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Next Villian of Devil May Cry

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
So looking back on past DMC villians (not including the mangas/anime) what kind of villain do you expect in a new DMC/DmC game or would want?

Counting past villains.

DMC1: Mundus

Status: Demon Emperor (DMC's own version of the Devil or better yet Hades)
Backstory: A powerful demon emperor who was sealed away by Sparda 2000 years ago and now seeks his revenge by wiping out his family and set his sights on Dante, the lone survivor of Sparda's gene pool before ascending from the Underworld to rule mankind.
Personality: He is very confident, ruthless, and lacks compassion as he will slay his own loyal servants. He uses cheap tricks to f*ck with our hero Dante by using his brother as puppet to battle his own brother, uses Trish to disguise her as his mother to deceive Dante, and is quite powerful and almighty and is very persistent vowing to one day return.

DMC2: Arius

Status: Evil Business Tycoon by Day Malevolent Sorcerer by Night
Backstory: A top ranking sorcerer and alchemist who managed to achieved fame, wealth, and fame through his big corporation known as Ouroborous Co. and uses it as a cover for his sorcery and demonic research and experiments. Its still 100% unclear what his company specialize in but it uses the aid of demons and demonic magic to get the work done. He is very powerful to seize an entire city under his name and turn it into a demon's paradise and can create a demon clone army as one of his many experiments. He seeks immortality and a desire to transcend all living things and bring the world back to the way it was (the Dark Ages that Sanctus mentioned in DMC4).
Personality: He can pretty smug and full of himself thinking he can take on the Son of Sparda and is very persistent. Has an awesome evil mustache and cheesy evil laugh. He can summon any demon and its assumed through his research of Argosax can create powerful demons such as Lucia and controls any and all demons within his city and area. However, allowed himself to be taken over and possessed by Argosax.

DMC3: Arkham/Jester

Status: Demonic Sorcerer (Formerly Human)/Clown
Backstory: An once proud father who became driven by power to become a God due to the tales of Sparda so for the sake of power and fame butchered and sacrificed a lot of humans including his wife to become a demon but kept his daughter Mary alive for her blood of the priest that Sparda used to sea Temen-ni-Gru was needed. So then he worked with Vergil to activate Temen-ni-Gru to obtain Sparda's power but secretly is using Vergil to obtain his true objective and does so by disguising himself as a clown demon called Jester to help guide Dante through Temen-ni-Gru and uses both Dante, Vergil, and Mary to achieve his goal.
Personality: Extremely ruthless, has no regards for human life and cares for no one other than himself, deceptive, wants power, greedy, and extremely dark and seems to hate Sparda yet at the same time respect him. When in danger will beg for mercy and overall can't be trusted. As Jester is very cartoonish, clowny, and annoying being the only person to be able to get on Dante's nerves other than Agni and Rudra. Big time troll.

DMC4: Sanctus

Status: Head Vicar of Fortuna City and Demonic Pope
Backstory: Former head general of the White Knights of the Order of the Sword and master of combat now retired as the head vicar of Fortuna City and leader of the Order of the Sword and ring leader of the religious cult of Fortuna City that worships Sparda, a demon. He feels that the world is corrupted and long forgotten Sparda's once noble sacrifice so takes initiative to use the Savior, a statue designed in liking of their savior Sparda but is operated by a bunch of demons inside of it, and the Hell Gates to unleash hell on mankind and save them at the same time to rid the world of demons and clear the world of chaos but unite the entire world under one religion THEIR RELIGION and create peace and will do anything to get it done even if it means some casualties and sacrificing others. He threw away his humanity to become a demon in the hopes of being an angel and obtaining ultimate power.
Personality: A rather well liked leader of Fortuna City but is very devious and cruel as well. Lacking basic emotions such as compassion, love, and respect he will use his men as pawns, punish and kill those who oppose him, use his own followers as sacrifices, and doesn't care if innocents die in the process. Will resort to dirty tricks to get his way, has the best sh*t eating grin of all the DMC villains, and sees power as the only purpose of living. Believes he is a chosen one by Sparda destined to spread his fame and glory. He too is very persistent and refuses to go down without a fight.

DmC: Kyle Rider aka Mundus

Status: Demonic Banker aka King of the Underworld
Backstory: A powerful demon who rose to power 9000 years ago along with with his blood brother Sparda and after ruling the demon world set his sight upon mankind. He saw that mankind were a bunch of savages so he took it upon himself to rule them and correct them and has ruled them for thousand of years now by using lies, various food and beverages, and deceptive media as well through debt. He now wishes to pass on his legacy to a heir with whom is impregnated with his mistress Lilith. He disguised himself as a banker who managed to get a lot of countries into debt. Sparda once betrayed him for an angel named Eva so Mundus seeked revenge by enslaving Sparda, killing Eva, and finding and ending their child as well as exterminating and capturing any other Nephilim. So now stands the son of Sparda and Eva, the last Nephilim, Dante and the human resistance group the Order in his way of global domination.
Personality: He is very full of himself and rather confident as shown at the beginning but can get easily enraged especially if his heir is in trouble. Also, he is very attached to his unborn being very grievous that his son died. He is also immortal unless you close his Hell Gate so because of it he is almost always next to it. Due to his strong temper and big ego his anger can get the better of him and even cause his own downfall if he is not careful. He is also proned to make some odd sometimes risky decisions usually due sheer egotism or pure blind rage.

What type villain would you would like to see in a DMC/DmC game?

You can make it brief or like the examples above or maybe even more.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
I wanna see an apocalyptic type of villain. one that already has the earth at it's knees. one that has the ability and cunning to kill dante and succeed. one that like DMC3 vergil but with DmC vergil's lack of morality.


Beer and big tits all around! XD
I'm tierd of the whole "humans wanting to be demons crap" and I'm also sick of "larger ten life demons". I would rather want someting beyond the universe of DMC, but a powerful beast from a darker plain then hell; deep space.

More like the giant monster from he Hellboy movie.


Fake Geek Girl.
Yea, they should think outside the box for the new villain and also quit having the damn universe revolve around Dante's family tree.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
I'm tierd of the whole "humans wanting to be demons crap" and I'm also sick of "larger ten life demons". I would rather want someting beyond the universe of DMC, but a powerful beast from a darker plain then hell; deep space.

More like the giant monster from he Hellboy movie.

but that demon was being controlled by Grigori. he was the main villain, reincarnated with supernatural abilities


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
something that can shapeshift so you have to fight em in say 3 stages the last being a sword duel to the death

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
i would say someone like Bane from Batman Knightfall or Khan from Star Trek, a physical threat that is also smart.

Dante isnt the smartest tool in the shed nor does he actually think ahead so having a villian outsmart him and have Dante loose big time might be a good way to explain his character shift in 2.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i would say someone like Bane from Batman Knightfall or Khan from Star Trek, a physical threat that is also smart.

Dante isnt the smartest tool in the shed nor does he actually think ahead so having a villian outsmart him and have Dante loose big time might be a good way to explain his character shift in 2.

which dante are we talking about? DMC1,4, and 2 dante is highly intelligent. DmC and DMC3 dante are the only (and i do dare to say) ignorant eggs in the basket. and dante has fought enemies with both brawn and brain. vergil counts as one of them.


Beer and big tits all around! XD
which dante are we talking about? DMC1,4, and 2 dante is highly intelligent. DmC and DMC3 dante are the only (and i do dare to say) ignorant eggs in the basket. and dante has fought enemies with both brawn and brain. vergil counts as one of them.

Dante's not that smart period. Dante's just all brawn though out the series. if he was smart, he'd be handling his money better, wouldn't be destroying bridges just cause he can (DMC anime episode 2) and he'd actually go out and live life instead of being cooped up in his office all day.


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
My Suggestions:

- An angelic villain who later reveals that he is Eva's family and that Eva was actually an angel ( DMC5 not DmC 2 )
- An rival of Mundus who had been sealed off by him. Now, after mundus's death he assumed the position of king and wishes to destroy all of humanity
- A brother of sparda who had been banned from hell but wants to buy his way back in by presenting hell with the heads of the 2 brothers and their father
- Mundus's son. A demonic equivalent of dante and vergil who is extremely strong and badass. He doesnt want revenge, he just wants to prove to the demons that he can achieve what his father couldnt by killing the sparda family
- Lady. Dante steals her underwear and hoists them up as flags so she gets mad, turns herself into a demon and vows to kill dante.


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
Dante's not that smart period. Dante's just all brawn though out the series. if he was smart, he'd be handling his money better, wouldn't be destroying bridges just cause he can (DMC anime episode 2) and he'd actually go out and live life instead of being cooped up in his office all day.
I agree, dante is the dumb twin while vergil is the smart one.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
which dante are we talking about? DMC1,4, and 2 dante is highly intelligent. DmC and DMC3 dante are the only (and i do dare to say) ignorant eggs in the basket. and dante has fought enemies with both brawn and brain. vergil counts as one of them.
Im not saying he's dumb as rocks, he looks like a guy who favors brute force nor thinks before he leaps.

Arkham is the only real smart villian we had because he was the only character who manipulated the characters to get what he wanted and pretty much was the only one that suceeded, granted i blanked out half way through 2.

Sanctus's plan worked because dante was lazy/bored and he jumped the gun rather than sanctus being smart.

Vergil's plan was relatively simple and nor does he actually manipulate or lie about what he wants and he relied more on fighting rather than actual planning or subterfuge.

I'm not saying he's dumb but he didnt show he's smart either. He just gave off the impression he's cultured.

Never played 1 nor im really sure mundus's plan makes a ton of sense on paper since why not wait till he fully woke up than go attack Dante nor did he fully use Trish or Vergil to fully screw with Dante's head.

My Suggestions:

- An angelic villain who later reveals that he is Eva's family and that Eva was actually an angel ( DMC5 not DmC 2 )
- An rival of Mundus who had been sealed off by him. Now, after mundus's death he assumed the position of king and wishes to destroy all of humanity
- A brother of sparda who had been banned from hell but wants to buy his way back in by presenting hell with the heads of the 2 brothers and their father
- Mundus's son. A demonic equivalent of dante and vergil who is extremely strong and badass. He doesnt want revenge, he just wants to prove to the demons that he can achieve what his father couldnt by killing the sparda family
- Lady. Dante steals her underwear and hoists them up as flags so she gets mad, turns herself into a demon and vows to kill dante.

i would say just cut out the middleman for the first one and just make Eva and angel/villian.

She could just be a human who ascends to heaven and becomes an angel because she was a badass in her human life. she goes villian because over the course of her angelhood (20+ years after her death) her perspective changes and she joins up with a group of evil angels who just want to restart the universe and start fresh.

just combine #2 and #4.

#5 is funny but i got a way to do that seriously.


Vergil's apprentice, the successor to yamato
i would say just cut out the middleman for the first one and just make Eva and angel/villian.

She could just be a human who ascends to heaven and becomes an angel because she was a badass in her human life. she goes villian because over the course of her angelhood (20+ years after her death) her perspective changes and she joins up with a group of evil angels who just want to restart the universe and start fresh.

just combine #2 and #4.

#5 is funny but i got a way to do that seriously.
2 boys fighting against their mother?
Man that is outrageously sick and twisted, why would any one want that?
Dante's not that smart period. Dante's just all brawn though out the series. if he was smart, he'd be handling his money better, wouldn't be destroying bridges just cause he can (DMC anime episode 2) and he'd actually go out and live life instead of being cooped up in his office all day.

Some people may prefer being alone rather than socialising that much,I do know I stay in my home much more than I go outside.Not to add,what would be the point of Dante going outside so much? He's different from the rest,he has another way of living,he has few people who he can trust like Lady,Trish,Nero etc.,staying outside and having better social skills with humans doesn't make you smarter.

The 'destroying bridges' thing,well,who cares?How many things weren't destroyed in DMC?

He may not be that 'intelligent' with human-like stuff like money and socialising,but he knows how to handle different situations and how to get over them.And this isn't something that a smart person can't do.


Enma Katana no Kami
if the question is what do i expect the answer is obvious. we have had Mundus, then an old guy who wanted to be a god, then another old guy who wanted to be a god, then a third old guy who wanted to be a god then Mundus again. the only thing that can be reasonably expected from DMC5 is a fourth old guy who wants to be a god.

if the question is what do i want the answer would be anything interesting with someone who is not an old guy who wants to be a god preferred.


Well-known Member
Next villain(s):
The demons in hell have had enough of Sparda and his sons. One of them that stands out the most, plans to kill Dante and the humans.

Out of nowhere 5 different portals are opened up, and 5 different things come out of it like meteors.

They are all demons. And its up to Dante, Nero and others to defend humans.

All 5 of the demons are very strong, with 1 of them being exceptionally strong.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
Dante's not that smart period. Dante's just all brawn though out the series. if he was smart, he'd be handling his money better, wouldn't be destroying bridges just cause he can (DMC anime episode 2) and he'd actually go out and live life instead of being cooped up in his office all day.

thats not stupidity. thats carelessness. its all a part of his devil may care attitude
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