lordofdarkness - The Dark Writer of Determination
Keaton - The Light Writer of Hope
Nero116 - The Fire Writer of Respect
Keaton - The Light Writer of Hope
Nero116 - The Fire Writer of Respect
DemonSlayer6;78293 said:Keaton - The Demon within, reaping the obscuraty of Heaven's Wrath.
Chaos Master - One who has rebelled against his own kind, and lies between anxiety and Passion, clouding Hue.
LordOfDarkness - The red blooded, half tamed blandness of earth, and is blurred to the human eye, hidden under the demonic world of destruction, and nightfall.
NERo116 - The warrior, the cross breed of angel and demon, the human, invisible to all, the one hidden by crimson moonlight, descended by holy blood and the stench of war.
EmotionsUntold - The undified, the bringer of life, the goddess of pure, and sun. Feathers, that fall to mercy, making rain plead, the pale snow, of concealed mystery of past.
Chaos Master;78290 said:not really...it depends on my mood...
Nero116,Keaton,Lordofdarkness - The Future Great Fictioners
DemonSlayer6 Re: nicknames
Keaton - The Demon within, reaping the obscuraty of Heaven's Wrath.
Chaos Master - One who has rebelled against his own kind, and lies between anxiety and Passion, clouding Hue.
LordOfDarkness - The red blooded, half tamed blandness of earth, and is blurred to the human eye, hidden under the demonic world of destruction, and nightfall.
NERO116 - The warrior, the cross breed of angel and demon, the human, invisible to all, the one hidden by crimson moonlight, descended by holy blood and the stench of war.
EmotionsUntold - The undified, the bringer of life, the goddess of pure, and sun. Feathers, that fall to mercy, making rain plead, the pale snow, of concealed mystery of past.
LordOfDarkness;78296 said:well that just redefined awesomeness DS6, oh and does she have brunetter hair?
Demonslayer6: The sixth demon slayer born in the fiery pits of the eternally scorching grounds of the underworld.
Demonslayer6 please do a fan fic with me?![]()
DemonSlayer6;78305 said:Okay! I will! ^_^
Choas Master - The gradient sunset visioned angel, descended from a distance, far beyond humans reach, or touch.
LordOfDarkness - The soul reaper, of Zodiak's wish, fulfilling his own promise. Slolwy fading from this earth, and appearing to hell's gate.
LordOfDarkness;78317 said:They have abandoned us I guess?
I miss those girls, at the mo we have the awesome DS6 though, she rocks![]()