He's attractive?Maybe Japanese ladies find him attractive for obvious reasons they find this guy attractive.
Dat eyebrow.Maybe Japanese ladies find him attractive for obvious reasons they find this guy attractive.
It could be that Japanese women are burned out since most male characters out there look like pretty boys. DMC Dante is just a generic hero character in the East just like how DmC Dante is just a generic loudmouthed jerk in the West so perhaps the change in appearance garnered more attention from the female fan base in the East.I find the bit about Japanese women thinking this Dante is attractive kind of bizarre. Not that I doubt it may be true, I just can't agree. Dude looks good at some moments (close ups in the Vergil debut trailer, for example) and deeply weird at others (that grin, oh my god), whereas the original Dante was more uniformly pretty. I expected super-biseinen OG Dante to keep the fangirls...I mean, he spent a lot of the third game half-naked. But I guess those skinny jeans are a formidable challenge?
It could be that Japanese women are burned out since most male characters out there look like pretty boys. DMC Dante is just a generic hero character in the East just like how DmC Dante is just a generic loudmouthed jerk in the West so perhaps the change in appearance garnered more attention from the female fan base in the East.
It could be that Japanese women are burned out since most male characters out there look like pretty boys. DMC Dante is just a generic hero character in the East just like how DmC Dante is just a generic loudmouthed jerk in the West.
To be honest, just about every type of character has been played out. Most big companies, if not all, prefer to create games that take itself seriously. I like the characters in the Ratchet and Clank, Sly Copper, and Jak games because the characters in them are charming and likeable and they don't take themselves too seriously. Some people might call those characters too 'cartoony' and the like but I believe that each of them has much more personality than 10 army dudes put together.whats you example of non-generic character from the west in games?
To be honest, just about every type of character has been played out. Most big companies, if not all, prefer to create games that take itself seriously. I like the characters in the Ratchet and Clank, Sly Copper, and Jak games because the characters in them are charming and likeable and they don't take themselves too seriously. Some people might call those characters too 'cartoony' and the like but I believe that each of them has much more personality than 10 army dudes put together.
Dante actually used to be one of them, oddly enough.
The DMC timeline goes like this. DMC3 > DMC >DMC4 > DMC2 so logically speaking, Dante WAS a flamboyant-one-liner-slinging character and is currently a quiet and brooding character and this was before DmC was introduced. :troll:Dante actually used to be one of them, oddly enough.
THANK YOU!!!!HO HO HO the comments section in that article is heated, but it doesnt matter since everyone will end up buying the game anyway
AGILITY STAHP, JUST STAHPLet me guess, you're one of those anti DmC people right? The kind that enjoys talking about what doesn't matter.
Hey Santa can I have DmC for Christmas? :troll: btw you should watch this movie:HO HO HO my mistake this year i'll definitely make it up to you
Aren't there ways around that? Unless you ban their IP address can't you just make as many accounts as you want on different units/computers/devices, right?Did Agility get permabanned?
Because he thinks he's Agility, which there is no real prof of, they could just be two different people behaving alike. I don't really think Agility was what you might call 'unique,' the internet is littered with individuals just like him.I was just wondering why Suzaku called him Agility.