New dmc4 with vergil teased

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OMG yes, TROPHIES are now possible, Nero explained (hopefully) Vergil! Probably a lot of clean-up graphics and gameplay, framerate and sh** omg omg yes.
Well this certainly is a reason to get excited for the series again if you ask me.

These new "definitive editions" seem like a attempt at correcting problems the games had in the first place, DMC4 should have had more on Vergil given Nero's apparent connection to him, good to see that we may be getting more insight on the whole Nero and Vergil connection.

Also I'm curious how they are going to explain Vergil being alive here, and also how he is no longer Nelo Angelo.

But this could just be a non canon playable mode featuring Vergil.
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It will likely be very much like DMC3:SE with a playable Vergil mode most likely coinciding with the novel's depiction of Vergil's time in Fortuna.
I hope they answer some of my issues with 4. I do wonder how in the world DMC3 Vergil will fit into all this though...
I hope they answer some of my issues with 4. I do wonder how in the world DMC3 Vergil will fit into all this though...
Likely it will mirror his appearance in the DMC4 novel, where he goes to Fortuna looking for more answers about their father Sparda, among other debatable things. Otherwise only other chance is Vergil did not become 100% Mundus' slave at the end of DMC3. Before DMC3 or between DMC3 and DMC1 are the only times Vergil isn't guaranteed to be busy with canon events.
As glad as I am to play Vergil I would like Capcom to announce that various things will be fixed like Nero getting more melee weapons! I also hope Vergil fights with more than just Yamato... Perhaps he could retain Beowulf and get an ice weapon from Bael. I NEED GAMEPLAY!!!!
I doubt it, unless they try to imply that Vergil killed the demons whose souls yielded the devil arms (and fire arm) Gilgamesh, Lucifer, and Pandora and was the one who left them in Fortuna. (Appropriate since both fit Vergil's style, even Pandora is a demonic weapon with a number of gun forms, at least 1 of the techniques we had access to was a bladed weapon)
I can't wait for more news on DMC4....this is best DMC news i've heard since last 5 years :D
If this is true, then at least we'll get to play classic Vergil again. I'm definitely waiting to see how Capcom would do his playstyle this time. I hope they would add some moves to Yamato.
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Hoping they would actually explore his character more maybe? But given his last words during the trailer, i kinda doubting it.
They can still explore his character while keeping to those words. Maybe the reason why he wanted more power is more complex than we thought. There is also the fact that in the novel Sanctus talks how Vergil visited Fortuna one night. They could use that.
I think it's just fanservice, honestly. If he gets his own storyline, they need to explore him wether they want it or not...if he's only reskinned Dante, it won't matter anyway :(
Well, re-skinned Dante would suck, but even DMC3:SE didn't so that, it was a Vergil model that behaved its own way, and they just added 2 new opening cutscenes just for him and one secret movie at the end. Everything in-between was playing as this new Vergil through old missions (I do like that they gave Yamato a 'darkness' element to do cool kinds of damage to Beowulf and Fallen) So if it's exactly like DMC3:SE, then we'll get 2 explanatory opening cutscenes, a play through of all the same missions (with a few tiny tweaks) and a secret movie at the end.

Question: What about Nero's missions could Dante probably not operate through, and what about any of Dante's missions could Nero not get through? I'm assuming most of the answers will be "Nero got from point A to point B with DB. Also the Slicers." I honestly imagine Vergil's Darkslayer techniques could be used in place of Devil Bringer. Instead of grab-and-swoosh, he just poofs in the intended direction.

I will be satisfied if everything gets a graphical update (audio too) there is noticeable rebalancing and added sharpness to movement and such, that Vergil is playable and somewhat fresh gameplay (at least for him) and this opportunity is used to add scenes clarifying Nero's origins and/or relation to Vergil.

And additional costumes.
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