Ninja Theory's Dominic Matthews Explains DmC's Satire

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It's good because its crappy. I'll admit it's one of those cult film I really enjoy but it is definitely in the category of so bad it's good. It does have the best one liner in movie history though. LUNA!
Exactly. It's a social satire of a lot of dumb things in our society that do exist. But the concept of demons at the heart of this is what makes it ridiculous.
Oh, I'll tell you what's ridiculous. People in real life believe that the world is run by the illuminati in a joint effort with demons, the lizard men, aliens and even a nephilim conspiracy theory. :troll: Yeah...the queen of England is a secret lizard alien....right...I'll just get my foil hat. I falling into the trap of lizard man indoctrination by not believing this?!:lol:
Are you legitimately stupid? I didn't want to be rude but you are making yourself look really dumb right now.
Is insults the only way you can argument in? Every time someone disagrees with you, you instanly resort to name calling.

As for the Virility drink the ad in the game says you will get smarter and sexier becoming a super human of sorts. It's ridiculous. Kind of like that Slurm drink on Futurama.
Pretty much like in real life and it also explained in the game that they are using subliminal messages through those ads. How is it exactly "sarcasm"? And please explain without using "you are stupid", if you can manage that.

But are you going to say that Bill O Reilly isn't an asshole? Or that Fox News isn't pretty stupid at times?
Did you even read my post?

Bob Barbas is the only thing in DmC being a parody, I'll give you that
I suggest you read more carefully next time since I did actually agree with you on that point.

If you think they do then you need help because you take video games WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. Dude, you made me facepalm my head into the wall. The game exaggerates this sh!t to extreme lengths. The whole freaking game is basically over the top! Are you kidding me?
Please point me to a moment in DmC that you consider to be "over the top" minus the trailer bit because I agree that one moment it was pretty over the top.

And please, try to avoid insults again, it makes you look silly like last time.
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Is insults the only way you can argument in? Every time someone disagrees with you, you instanly resort to name calling.

Pretty much like in real life and it also explained in the game that they are using subliminal messages through those ads. How is it exactly "sarcasm"? And please explain without using "you are stupid", if you can manage that.

Did you even read my post?

I suggest you read more carefully next time since I did actually agree with you on that point.

Please point me to a moment in DmC that you consider to be "over the top" minus the trailer bit because I agree that one moment it was pretty over the top.

And please, try to avoid insults again, it makes you look silly like last time.
Over the top as the entire established evil in this game is things that mirror our society to an extent. Like poking fun at just about all the ridiculous conspiracy theories in the book to a point where we have an alternate reality overlapping ours that is controlled entirely by demons. The level leading up to the Bob Barbas boss fight is a bunch of news channel icons floating in a surreal dreamscape. The constant monitoring of "The Man" is very evident in the DmC world and is a ridiculous claim set up with the Raptor news network. The promotion for Virility represents a stupid marketing scheme to a ridiculous extent when it specifically says some of the most BS crap out there that it makes it hard to believe people fall for this stuff. The entire game is considered more of a social satire because while a parody is really just a fun love letter to the stuff it's making fun of this is sticking the tongue at some very stupid things that do exist in out world. It doesn't take a genius to know it's poking fun at silly things especially when Limbo can blow the entire thing up to ridiculous extents. It's over the top. Duh.
Is insults the only way you can argument in? Every time someone disagrees with you, you instanly resort to name calling..
The way this guy works is,he tries to shove his opinions down your throat claiming it's fact.
if it doesn't fit,he claims to be a better player than you.
if you ask for proof,he doesn't provide any saying that him seeing it is enough since he S ranked all the difficulties.
The way this guy works is,he tries to shove his opinions down your throat claiming it's fact.
if it doesn't fit,he claims to be a better player than you.
if you ask for proof,he doesn't provide any saying that him seeing it is enough since he S ranked all the difficulties.
It's not an opinion. I'm stating the obvious here.
Over the top as the entire established evil in this game is things that mirror our society to an extent. Like poking fun at just about all the ridiculous conspiracy theories in the book to a point where we have an alternate reality overlapping ours that is controlled entirely by demons. The level leading up to the Bob Barbas boss fight is a bunch of news channel icons floating in a surreal dreamscape. The constant monitoring of "The Man" is very evident in the DmC world and is a ridiculous claim set up with the Raptor news network. The promotion for Virility represents a stupid marketing scheme to a ridiculous extent when it specifically says some of the most BS crap out there that it makes it hard to believe people fall for this stuff. The entire game is considered more of a social satire because while a parody is really just a fun love letter to the stuff it's making fun of this is sticking the tongue at some very stupid things that do exist in out world. It doesn't take a genius to know it's poking fun at silly things especially when Limbo can blow the entire thing up to ridiculous extents. It's over the top. Duh.
Yep, it does mirror our world, but puts demons in charge of what could be considered societal ills. Siver Sacks bank is analogous to Goldman sachs. While Mundus threatens 'The President' and effectively takes over all financial control, and political control; there are real world concerns that Goldman and Sachs are getting closer to controlling the US treasury and through that more political influence. There is a real fear that banks will soon control the world.

Then there's the pop idol and celebrity aspect, shown briefly with Lilith and her club. She looks like a washed out celeb who had too much plastic surgery and the stereotype of huge fake tits, blond hair and slim figure that is perpetuated in the media. She turns inflential people to the demon cause and they in turn brainwash the public by making them more focused on celebrities; and the perpetuation of buying into the celeberity lifestyle even if it causes debt.
Lilith may look attractive, but once the wig comes off and the skin is shown to be sew together, she shows it's all a shallow illusion, much like celebrity culture.
Then there's the quick jab at shows like America's got talent and American idol with Lilith's gauntlet run of Devil has talent. I really wish those shows were more like Lilith's version. I would so pay to see manufactured bands eaten by demons.:P

I've seen so many times people complain about idiot, brainless footballers getting salaries in the millions while people who do something worthwile and contribute to the world are paid next to nothing in comparison. But they are paid that much because of the endorsement deals, the money tv companies can make from broadcasting the matches through pay-per-view and the team merch sales. That's how it works these days.
Yep, it does mirror our world, but puts demons in charge of what could be considered societal ills. Siver Sacks bank is analogous to Goldman sachs. While Mundus threatens 'The President' and effectively takes over all financial control, and political control; there are real world concerns that Goldman and Sachs are getting closer to controlling the US treasury and through that more political influence. There is a real fear that banks will soon control the world.

Then there's the pop idol and celebrity aspect, shown briefly with Lilith and her club. She looks like a washed out celeb who had too much plastic surgery and the stereotype of huge fake tits, blond hair and slim figure that is perpetuated in the media. She turns inflential people to the demon cause and they in turn brainwash the public by making them more focused on celebrities; and the perpetuation of buying into the celeberity lifestyle even if it causes debt.
Lilith may look attractive, but once the wig comes off and the skin is shown to be sew together, she shows it's all a shallow illusion, much like celebrity culture.
Then there's the quick jab at shows like America's got talent and American idol with Lilith's gauntlet run of Devil has talent. I really wish those shows were more like Lilith's version. I would so pay to see manufactured bands eaten by demons.:P

I've seen so many times people complain about idiot, brainless footballers getting salaries in the millions while people who do something worthwile and contribute to the world are paid next to nothing in comparison. But they are paid that much because of the endorsement deals, the money tv companies can make from broadcasting the matches through pay-per-view and the team merch sales. That's how it works these days.
And everyone out there has criticized, insulted, and ridiculed everything DmC satires more or less. I totally forgot about the Devil Has Talent thing. That's another over the top jab at silly reality shows that saturate the media today. I mean it was a gauntlet of hell in Lillith's club lol.
And everyone out there has criticized, insulted, and ridiculed everything DmC satires more or less. I totally forgot about the Devil Has Talent thing. That's another over the top jab at silly reality shows that saturate the media today. I mean it was a gauntlet of hell in Lillith's club lol.
Don't forget that Lilith looks like Pete Burns.
Over the top as the entire established evil in this game is things that mirror our society to an extent. Like poking fun at just about all the ridiculous conspiracy theories in the book to a point where we have an alternate reality overlapping ours that is controlled entirely by demons. The level leading up to the Bob Barbas boss fight is a bunch of news channel icons floating in a surreal dreamscape. The constant monitoring of "The Man" is very evident in the DmC world and is a ridiculous claim set up with the Raptor news network. The promotion for Virility represents a stupid marketing scheme to a ridiculous extent when it specifically says some of the most BS crap out there that it makes it hard to believe people fall for this stuff. The entire game is considered more of a social satire because while a parody is really just a fun love letter to the stuff it's making fun of this is sticking the tongue at some very stupid things that do exist in out world. It doesn't take a genius to know it's poking fun at silly things especially when Limbo can blow the entire thing up to ridiculous extents. It's over the top. Duh.
That's not really over the top, that's just your opinion.

When I associate "over the top" with DMC, it goes like this.

But whatever bro, you are entitled to your own opinion. Just don't claim it is facts.
That's not really over the top, that's just your opinion.

When I associate "over the top" with DMC, it goes like this.

But whatever bro, you are entitled to your own opinion. Just don't claim it is facts.
Don't even bother,people have told him 10 times already(that I have seen).
That's not really over the top, that's just your opinion.

When I associate "over the top" with DMC, it goes like this.

But whatever bro, you are entitled to your own opinion. Just don't claim it is facts.
Yeh, a buttload of things from classic DMC are very over the top to the point of WTF at some parts:lol:
I always thought this was a little OTT with Dante being so....Dante! :lol: And the sparkly streamer things.:P Agnus is so:/ , that guy needs some happy pills....
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Yeh, a buttload of things from classic DMC are very over the top to the point of WTF at some parts:lol:
I always thought this was a little OTT with Dante being so....Dante! :lol: And the sparkly streamer things.:P Agnus is so:/ , that guy needs some happy pills....
It's really sad when Agnus represents my old neighbor, they talked and sounded the same. Except my neighbor looked like John Malkovich and was on drugs.
That's not really over the top, that's just your opinion.

When I associate "over the top" with DMC, it goes like this.

But whatever bro, you are entitled to your own opinion. Just don't claim it is facts.
It is not opinions! DmC is still over the top but in a different manner! Are you just that shallow and narrow minded? The stuff that DmC pulls makes it no less over the top than what the previous games do. Those are just Dante's actions. According to you, over the top only means some crazy stunt the individual character pulls. The sh!t he pulls there are something you'd see in an action cartoon. Dante in DmC also does the same sh!t. But in a sense of being over the top it is NOT only restricted to how a character behaves. The entire setting and the things presented in DmC are also in a manner of being over the top. The silly things in our media and society are mirrored to a ridiculous extent when demons are the heart of it all and Limbo can do something like take marketing advertisements and actually turn it into a physical obstacle that's out to kill you. Do you get it now?
It is not opinions! DmC is still over the top but in a different manner! Are you just that shallow and narrow minded? The stuff that DmC pulls makes it no less over the top than what the previous games do. Those are just Dante's actions. According to you, over the top only means some crazy stunt the individual character pulls. The sh!t he pulls there are something you'd see in an action cartoon. Dante in DmC also does the same sh!t. But in a sense of being over the top it is NOT only restricted to how a character behaves. The entire setting and the things presented in DmC are also in a manner of being over the top. The silly things in our media and society are mirrored to a ridiculous extent when demons are the heart of it all and Limbo can do something like take marketing advertisements and actually turn it into a physical obstacle that's out to kill you. Do you get it now?
But it is opinions. If you think the whole setting in DmC is over the top then so is They Live, Lord of the Rings, Hitman, Max Payne, Mass Effect, pretty much every damn movie and game that doesn't use the real world as a setting.

Just because it is set in a world or setting that doesn't resemble our real world doesn't make it "over the top".
But it is opinions. If you think the whole setting in DmC is over the top then so is They Live, Lord of the Rings, Hitman, Max Payne, Mass Effect, pretty much every damn movie and game that doesn't use the real world as a setting.

Just because it is set in a world or setting that doesn't resemble our real world doesn't make it "over the top".
The game establishes a social satire of silly things in our society and amplifies it using demons. This is a game that in it's world, "The Man" is evil so is corrupt government and media. After telling you this, the game will literally throw at you a giant demonic news anchor, a demon who spikes a drink with demonic vile that's marketed to the public, a demon king in the form of a banker who has his hands throughout the entire economics system, and even levels where media advertisements to a business metaphor of hell actually become physical obstacles that are out to kill you. You're going to tell me it's not over the top? Seriously, think about it before you answer.