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Nero's development and story discussion (no bullshit allowed).


Now, my take on his overall development as playable character, lets first talk about gameplay, which i think is the most important thing for the series:

Overall, Nero has already a quite good but shallow gameplay compared to Dante's one. I've not explored his gameplay to the fullest extent, that's one of the reasons why i invited ChaserTech to contribute on this thread, he has kinda a great knowledge on Nero and he can correct me if i screw up on something while describing and showing how my ideas could be applied.

Basicaly, Nero's advanced gameplay foundations could be defined as this:

- Jump cancels, similar to Dante, but without having to mix the attacks from other weapons.
- Devil Bringer, DT activation, Exceed and Blue Rose gimmicks (mainly level 3 charged shot)
- His awesome melee aerial attacks

I think that we could take two different paths to make his gameplay more deep, more weapons applies to both purposes:

1. Giving him some styles just like Dante, as MultiBro proposed, he would have his very own styles while keeping one style to the Devil Bringer alone. No much need to make changes on the button mapping, just give him new weapons (mapping it to R2) and that's it. The idea that he could dual-wielding weapons always keeping Red Queen on any of his hands would be cool to keep the Exceed mechanic working while still making some sense.
- Pros: Nero's gameplay would become deep in the same way Dante's gameplay is. Giving him 4 or 5 styles would make him have some diversity.
- Cons: His gameplay would be very similar to Dante's in his very foundations. Thus killing all the purpose of making him a suitable character for newcomers to the series and casual players, and making him look even more like a "copy" of Dante

2. The same ideas to dual-wielding weapons applies here. The diference of this purpose would be that Nero wouldn't have changable styles by itself, instead he would change his weapons with the D-PAD and could acess all of them just like pressing R2 with Dante, he would have more (besides the basics with melee button) three (ground) to six new movements (aerial) with each weapon (adding a "style" button for him) while still sustaining the exceed mechanics that would work different for each weapon double-handled with Red Queen. The Devil Bringer could keep his basic mechanics, but i think that something can be upgraded or changed in his DB. - Pros: Nero would be a character with a gigantic list of movements, although his gameplay would stay basically the same thing like we see on DMC4, just with much more movements and weapons. He would play very different than Dante on some degree, as you'll would have to rely in his offensive movements and not in the usefulness of multiple styles. He would still be a nice character for newcomers and casuals, keeping his basic mechanics and all that cinematic thing with DB.
- Cons: If the weapons overall are not creative, all this ideas could be a total failure. If they are too similar, playing Nero would become boring at some point, so creativity is a "must" if a thing like that would be implemented.

Later i'll try to dive more on how i would like him to be developed and showing how would be a good way to explain some of his plotholes and his past (assuming that Vergil is his father). Just some general ideas, not really writting a whole story here.


Well-known Member
Just want to remind everyone:


Solid Ocelot
Hey, guys! *evil Agnus voice*: I...HAVE...ARRIIVEEED.

Yeah, I've got some ideas, though they're probably nothing special XD
Here goes.

I'd like Nero to resemble Sparda more, since that was the whole theme of DMC4: him embracing his demonic side, whereas in the case of Sparda it was the opposite: he embraced his 'human' side (not that he has one biologically). Sounded an awful lot like Sparda when Nero said: ''I will endure the exile. Anything to protect her.'' Seriously, what exile? He never got along with anyone, really. Always worked alone, so... exile? What?
I wouldn't make Vergil his father, really. It doesn't make sense; Vergil would not want his son to be mainly human, and would not want Nero to live with that. He would only have a child with a higher demon, but even that is unlikely. If Nero has to be Vergil's son, I'd make him an experiment of some sort. Maybe somebody combined Vergil's and Dante's blood and created Nero, or took Sparda's blood and altered it. Or maybe Vergil did that himself; it would explain what he was doing in Fortuna, aside from wanting to know more about Sparda. I know Sparda basically controlled Fortuna, so Nero might have something to do with that.

Nero could have twins with Kyrie. She would then get attacked by demons like Eva, but Nero would save them. And in doing so, laying part of Vergil's soul to rest. The gate to the demon world should be closed again, like Sparda did with the Temen Ni Gru.

The Devil Bringer doesn't make much sense, but that can be fixed. Maybe the DB is a partial Devil Trigger; we know DTs arise when demons are injured severely. So that happened when Nero got wounded on the arm in Mitis Forest. Some part of Nero's soul did not want to transform, as he didn't accept his demonic blood. When Nero was mortally wounded in Agnus's lab, the Yamato (or part of Vergil's soul) gave him a Vergil-like Devil Trigger. It's pretty logical, really. The Yamato allowed Vergil to have a DT, while Rebellion gave Dante the DT, therefore Nero got a Vergil DT when the Yamato helped him. So maybe one of his weapons would eventually contain part of his soul, like the Rebellion and Yamato did for Dante and Vergil. Maybe he'll get stabbed with the Red Queen, and he will actually transform, like in the official art (my avatar).

Gameplay-wise, I'm not sure I'd give him styles; maybe just some more weapons. I like zweihänders, so I'd give him one, similar to Nero Angelo's weapon, only less evil-looking. Or maybe the Sparda sword. I'd also give him a weapon that combines a knight's sword with a shield, to go with the theme of 'The Dark Knight (Sparda)'. That would be similar to Royal Guard, perhaps. If possible, I'd give him two katanas to wield, sort of like Solidus Snake in MGS2. One would have a red theme, the other blue, to correspond with his appearance in DMC4 and the theme of a balance between demon and human. I do think Nero needs to have at least one weapon that allows him to be faster than in DMC4. I mean, compare Dante to Nero and the difference is huge. I also think Nero should be able to fly, like Dante could in DMC3. It's fun, so why not?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Hey, guys! *evil Agnus voice*: I...HAVE...ARRIIVEEED.

Yeah, I've got some ideas, though they're probably nothing special XD
Here goes.

I'd like Nero to resemble Sparda more, since that was the whole theme of DMC4: him embracing his demonic side, whereas in the case of Sparda it was the opposite: he embraced his 'human' side (not that he has one biologically). Sounded an awful lot like Sparda when Nero said: ''I will endure the exile. Anything to protect her.'' Seriously, what exile? He never got along with anyone, really. Always worked alone, so... exile? What?

I think he meant if people found out he was half demon, then humans would exile him. But he didn't care. He just wanted to protect Kyrie.

I wouldn't make Vergil his father, really. It doesn't make sense; Vergil would not want his son to be mainly human, and would not want Nero to live with that. He would only have a child with a higher demon, but even that is unlikely. If Nero has to be Vergil's son, I'd make him an experiment of some sort. Maybe somebody combined Vergil's and Dante's blood and created Nero, or took Sparda's blood and altered it. Or maybe Vergil did that himself; it would explain what he was doing in Fortuna, aside from wanting to know more about Sparda. I know Sparda basically controlled Fortuna, so Nero might have something to do with that.

If someone took both Dante AND Vergil's blood, then Nero should legitimately be stronger then Dante. I guess it depends on what time period did someone take Dante and Vergil's blood. If during DMC3 then yeah Nero would lose to Dante since in DMC4 Dante's already surpassed his own father.

Nero could have twins with Kyrie. She would then get attacked by demons like Eva, but Nero would save them. And in doing so, laying part of Vergil's soul to rest. The gate to the demon world should be closed again, like Sparda did with the Temen Ni Gru.

Wouldn't the twins be more human then demon since Nero is a quarter demon?

The Devil Bringer doesn't make much sense, but that can be fixed. Maybe the DB is a partial Devil Trigger; we know DTs arise when demons are injured severely. So that happened when Nero got wounded on the arm in Mitis Forest. Some part of Nero's soul did not want to transform, as he didn't accept his demonic blood. When Nero was mortally wounded in Agnus's lab, the Yamato (or part of Vergil's soul) gave him a Vergil-like Devil Trigger. It's pretty logical, really. The Yamato allowed Vergil to have a DT, while Rebellion gave Dante the DT, therefore Nero got a Vergil DT when the Yamato helped him. So maybe one of his weapons would eventually contain part of his soul, like the Rebellion and Yamato did for Dante and Vergil. Maybe he'll get stabbed with the Red Queen, and he will actually transform, like in the official art (my avatar).

Red queen isn't a Devil Arm though. It's a modified sword. As for the Devil Bringer, I think its part of a permanent DT that didn't fully form on him, and only fully evolved on his arm.

Gameplay-wise, I'm not sure I'd give him styles; maybe just some more weapons. I like zweihänders, so I'd give him one, similar to Nero Angelo's weapon, only less evil-looking. Or maybe the Sparda sword. I'd also give him a weapon that combines a knight's sword with a shield, to go with the theme of 'The Dark Knight (Sparda)'. That would be similar to Royal Guard, perhaps. If possible, I'd give him two katanas to wield, sort of like Solidus Snake in MGS2. One would have a red theme, the other blue, to correspond with his appearance in DMC4 and the theme of a balance between demon and human. I do think Nero needs to have at least one weapon that allows him to be faster than in DMC4. I mean, compare Dante to Nero and the difference is huge. I also think Nero should be able to fly, like Dante could in DMC3. It's fun, so why not?


Keyser Söze
I think he meant if people found out he was half demon, then humans would exile him. But he didn't care. He just wanted to protect Kyrie.
that's just completely stupid humans don't really seem to mind demons living between them as long as they blend in human world.
If someone took both Dante AND Vergil's blood, then Nero should legitimately be stronger then Dante
That's again silly Dante only has 1/2 of Sparda's blood yet he was able to surpass him
Wouldn't the twins be more human then demon since Nero is a quarter demon?
Well who knows ? maybe Kyrie IS A DEMON IN DISGUISE ?? now that would be awesome !


Devil hunter in training
For me, the poor guy had a lot of wasted potential. It seemed like they were trying to make Nero as a more bad tempered version of DMC3 Dante, while his emotional moments (the infamous KYRIEEE crying scene) came off as cheesy to me.

They had a lot of chance to give him a good backstory, but he was hardly explained. The most we get is that he was sent to an orphanage, and his arm changed during a demon attack.
As for his origins, that has just caused a lot of confusion. I wish Capcom had been more clear on that during the game instead of releasing stories in Japanese that imply things and aren't even cannon stories to boot.

Also, if he really was meant to be Vergil's kid, then Nero should act more like him in some way. If anything, Nero was more like DMC3 Dante....at least in my opinion.

I also would have liked him to be given some styles like Dante. His devil bringer was a good change in combat though. I did enjoy grabbing enemies and throwing them around.


Solid Ocelot
I think he meant if people found out he was half demon, then humans would exile him. But he didn't care. He just wanted to protect Kyrie.

Yeah, but Nero was never part of human society anyway, really. He already was pretty much exiled. That's why I thought that quote fit Sparda more than Nero. Sparda was the one who risked never wanting to be seen again by possible relatives and other demons.

If someone took both Dante AND Vergil's blood, then Nero should legitimately be stronger then Dante. I guess it depends on what time period did someone take Dante and Vergil's blood. If during DMC3 then yeah Nero would lose to Dante since in DMC4 Dante's already surpassed his own father.

Not necessarily. We don't know how it would work. How would we know an experiment isn't weaker than the original? But who knows, maybe Nero is about as strong as Dante was in DMC3, yes.

Wouldn't the twins be more human then demon since Nero is a quarter demon?

Yup. I didn't say anything about the kids, though. I only said Kyrie would get attacked while she was expecting.

Red queen isn't a Devil Arm though. It's a modified sword. As for the Devil Bringer, I think its part of a permanent DT that didn't fully form on him, and only fully evolved on his arm.

That's true. It does seem like Devil Arms need to be forged by a demon or taken from a defeated demon. Sparda forged the Yamato and Rebellion, specifically for Dante and Vergil, I think. So maybe Nero needs to defeat a demon that contains parts of Sparda, or needs to find a demon to forge a weapon for him XD


Solid Ocelot
You guys don't understand, Nero may been "a quarter demon" but in the end of DMC 4 his body was changed. He became 100% demon i think.

Which is what he said to Kyrie

Nope. He said ''If I'm a demon, blabla etc etc'', by which he doesn't mean he's 100 percent demon; he just means that he deduced from what happened earlier, and his arm, that he's a demon (1/4, it seems, if he's Vergil's son). It's obvious that he isn't fully demonic. Only his arm is demonic, and we have not seen him transform in the game. We couldn't make him transform even during the credits. Don't take this the wrong way, but have you played the game, or have you only watched cutscenes?


Well-known Member
Nope. He said ''If I'm a demon, blabla etc etc'', by which he doesn't mean he's 100 percent demon; he just means that he deduced from what happened earlier, and his arm, that he's a demon (1/4, it seems, if he's Vergil's son). It's obvious that he isn't fully demonic. Only his arm is demonic, and we have not seen him transform in the game. We couldn't make him transform even during the credits. Don't take this the wrong way, but have you played the game, or have you only watched cutscenes?
But his devil bringe absorbed demonic stuff.

Surely he must have turned into a demon. How is he so much different from the Order?


Devil hunter in training
But his devil bringe absorbed demonic stuff.
I not sure how it works in DMC. Nero does seem to get powers from absorbing certain objects, like when he gets the pull ability and the anima mercury, but he doesn't gain new abilities like that when he defeats a demon boss and absorbs his power.
I suppose it would stand to reason that defeated demons could enhance his abilities in some way, but it can't change that fact that if Vergil is his father than Nero is only a quarter demon, so no amout of absorbing demons would change that.
Surely he must have turned into a demon. How is he so much different from the Order?
Do you mean the people in The Order who were demons, or the regular human people in The Order? If you mean the demons in The Order, Dante says something to Agnus about they surrendered their humanity to be demonic, but Nero still has feeling and that makes him more human than them even though he has demonic blood in him.


Well-known Member
Do you mean the people in The Order who were demons, or the regular human people in The Order? If you mean the demons in The Order, Dante says something to Agnus about they surrendered their humanity to be demonic, but Nero still has feeling and that makes him more human than them even though he has demonic blood in him.
surrending their humanity means they stopped being good. Credo still had humanity in him despite becoming a demon.

In Agnus case he killed people withiut caring.

humanity=love, compassion and other stuff


Devil hunter in training
surrending their humanity means they stopped being good. Credo still had humanity in him despite becoming a demon.

In Agnus case he killed people withiut caring.

humanity=love, compassion and other stuff
Exactly. Nero has love for Kyrie unlike others who gave up their 'humanity' who have no feeling at all.
I wonder if Credo's form is the way it is because he still cares for Kyrie? Agnus looked like a locust or some kind of insect and Sanctus was more like those armour angels, but Credo was the most angel-like out of all of them.
And Dante does seem to imply that having those kind of feelings makes people like Nero stronger than fake demons like Agnus despite the demonic power.


Well-known Member
Exactly. Nero has love for Kyrie unlike others who gave up their 'humanity' who have no feeling at all.
I wonder if Credo's form is the way it is because he still cares for Kyrie? Agnus looked like a locust or some kind of insect and Sanctus was more like those armour angels, but Credo was the most angel-like out of all of them.
And Dante does seem to imply that having those kind of feelings makes people like Nero stronger than fake demons like Agnus despite the demonic power.
Credo has love for Kyrie.

I believe "Giving up your humanity" is become a being without love. A being without love would not show compassion or care for anything than themself.

Such is the story of Agnus.
And Credo who still had love in his soul.

And Credo believed in The Order philosphy, Sanctus deceived him to a extent.

But my point is: Nero isn´t demon or not demon depending on if he is still has humanity in him.
He´s a demon because of blood or body change.

You can also be a demon in a other form: Such as Arkham. He wasn´t a demon yet he behaved like one.
But at end of day when we´re talking about "Are you Demonic or not?", we´re talking about the powers/blood/ or your body.

My impression is that Nero became a full fledge demon at end.


Solid Ocelot
But his devil bringe absorbed demonic stuff.

Surely he must have turned into a demon. How is he so much different from the Order?

He already was a demon when the game started. He's a descendant of Sparda, after all. Which is why he got the arm when he was injured. If he wasn't a demon, he would not get the Devil Bringer or the Devil Trigger. Unless some weird demon infected his arm and somehow gave him a demon's blood (and that blood would not disappear in his bloodstream, for some reason).

In the end, he already was 1/4 demon (if Vergil is indeed his father). Of course, he didn't know that, since he looked and felt human until he got his Devil Trigger in Agnus's lab. If Dante in DMC3 hadn't known his father was Sparda, he might not have realized he was a demon either. Anyway, Nero absorbing demonic essences with his arm doesn't affect how much of a demon he is. Dante and Vergil are 1/2 demon, and they don't become more demonic by absorbing demons to get Devil Arms either.


Enma Katana no Kami
He already was a demon when the game started. He's a descendant of Sparda, after all. Which is why he got the arm when he was injured. If he wasn't a demon, he would not get the Devil Bringer or the Devil Trigger. Unless some weird demon infected his arm and somehow gave him a demon's blood (and that blood would not disappear in his bloodstream, for some reason).

In the end, he already was 1/4 demon (if Vergil is indeed his father). Of course, he didn't know that, since he looked and felt human until he got his Devil Trigger in Agnus's lab. If Dante in DMC3 hadn't known his father was Sparda, he might not have realized he was a demon either. Anyway, Nero absorbing demonic essences with his arm doesn't affect how much of a demon he is. Dante and Vergil are 1/2 demon, and they don't become more demonic by absorbing demons to get Devil Arms either.
Devil Arms not part of their owner, Nero's Devil Bringer is. So it would be reasonable to say that objects absorbed by it are part of Nero and that he is more demonic than he was at the start of the game (to a very limited degree and without making him less human)


Devil hunter in training
Devil Arms not part of their owner, Nero's Devil Bringer is. So it would be reasonable to say that objects absorbed by it are part of Nero and that he is more demonic than he was at the start of the game (to a very limited degree and without making him less human)
Nero does absorb objects like the anima mercury and gains new abilities from that. Then when he picks up Yamato, he gets his trigger.
As for when he abosrbs defeated demons, I'm not sure. It's not made clear that his powers are enhanced by that....they should be though, but it's not made clear. It's not like he gets a new move or ability after each boss fight.


Well-known Member
There a difference between gameplay and story. Sometimes you see gameplay stuff featured into cutscenes.
Example Vergil's beuwolf.

But have in mind in reality if Vergil had defeted Beowoulf all that wud happen is Beuwolf wud die. Nothing more. So the beuwolf appearing and Vergil using it is cutscenes in "Gameplay" category.

i.e u shudnt consider that as part of the story.

I mean has there even been said in any DMC game's story that "When a demon dies they drop a weapon"?
Or "When you defeat a demon the demon will turn into a weapon".

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
I'm not so sure about story....but what I suggest is to make DMC5 all about Nero, Dante's story ended by DMC3. Heck it felt like DMC4 was trying to make it clear that Dante's time in the limelight was over and it was his last hoorah...for now.

Let Nero learn about his past, heritage, and blah blah.

Lets now get to the meat of the topic. Gameplay.

I say since Nero doesn't use the D-pads and the RT/R2 button...he should use those....*sigh* I don't see why Capcom can't use some ideas from DmC.

Okay to start off, the functionality of the d-pad. It serves similar to how DmC did it but all the while mirror how Dante used the d-pad in DMC4 such as having each direction (all of them this time).

Left changes guns/long range weapons and Right changes Swords/Devil Arms. Up changes styles/abilities and down changes.....wait for it......Devil Trigger abilities/effects.

Okay I'll explain Styles/abilities for Nero. The style button is already mapped to the B/O button so if anything his Buster/Devil Buster is already a Style and Nero has access to other styles...give him a DarkSlayer style that works similar to Vergil's DarkSlayer in DMC3 not Dante's in DMC4....unless if....any other style.....I can't think of any.

Now what do you mean Devil Trigger abilities? Similar to styles that altered your Devil Trigger such as Quicksilver and Doppelganger....yup like that. Nero has access to various other methods of transforming/Devil Trigger outside his Spectral Ghost thingy (that should stay...although a bit altered in design to look fresh...it was hot). Each Devil Trigger state had different affect on Nero and his abilities such as his Original Devil Trigger from DMC4 just makes him attack faster and stronger and practically the same in DMC4. QuickSilver Devil Trigger (although it could be called something else) slows down time but functions a bit in-between DMC3 Quicksilver and DmC's DT that it only launches enemies that were hit by the DT Impact. The Doppleganger DT (or whatever) creates a clone that looks like Vergil...or if anything projects the inner spirit of Yamato in a second physical demonic human shaped form that matches Nero and with this DT ability functions like DMC3's Doppelganger with a mix of DmC Vergil's Doppelganger where you can somewhat control its attack patterns. Heck even an actual DT ability where you transform into an actual demonic form like in the past DMCs with Dante/Vergil/Lucia/Trish and you gain access to various new abilities like flight/glide, supersonic speed, damage boost, auto charge boost, and more. So this Devil Trigger system is somewhat like a more quicker/changeable on the fly version of DMC2's Devil Hearts system (minus the elemental abilities). There should be DT specific abilities for each DT state (okay maybe not Quicksilver) and they each affect almost (if not most of Nero's arsenal/attacks).

Now the order of each section (guns, swords/devil arms, DTs, styles) can be mapped to any d-pad input it doesn't matter but the player should only be able to have 2-3 things set in each category (2-3 guns, 2-3 swords/devil arms, 2-3 DT abilities, and 2-3 styles) at once. The player will/might/should get access to more weapons, abilities, and styles outside 3 each and can change/equip them at anytime (I know Itsuno has a thing against having the player go through an inventory screen or pausing to switch out a weapon/style....although he had problems doing that in DMC2 or Dragon's Dogma) so the player can switch and even order their weapons, abilities, and styles however they want either via the inventory menu through start or whatnot or like how DMC3 did it (at the start of a mission or at a Divinity Statue).

Okay before I go into the role of the RT/R2 and LT/L2 button I should make it clear for to easily improve Nero's arsenal is to give him Yamato (duh) as a separate weapon and proper Summoning Swords just like how Vergil used to use them (not those Spiraling Shurikens...although those can stay as how they were in DMC4) as gun/long range weapons.

Swords/Devil Arms: Red Queen and Yamato
Guns/Long Range Weapons: Blue Rose and Summoning Swords
Styles: Devil Bringer and Dark Slayer
*Note he should have more but these are what he'll start out with for a while*

I say give Nero everything from Vergil (since he is gone...it would be a shame to waste Vergil's sweet combat mechanics on nothing) but change it up...NOT improve it...change it up (have Yamato not only have different moves for the most part but have the equal amount of combos/techniques to Red Queen but keep its signature moves like Judgement Cut, Rapid Slash, and Dimension Slash)...which leads to my next point.

Weapon specific abilities similar to how pressing LT/L2 allowed Red Queen to Exceed and whatnot...why not have every other sword/Devil Arm have a specific ability to the LT/L2 button when equipped/being used such as with Yamato holding it allowed Nero to dual wield either Yamato and Red Queen or Yamato and a random summoned sword for different combos.....or something else...not sure. Each weapon/Devil Arm should have their own.

Lastly, the RT/R2 button...will beeeeee.......an agility button/stance or something.

Taking notes from DMC2, MGR, and *sigh* DmC...I say let the RT/R2 button serve as a stance button when holding it Nero gains new acrobatic feats (almost like an evasive/maneuverability stance) so holding it while moving via movement (left analog stick) will allow Nero to run instantaneously...like Raiden in MGR and while running can shoot and and attack (although it would be repeated slashes and some weapons/attacks could stop Nero in his tracks) while running and other stuff.


Now some of my take on how they could develop Nero's story with general ideas, not going with so much depth in the story itself and assuming that Vergil is really his father:

- Inserting a "prequel" to Vergil's (and even Dante's) story in DMC3 should work as a complement and could reach more deep with Vergil story as a character
- I think that a simple take on why Vergil seems humans as weak beings, why he wanted to attain power for any motivation (killing his humanity once and for all, became a guardian that can protect anything he loves or even a conflict between these two ideals) would be to introduce him to new humans after his mother's death and he becoming separated from Dante, living a life with these humans and probably having a lover in that meantime would explain Nero's birth and his motivations to do what he have done in DMC3
- Another interesting point would be pointing out that his interest in the Black Arts (demonic rituals and things like this) started as a way for him to protect those people he cares (as he sees power as the only legitimate way to protect things as he states to Dante in DMC3), their lifes could be in risk in any manner like one outbreak of some disease or demons constantly attacking those who comes close to him. His lover would have to be in the middle of that crisis thing to serve more as a fuel to his obssession with demonic power and power by itself.
- During his studies he discovers about Fortuna and the Order itself, making him have some relationship with them like it's pointed out on the novels written by Bingo, and even teaching them something about the Black Arts as a way to make them be in his debt. This would explain how Nero get there.
- Giving him a motivation to seclude his son of his own personal quest and at same time making him be safe and unaware about his heritage and all that things; it would even explain some of Dante's actions towards Nero in DMC4, like not being clear on why he left Yamato with him, respecting Vergil's will for he not to bear the burden of being a (Grand)Son of Sparda.
- They would have to show too in a convincing manner Vergil's path to turn into that apparent cold warrior, or even showing his inner fights trying to hide at all costs his human feelings in being more like a demon, like his father that once had freed humanity from the demons using his power.

After setting up this things, they would still have to explain some more things about Nero itself, like... devil bringer.

My take on DB is that it's like Nero's demonic power "condensate" on his human body, while still keeping some of his demonic power free in the rest of his body, what would make him tougher than a human (what we've already confirmed through cinematics, as he got stabbed by Agnus and awaken his "DT"). This idea could even explain a demonic form for him in the future, like he learning to control DB's power to overflow his body like the twins demonic forms.

As for Nero's further development: i think that would be cool to see him acquiring some of Vergil's traits, like becoming a honored warrior, looking like a cold devil while fighting his enemies, or even sharing some of the lust for power of his father in a lesser extent, fearing losing those he loves too. He's relationship with Dante started in a cool way, i mean, even if we do not know if he's Dante's nephew, his relation to Dante is kinda like of that cool uncle playing with his nephew while teaching some lessons about life.

I could develop or change more of this ideas later, but i think that's it for now!
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