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New Devil May Cry (Project/Ideas)

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Like what?
Resident Evil Outbreak- David King was one of the playable characters and worked as a building handyman
Dead Rising 3- Nick Ramos was a car mechanic.

So i started thinking about how to use his job as a handyman in the game's mechanics.


Resident Evil Outbreak- David King was one of the playable characters and worked as a building handyman
Dead Rising 3- Nick Ramos was a car mechanic.

So i started thinking about how to use his job as a handyman in the game's mechanics.






There could be secret missions and secret boss fights. The player can explore and fingd secret places where he/she will fight secret bosses that have nothing to do with the plot.


Richard finds a strange column of light filled with purple lightning and approaches it and is teleported to a large hall with the symbol of a clown laughing at the center of the floor.

A clown dressed in purple comes out. It's Jester.

R: Who are you?

J: Hello there! Welcome to hell!! My name it's Jester.

R: You don't...

J: *he stops Richard's mouth* Ssshhh... don't talk little boy or Jester will have to spank you!!

R: Eh!? Don't touch me!! *he push Jester*

J: It seems that the Jester should teach you good manners!! Ohohohahahaahahah!!


Richard wins

J: *fakes his death* Oops... *gets up* AHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! *he desappears*

R: Thats why i hate clowns...

A blue orb shard appears. Richard takes the shard and and he is teleported away.

Do you like this idea? What do you think about it?



The Underground
Entra nella grotta e trova il tempio degli eterni.

Richard si risveglia dentro una macchina.

R: Mmhh... * tossisce* D-dove sono? *egli si gira e vede un uomo di spalle seduto sul cofano all'esterno della macchina *

R: Mh?! * egli esce dalla macchina*

N: Finalmente ti sei svegliato. Sei rimasto incosciente per più di un'ora! * egli da un morso al panino che ha in mano*

R: Davvero? Perché sono svenuto?

N: Propabilmente sei svenuto per il troppo calore. Questo non é un posto per umani e soprattutto non é un posto per bambini! Prendi questo... * egli porge una bottiglia d'acqua a Richard*

R: Grazie... * beve un sorso* Perché mi hai salvato?

N: Sei piccolo... non devi morire così presto. * si gira verso Richard e gli parla faccia a faccia* E dovevo dimostrarti che non tutti i demoni sono cattivi...

R: * arrossisce* ... Mi dispiace...

N: Non preoccuparti. Dove devi andare? Vuoi un passaggio?

R: Well... I have to go to the Temple Of The Eternals.

N: I'm new here but... that seems to be a very dangerous place!

R: Sei nuovo? Da dove vieni?

N: Fortuna...

R: Cool! Ci sono stato in vacanza un anno fa. É una città bellisima e la chiesa dell'Ordine della Spada é meravigliosa!

N: Yeah...thanks... so ti serve un passaggio o no?

R: Oh scusami. Non preoccuparti, userò la mia moto.

N: Ok, ci vediamo la.


Richard attraversa i boschi e le strade nebbiose sotto la pioggia con la sua moto.


... Quindi... quel demone non é... malvagio.
Non ho mai incontrato un demone buono come lui...
Senza di lui sarei morto...
Quindi anche un demone é capace di amare proprio come un essere umano?
E quell'altro... diceva di essere suo padre.
Che cosa strana!

Richard si ferma davanti all'entrata di una grande grotta.

R: Sembra che dovrò improvvisarmi geologo... Hehe * egli prende una torcia e si addentra nella grotta*

Addentrati nella grotta e trova il tempio degli eterni.

Questa parte del gioco é più complicata perché la grotta é piena di oscurità e Richard deve tenere la torcia con la mano sinistra e fare tutto il resto con la destra.

Richard avanza nelle grotte.

R: * vede un mucchio di gemme luminose* Wow!! * si avvicina ai cristalli*

I cristalli cominciano a muoversi e a brillare.

R: W-what the...

I cristalli si mettono assieme per formare un unico aglomerato.

Nuovo demone

Crystal Golem

Un mucchio di cristalli dall'aspetto affascinante che attirano le ignare vittime verso ciò che in realtà é un demone mortale.
Ne esistono varie tipologie, distinguibili tramite il colore dei cristalli.
ZAFFIRO: Picchiatore (melee attacks)
AMETISTA: Arciere (attacchi a distanza)
RUBINO: (erige colonne di cristalli appuntiti dal terreno per attaccare le vittime)
SMERALDO: É capace di curare gli altri Crystal Golem utilizzando poteri magici.

Richard prende il suo catalogo.
Cool scene where Richard fights and writes at the same time.

Richard sconfigge i demoni, avanza nella grotta e trova una bellissima città sotterranea fatta di pietre e cristalli.

R: Wow... this is gonna be fun!

Richard avanza nella città esplorando, combattendo e risolvendo puzzle.

Richard raggiunge una sala al centro della città in cui c'è una colonna di luce che arriva dall'alto.
Le entrate si chiudono.

R: ****...

Un gigantesco demone fatto di cristalli compare.
Quando questo demone demone si trova sotto la colonna di luce diventa invulnerabile e Richard deve colpirlo per spingerlo nell'oscurità per potergli infliggere danni.

Crystal King BOSS FIGHT


Il Crystal King si frantuma.

R: * prende un pezzo di cristallo da terra*
Prendo un souvenir...



Well-known Member
Hello sensible Devil May Cry fans, first time posting.

The Devil May Cry series has lots of ways for expansion. There are open ended plot points and gaps to fill in and base many games off from.

Nero can be expanded on and his powers may develop, with the Perfect Yamato DT being a good power up.

There can be games where someone(presumably Nero) goes to the Demon world to help Dante after the events of DMC2.

Sparda's legend can get some expansion. Original Sparda prequel can expand on how he awoke to humanity 2000 years ago and separated the two worlds and put down Mundus.

Lesser Sparda prequels can show what he did during these 2000 in the human world, and how the Order got to worship him.

Vergil had a short conquest against Mundus after DMC3. We can have 10 missions detailing this. And how Yamato broke(by Mundus in the final battle obviously)



Richard wakes up in a car.

R: Mmhh ... * cough * W-where am I? * he turns and sees a man sitting on the hood of the car *

R: Mh ?! * he leaves the car *

N: You finally woke up. You remained unconscious for over an hour! * he takes a bite from the sandwich in his hand *

R: Really? Why did I faint?

N: You've probably fainted for too much heat. This is not a place for humans and above all it is not a place for children! Take this ... * he hands Richard a bottle of water *

A: Thanks ... * takes a sip * Why did you save me?

N: You're young ... you do not have to die so soon. * turns to Richard and talks to him face to face * And I had to show you that not all the demons are evil ...

R: * blushes * ... I'm sorry ...

N: Do not worry. Where do you have to go? Do you want a lift?

A: Well ... I have to go to the Temple of the Eternals.

N: I'm new here but ... that seems to be a very dangerous place!

R: Are you new? Where are you from?

N: Fortuna ...

A: Cool! I was on vacation a year ago. It is a beautiful city and the Church of the Order of the Sword is wonderful!

N: Yeah ... thanks ... do you need a ride or not?

R: Oh sorry. Do not worry, I'll use my bike.

N: OK, see you there.


Richard crosses the woods and the foggy roads in the rain with his motorbike.


... So ... that demon is not ... evil.
I've never met a good demon like him ...
Without him I would have died ...
So even a demon is able to love just like a human being?
And that other ... he said he was his father.
What a strange thing!

Richard stops at the entrance to a large cave.

R: It seems I will have to improvise as a geologist ... Hehe * he takes a torch and goes into the cave *

Enter the cave and find the temple of the eternal.

This part of the game is more complicated because the cave is full of darkness and Richard has to hold the flashlight with his left hand and do all the rest with his right hand.

Richard advances in the caves.

A: * sees a bunch of bright gems * Wow !! * approaches the crystals *

The crystals begin to move and shine.

R: W-what the ...

The crystals are put together to form a single agglomerate.


Crystal Golem

A bunch of charming looking crystals that attract the unaware victims to what is actually a deadly demon.
There are various types, distinguished by the color of the crystals.
SAPPHIRE: Scrubber (melee attacks)
Amethyst: Archer (ranged attacks)
Ruby: (erects columns of sharp crystals from the ground to attack the victims)
EMERALD: It is able to cure the other Crystal Golems using magical powers.

Richard takes his catalog.
Cool scene where Richard fights and writes at the same time.

Richard defeats the demons, advances into the cave and finds a beautiful underground city made of stones and crystals.

A: Wow ... this is gonna be fun!

Richard advances in the city by exploring, fighting and solving puzzles.

Richard reaches a room in the center of the city where there is a column of light coming from above.
The entries close.

R: **** ...

A giant demon made of crystals appears.
When this demon is under the column of light it becomes invulnerable and Richard must hit it to push it into the darkness to be able to inflict damage on it.

Crystal King BOSS FIGHT


The Crystal King shatters.

A: * takes a piece of crystal off the ground *
I'll get a souvenir ...




I created a list of voice actors for Richard. What do you think about it? Whats your favorite?

Jacob Hopkins
Zack Shada
Zach Callison
Tara Strong
Ryan Potter
Jamie Chang
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