Do you not think that maybe that is his character. Like I mentioned before. I really dislike Lighting from Final Fantasy XIII. But that's because she was developed to have that attitude. Same with Dante. At least Dante has something going for him than characters like Gordan Freeman or Samus who were silent heroes. The dialogue that I've seen from this newDante and whiteHairDante is easily comparable.Are we really back onto the topic of the HAIR, Ninja Theory? I thought you had matured by now.
But really guys. Yes, we want to play as a Dante who isn't an asshole from the BEGINNING of the game. I don't want to start to like a character, just for the game to immediately end as soon as I do. I don't want to see him bare resemblance to original Dante, just to see the game end as soon as he does.
I could give less of a **** about story if the character I'm playing as is an unlikable ****.
He has one liners, a no BS attitude and quick comebacks. When didn't Dante have this?