away from the DMC series, Capcom has plenty of cool female characters. Claire is my favourite female character in a videogame: she's not the "femme fatale", not either the "cute and defenseless girl", she's strong and can do things on her own (even if among RE's cast, she was one of the few that were not military), but she's still very feminine, she doesn't like to fight at all (she says that in Degeneration, i think), she does what she does for her brother, Sherry, Leon and Steve (on CV) and for her own survival, i like her a lot because of this. She is a very balanced girl, and a pretty interesting character. RE does still have Jill, Ada, Rebecca and Alexia.

I don't see anything special about Kat, her personality is not the most incredible. But she did play her role in the game, she put her knowledge and intelligence to work in the end. Yeah, but nothing exactly special that made me like her.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
This is just how I see them.

About DMC's women:

Since my first DMC game was DMC3, Lady was the first one I met.I loved the way she presented herself, with a soul full of fire and determination to accomplish what was her life's objective : revenge for her beloved mother.I liked how she resisted to Dante's charms almost to the end of the game and how she had guts to confront him.Unfortunately in anime and later in DMC4 she seemed reduced to a shadow of herself: just a greedy tsundere.Why a tsundere? I hate tsunderes and seeing this woman reduced to this is more irritating.
Said this, kudos to Lady for being capable of getting Dante's money without giving him sex.He must really be into her to give her money without ask her anything back: troll:

Trish: I never got over the fact Mundus could created an eidolon of Dante's mother, a "customized sl*t" if you will, with his mother face, only to make him thinking with his penis instead of his head.And how she is used as sex symbol ( thanks for this term, DM!) in the series.
What is supposed her being? Besides being a "living copy" of Eva( as Kamiya called her in artbooks)? Sidekick?Sister? Platonic life partner?Capcom makes character's relationships so shallow and so confusing that I never got what is her role in DMC after DMC1. And why Gloria has no underwear?Why is so rare to see her doing something?Whatever... Anyway she seems to be interested in Dante than Dante in her.Only in DMC4 novel Dante said Trish shared not only Eva physical appearance, but personality's traits too.( But nobody cared to translate that novel to English anyway).

Lucia: I really liked this girl since she was sweet, gentle and chivalrous and didn't try to kill Dante. She was modestly dressed and she was pretty.In fact the prettiest and nicest of all DMC girl, but I don't want her to be in another DMC, since Capcom would wh*re her out, like they did to the other two women.

I'll not talk about Kyrie since I'm basically indifferent to her.

About DmC's women:
I sympathized with Kat.Even if she was only a human, she gave the best of her for something she believed and her devotion and humbleness helped Dante get freed from his uncaring attitude and teached him to feel empathy for other people who were victims of demons, just like he was.

Lilith: she not only shares things with Lady but with Trish too: she's blonde, a demon deeply connected with Mundus and at his service and used her strippers to seduce and to get Dante's accent. I'm still suspicious if she is a rebooted version of Trish or at least a partial one.

Sorry if this is confusing!:blush:
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Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
If we're talking in general of both companies and their games its not fair to compare a small developer with only 4-5 games in their belt versus a super giant company that has been around 30 years and has hundreds of games in their belt.

Nariko is NT's best representation of a woman. Then comes Kat (although the gap is very large between her and Nariko). Kung Fu Panic..Chaos or whatever its called was too goofy to be taken seriously and Trip was......ehhhhhhhhhh...just there.

Capcom has a rather good track record with women although DMC females are their weakest..even DMC3 Lady can't compare to Ada, Claire, Ashe, Aile, Regina, Chun Li, Magoichi Saika (SB), Nina, Maya Fey, Athena, Sheva, and many others.

Although nothing can be worst than her.

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