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Netflix's Death Note


Fake Geek Girl.
So, as some of you may have heard, the Netflix original adaption of the hit anime and manga series Death Note (one I really like) is being made. And we now have more information regarding the film's cast and crew.

Nat Wolff (from films such as The Fault in Our Stars and the indie hit Paper Towns) will be playing:
Light Turner.

Keith Stanfield (Straight Outta Compton) will be playing:

Margaret Qualley is:
Mia Sutton

Paul Nakauchi as:

Shea Whigham is:
James Turner

The director is Adam Wingard, who was behind a really good horror film called "You're Next" with executive producers like Brian Witten who worked on American History X.

Overall, I gotta say, I have hope for this film. As a pretty avid fan of the Death Note franchise, I'd love to just have a great Death Note film, and the people behind it sound pretty promising. Plus, with it being a Netflix production, that also gives them a lot more freedom than just being under Warner Bros. watchful eye. They can just continue to eff up the DC Universe and leave Death Note alone for all I care.

What do you think? Are you hopeful for this adaption as well?


V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I'm not as excited as I should be because there were a bunch of good Japanese adaptations so I would have preferred them tackle a property that wasn't done before.

Like if they were doing Fullmetal Alchemist, I'd be more interested in it.

But I still have a Netflix account and if the trailer wows me then sure.
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Earthbound Immortal
I'm not as excited as I should be because there were a bunch of good Japanese adaptations so I would have preferred them tackle a property that wasn't done before.
Like Del Toro's adaption of "Monster".

Come on Netflix, HBO is not an option anymore. Pick it up...please. :angel:


Well-known Member
People who never read the manga/watched the anime will probably appreciate it more, due to not having specific expectations, just like how a lot of people who watched Edge Of Tomorrow didn't know it was based on a Japanese novel.


Well-known Member
I don't understand. Is it a trasposition in USA ? I infer from the not-japanese surnames.
In this case , I can accept the lack of similarity of the actors with the characters they represent.
Anyway I saw the anime and the three live action movie, and I liked them. I hope that they won't devastate the all.


Fake Geek Girl.
People who never read the manga/watched the anime will probably appreciate it more, due to not having specific expectations, just like how a lot of people who watched Edge Of Tomorrow didn't know it was based on a Japanese novel.
I've read the novel and manga of what Edge of Tomorrow was based on, and still thought the movie was great. It mainly just changes up the ending, but that's not a bad thing because it still totally worked.

As a massive fan of Death Note, I simply just would like a good movie out of it. I'd say we should wait for a trailer or something before people start writing it off. The people working on it actually have talent which gives me hope that this could be an adaption done right.

Besides, the Japanese movies, while I have them all, were decent at best. The second film is without a doubt the best of the three, and the ending in the films are actually WAY BETTER than the original anime and manga.

The L Change The World spinoff though, ehhh. Read the novel of that, it's totally what that movie should have been.


Earthbound Immortal
For those dissatisfied with the Japanese movie, there is a TV series that aired last year and can be watched legally on Crunchyroll. It does have some deviations from the original manga though so be warned.


Fake Geek Girl.
For those dissatisfied with the Japanese movie, there is a TV series that aired last year and can be watched legally on Crunchyroll. It does have some deviations from the original manga though so be warned.
I watched like half of that series, but never got around to finishing it. It was.......ok. Not very good, but not the worst thing I've ever seen either. L not acting like L and just being this clean freak with an addiction to Caprisun or something was kinda off putting to me. And Light in the series is trying to be more of a heroic type character instead of just the villain he becomes.

That's what I've always liked about Light, you can argue he had somewhat noble intentions, but he's not a good person. He isn't the good guy.


Earthbound Immortal
That's what I've always liked about Light, you can argue he had somewhat noble intentions, but he's not a good person. He isn't the good guy.
I think what they were doing was trying to show a more gradual decent into madness whereas in the manga, Light is abnormal from the start. Light himself was a weak part of the show for me since I didn't care for him as the protagonist.

Having evil people be the protag is always difficult to get right. Now "Akumetsu", that is a manga with an interesting guy (read: terrorist) as the "Hero". Going into that, I'd never thought that I'd cry over the ending...but I digress.


I Saw the Devil
After the anime and movie I decided that the only way to enjoy Death Note was in the originally manga. The anime was needlessly-- retardidly-- theatrical and operatic and the movie was just plain unimpressive.

There is this one episode in the anime where this dude is writing names on the book because these dudes on TV were not doing things the Kira way and when he was writing so hard that he actually leaped out of his chair... are you f***ing ****ing on the **** of the neighbor's ****'s 3 legged **** kidding me!?? That was moronic and I walked away from the show after like 3 of those. Dumb!:mad: Literally the best cat and mouse story I've ever read and the dumb asses at who ever animated it decided it needed to that? They can go suck a fat one.

Anyway, I don't like westernization, you loose a lot of the flavor of the story and the details so I'll watch an episode and if it doesn't impress I won't stick with it.


Fake Geek Girl.
Anyway, I don't like westernization, you loose a lot of the flavor of the story and the details so I'll watch an episode and if it doesn't impress I won't stick with it.
I don't see how taking this to the west will really detract from the overall story. This is a story that can EASILY transition over to America and still stay relatively the same.


I Saw the Devil
I don't see how taking this to the west will really detract from the overall story. This is a story that can EASILY transition over to America and still stay relatively the same.
I didn't say story, I said flavor of the story and details. One example of details is that unless they casted an Asian cat as Light they'd have to change the name to something besides Yagami, like they already did there. It's the details that make it what it is and sometimes the best adaptation is the one that doesn't stick closely to the source material and sometimes it's the opposite but either way, I know that most westernization I've seen I've disliked, it's all in the details.

Also, I like the way Light Yagami rolls off the tongue, I'm going to miss that. Turner just doesn't feel natural.


Fake Geek Girl.
I didn't say story, I said flavor of the story and details. One example of details is that unless they casted an Asian cat as Light they'd have to change the name to something besides Yagami, like they already did there. It's the details that make it what it is and sometimes the best adaptation is the one that doesn't stick closely to the source material and sometimes it's the opposite but either way, I know that most westernization I've seen I've disliked, it's all in the details.

Also, I like the way Light Yagami rolls off the tongue, I'm going to miss that. Turner just doesn't feel natural.
That sounds extremely pedantic.

The identity of Death Note doesn't lie within Japanese names (L isn't even Japanese) or its culture. Its tale ultimately revolves around the theme of moral relevance.

Sure some people might argue the Shinigami are particularly of Japanese culture, but contrary to popular belief they weren't part of traditional Japanese mythology. And overall, they are just their version of the Grim Reaper.


Earthbound Immortal
I do wonder how closely they'll follow the original manga. Personally, I only liked the story up until chapter 58.

You know the one...


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Eeeeh, doesn't really matter to me. I'm not gonna say whitewashing, because I'm honestly tired of talking about it, so instead I'm just gonna say whatever to this.


I Saw the Devil
That sounds extremely pedantic.

The identity of Death Note doesn't lie within Japanese names (L isn't even Japanese) or its culture. Its tale ultimately revolves around the theme of moral relevance.

Sure some people might argue the Shinigami are particularly of Japanese culture, but contrary to popular belief they weren't part of traditional Japanese mythology. And overall, they are just their version of the Grim Reaper.
You're really missing the point. I just mentioned the name as a personal thing where a certain detail missing will be missed. My point was that I don't like that many Westernizations because they are often crap or not as good as the original. They take the big ideas and incorporate them but the details are always wrong. For example the father in the Ring is a total tool in the american version, nothing like the original, the entire cast of Let the Right One In looked like everyday people but the American cast were all much less so and the lead was clearly an actress, Shall We Dance was about the cultural stigma of Japanese people not finding ballroom dancing acceptable but since that's not a thing in America it was about infidelity, in my Sassy Girl whenever the Korean girl was been 'sassy' she felt bold but when the American girl did it she just came off as another New Yorker with a bitchy attitude, instead of making the end of the Uninvited similar to A Tale of Two Sisters and adding a dramatic scene at the end the opted to go with the most cliche ending and having her go on a killing spree when they made the big reveal, and so on and so forth. They always copy the plot, sure, but never get the details right, as in the small changes they tend to make to adapt the story for Americans usually just cheapen the movie.

I should probably specify that more to Americanization since a lot of those remakes are from already western movies.


Fake Geek Girl.
You're really missing the point. I just mentioned the name as a personal thing where a certain detail missing will be missed. My point was that I don't like that many Westernizations because they are often crap or not as good as the original. They take the big ideas and incorporate them but the details are always wrong. For example the father in the Ring is a total tool in the american version, nothing like the original,
The American remake of The Ring was better than the original Japanese film. I don't know why so many people act like the original film is superior. Sure the American sequel sucked, but the first film totally got it right. It didn't pull random plot threads out its ass like the original, and the production value was so much better.

Eeeeh, doesn't really matter to me. I'm not gonna say whitewashing, because I'm honestly tired of talking about it, so instead I'm just gonna say whatever to this.
Sure, it's another case of whitewashing. Even though L is a black guy this time around, and Watari is still Japanese.

FFS man. Stop using that term so loosely when it obviously doesn't apply here.
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I do want a scene where Light shows Ryuk an episode of Bleach and Ryuk remarks at how much they got wrong about shinigami.:cool:

Tbh I probably would have made Light Japanese-American just to keep that connection.
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