I mean the following statement with the utmost respect:
It has nothing to do with Bayonetta.
Scoring system in Bayonetta (2009):
You do a move, and then a number comes up showing how much that move was worth alongside a small icon indicating the weapon you used.
Scoring system in DmC (2012):
You do a move or combo, and the name of the move or combo shows up. Next to the name is how many points the move/combo was worth this time. Above this is a new interpretation of Devil May Cry's Stylish meter, telling you how close you are to the next rating.
Scoring system in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (1999):
You do a move, and the name of the move shows up. Next to it is how much the move was worth this time.
Honestly, am I the only one who sees a resemblance to Tony Hawk and SSX here?
Especially given that this game is meant to have the feel of a Western video game?
You most likely don't remember, but the type of the moves shows up in Bayonetta as well.
DmC just took the style system from Bayonetta, combined in with the one from the DMC franchise and improved both.
Oh, come on! Don't you ever play fighting games on Training Mode??? They tell you what moves you used AND they tell you what points you get for your combos. If anything, that new addition to the style system screams "Every Fighting Game Since 2000".
The names of the moves and the amount of points you get for your combos don't show up on Training Mode, at least not in the fighting games I play.