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nightmare weapon ideas

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Enma Katana no Kami
this thread is a place to come up with ideas for more nightmare weapons two exist nightmare itself and nightmare beta lets try to fill in the rest of the greek alphabet

Nightmare: a massive self aware bioweapon uses a variity of powerful attacks its main attack is a giant ice cannon powerd by the screams of the dead ( thats really interesting isnt it) use the nightmares attacks and the uses of the greek letters to come up with the rest

this is a list of greek letters with their meanings and modern uses ( i found this info on wikipedia, i didnt find every bit of information but i dont have all day)

Αα-alpha (phonohican for ox)-A-1 related to firsts and to the moon
Ββ-beta-B-2 represents the variable in physics: nightmare beta muti shot, its attacks go through what it hits and bounce off walls
Γγ-gamma -C-G-3 combines with other greek letters to make differnt sounds
Δδ-delta -D-4- represents change in math and science
Εε-epsilon E-5
Ζζ-zeta-Z-7 (yes it is 7 and yes it comes right after epsilon( 5)
Θθ-theta-9 soul, sun, death
Ιι-iota-I-10 used in english to refer to an insignifigant difference
Μμ-mu-M-40 water, middle
Ξξ-xi-60 used to represent random variables
Ππ-pi-80 the mathmatical constant used in equasions involving the diamiter radius and curcumferance of a circle
Ττ-tau-t-300 life, resurrection
Φφ-phi-500-500000 used to represent the the golden ratio which is appears in nature constantly, even in all the proportions of the human body also commonly used in art and arcitecture and it appears in a perfect pentagram
Ωω-omega-800 last final end limit

obsolete letters


other chariters

stigma-6 shame sin
heta- same as eta
( you guys better be really interested in this thread because this took ALOT of work)

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Thats an awesome idea matching its attack with the meaning of the letters I wonder if the variable thing was taken into consideration when designing beta (probably not) I suppose xi would have been more appropriate.

Well according the DMC wikia Trish already wielded something called Nightmare gamma for her underwater missions (I don't remember that at all) But for the purposes of the thread.

Nightmare gamma could fire projectile laser versions of sticky grenades, which are shot inside an enemy and explode from within. It would be more often than not a one hit kill so it uses up a few DT runes.
Or for an even more literal connection gamma could just be an attatchment for all nightmare models to change/increase their effectiveness in one way or another.

That was cool I enjoyed thinking about that :D lol

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Vergil'sB*tch;202321 said:
Trish? Underwater Missions???
I know of no such thing....

Neither did I but then again I remember very little of Trish in DMC2. Only a blur of realising that Trish + Sparda + Ifrit = awesome.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Maybe Nightmare Delta could have different modes of fire, as Delta represents change. Like, there would be the standard laser fire, then a larger blast, a charged shot, a machine gun, and a rocket launcher. It also comes with a bunch of Nightmare Theta grenades! :p


Enma Katana no Kami
good ideas so the current list of weapon ideas is

beta: muti shot ( in dmc1)
gamma: improve other nightmares (darth angelo)
delta: muti form (dreadnought dt)
mu: demonic water gun only works underwater (darth angelo)

( add some devil arms they dont all have to be guns )

dreadnought; your theta idea ( a grenade) did not make the list for two reasons
one it dosnt fit the meaning very well and two i have a theta idea pick a differnt letter for grenades

a few more ideas:

theta: gathers the souls of the dead into a ball of fire and fires it caused alot of damage ( fits all three meanings soul sun and death (oh and it gathers 9 souls per shot so it fits the number to )

eta and heta: dual energy pistols lower rate of fire than bullets but stronger ( eta and heta mean the same thing so they go as a pair )


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
What about this...

Nightmare Omega: Fits onto the user as a suit of armor. Reduces damage and increases strength tenfold. It can use whips made of green energy, or GIGANTIC blasts of demonic energy. It's called Omega because it's the absolute pinnacle of Nightmare technology. Nothing is stronger or more versatile. (can also be used underwater. the suit changes to an underwater mode that increases mobility and allows for underwater combos)


Enma Katana no Kami
cool, so here's the new list keep em coming
beta: muti shot ( in dmc1)
gamma: improve other nightmares (darth angelo)
delta: muti form (dreadnought dt)
mu: demonic water gun only works underwater (darth angelo)
eta and heta: dual energy pistols lower rate of fire than bullets but stronger (darkslayer13)
theta: gathers 9 dead souls into a ball of fire and fires it causes alot of damage (darkslayer13)
omega: high powerd demonic armor with mutiple weapons attacted the last in the nightmare project ( dreadnought dt)

some more ideas of mine
omicron: a gauntlet/greaves weapon ( omircon means little o , omega means big O and nightmare omega is armor so this is part of a suit of armor)
pi: a large bladed ring ( pi is related to circles this weapon is a circle)

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Nightmare Alpha - A weapon based on Nightmare's primary attack (the ice beam)
instead of firing multiple shots that bounce off walls it just shoots a single stronger ice beam.


Enma Katana no Kami
good one. i'll wait until there are a few more ideas before i post the updated list and remember im looking for a roughly even split between devil arms and guns.

i have a challange for anyone reading this; think of a useful weapon that fits the meaning of iota.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
An insignificant difference... What about a Nightmare Beta that just looks different, nothing else? That would throw the player for a loop...


Enma Katana no Kami
that works i suppose, but it dosen't fully embrace the meaning of iota. not sure if anything could embrace that concept without being useless so your idea will probably be it. that whould make 3 for you and 3 for darth angelo on the next list get some more people to particpate counting me theres only three of us contributing.
hey virgil's b try to come up with something. it's easy and fun


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Maybe Iota could be a downgrade from Gamma. It could make the other Nightmare's slightly stronger and faster, but it wouldn't be readily noticeable. Like, enemies would take a few less hits to kill. However, if Gamma is coupled with it, Iota creates a four times power boost.

On the topic of upgrades, imagine how powerful Omega would be with Gamma and Iota attached!


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Thanks! That was pretty good for just something I pulled outta my ass...

Nightmare Tau: Heals the user when fired. Can be switched to an alternate mode that takes enemy health to charge. A full charge is as strong as a Small Vital Star.


Enma Katana no Kami
looks like you are the only one still interested get some other people to join i may need a few of these weapons soon for my dmc5 idea thread.
do you mind if i change your tau idea to a sword there are alot more guns then devil arms on this list.
i think ive got enough to update the list so here it is:
alpha: miniature version of nightmares primary weapon an ice cannon ( darth angelo)
beta: muti shot ( in dmc1)
gamma: improve other nightmares (darth angelo)
delta: muti form (dreadnought dt)
eta and heta: dual energy pistols lower rate of fire than bullets but stronger (darkslayer13)
theta: gathers 9 dead souls into a ball of fire and fires it causes alot of damage (darkslayer13)
iota: attatches to other weapons it dosen" t accomplish mutch but is has a secret use (dreadnought dt)
mu: demonic water gun only works underwater (darth angelo)
omicron: a gauntlet/greaves weapon( darkslayer 13)
pi: a large bladed ring (darkslayer 13)
tau: a weapon that heals the user it draws on the enemies life force (dreadnought dt)
omega: high powerd demonic armor with mutiple weapons attacted, the last in the nightmare project ( dreadnought dt)

more ideas from me
xi: a devil arm that takes the form of of a sword attatced to a giant die that is rolled with each attack. if it hits the ground somthing happens based on what you roll. ( xi represedts random variables dice rolls are random.)

we're almost out of usefull meanings and i cant think of any for the two left so im going to start on the other ones

epsilon: a blade of pure energy ( basicly a demonic lightsaber blade color varys based on the deamons aura )
next challange think of a cool weapon for stigma ( not to be confused with sigma)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Nightmare Stigma: Seven different weapons, each powered by one of the seven deadly sins. Comes as a set, and some can be dual-weilded. I'll leave what the indvidual weapons are to you, DS13, okay?
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