@Chancey289 Lemme
quote Kobayashi on this one.
S: It’s quite amazing that the Basara series, an action game series with a bunch of male leads, is so well received by both genders. It seems like companies are trying to figure out how to appeal to women, but are resorting to gender stereotyped games instead.
HK: I took similar steps while making Devil May Cry 4 as well. The first thing was to take away things girls don’t like, things that are disgusting and violent graphics or events. Also, big, buff, macho guys. There are girls that like that, but most girls like a realistic nice, sweet guy.
If we made someone like the Hulk, a big overly muscular guy, girls probably won’t be into that. If you take that character and tone him down a bit, make him more of a smart type, that little difference can change the perception of how females receive that character.
S: As a personal opinion, do you feel this is cross cultural or something just for Japan?
HK: With the characters we tested in Devil May Cry 4 the responses were very good. There wasn’t anyone saying ‘oh we wish you had this type of character’ and nobody said ‘oh we really wish you didn’t have this kind of character’. We were able to take the response from Devil May Cry 4 to fine tune the characters for this game.
So basically, if Nero and Kyrie's romance were
the only thing added to DMC4 to attract female gamers, we would've actually had a better game. Instead Dante got bulked up just to be shoved aside because "girls don't like it", there's no blood whatsoever (what does Kobayashi think women
do every month?), and the romance I guess magically makes up for the fact that every woman in the game lacks depth and the previous developments for Trish and Lady were made non-existent in favor of jiggling breasts and outfits that look more fitting for going out clubbing instead of actually hunting demons, not even mentioning Trish's inexplicable "black Lady Gaga" outfit where she forgets her underwear and exists to complicate the plot when it could've been resolved within ten minutes. What the eff.
Also can we appreciate that Kobayashi thinks Nero is "more of a smart type" yet they couldn't name him Rodin as intended because that was
too intellectual and had "too many syllables" while Dante and Vergil are obviously named after poets? (That and Rodin is two syllables anyway unless you have a southern twang.) Naming a character after the artist who based his best work off of Dante Alighieri's poetry when the design of the character himself is based off of his predecessor Dante, would make some amount of sense. Instead his name is just "we found him in something black so his name is Black" which, I'm not gonna lie, when you get right down to etymology and naming conventions that's exactly how people name each other (or did at some point), but this is a damn mess.