Omg lol, I think that you naysayers already said through older threads and posts you'll see for yourself.I understand where Dark Drakan is coming from about not wanting flame wars to start up.
But telling us naysayers not to voice our opinion is not the solution nor is it fair to do so. We have just as much of a right to say our thoughts on the trailer as much as the people who love the new direction and trailers have to say theirs.
Telling us to wait to the final product to be released is basically like telling us to "Shut up and don't give your opinion until its released" is not right or fair to the fanbase and members of the forum.
As I said there IS a solution and the solution is for people to be more respectable towards others opinions. If someone does not like it let them have their opinion and if someone does let them have their opinion.
simple as that.
If you want to say something say but it has already been said in those threads and posts.
lots of flaming too.