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My thoughts on eechi and this anime


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団

About ten minutes into Konakon I wasn't impressed. Frankly I expected it to be one anime's true displays ecchified ecchiness, but upon completing the first episode I finally understood this genre of Anime. The weird part is I found myself putting myself into this situation, and also wondering what other people would do.
(If your a girl switch the perspective and sexs)

I think it was a great start all thing considered even though they blended some old tactics with some fairly new ones, at least for this type of anime. But seriously, is anything really new? It's all about adaption and combinations.

The Lead male role:
A totally shy and or Bi-curious male that has none of the thoughts of a sensable dude.

The story:
Typical and predictable. What more is there to say?

His best 'friend':
They literally serve no purpose other then provide comic relief and the occasional memorible speech.
They are a element that Anime should live without but can't.

Then there is the issue of having enough cast.

Legion of female supporting characters and the one important one:
They are all bimbo's with you exception of a fairly angry and violent female who deep-down(once specific requirement are met)is not partial to submission, ergo she is a slut.

Now for the important lead female. They are easy to read animals, they usually wander around the totally gay male lead that shuns their advances at all, and any time.

Bunch of other junk I'd like to touch on:
Eh, I'll get to it later.

What I ask you two simple questions:

1. Would any body pass up an opertunity to screw the hot ass girl that has been following you around, AND saving herself just for you? And if that isn't enough to sway you consider this, she brings you to an desserted area and pretty much tell you that she wants you to do her hard and sloppy... Then would you pass it up?

*Note* If you have a religous obligation... Then I guess you wouldn't, or you have the hots for someone else.

2. For the anime viewer out there, we know the basic formula for creating and guessing every part of are favorite anime genre's, so why do we watch them? To see how each perverted scene plays out, or to get a good laugh?


Your breasts are illegal!!
You know, I watched a different anime recently with that EXACT scenario. I forgot its name though. This guy, he basically breaks out from girls being near him. All these girls from another planet wants to basically suck him dry, if you catch my drift. The annoying thing is that he seriously BREAKS OUT by being in contact with girls. I hate leads like that who tries to avoid girls at ALL COST.

OY! I remember the name of that anime now! Its called Girls Bravo!

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
Erm.. don't mean to be a stiff here but do you think this is suitable for an all-age forum?

just pointing out =]

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
Of course the will!

I just don't know if DevilMayCry will like this sort of thing on his forum thats all.

I have you in my deepest interests!

Plus, I don't really go around the "Hentai" type scene. I've seen some of it, just not my thing =]

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
But doesn't this pretty much sum up all, if not most anime though?

If it's not about an angsty guy who is quite CLEARLY gay, then you're apparently not doing anime right, sure, there are the odd exceptions to the rule (Hellsing, Gungrave, Full Metal Alchemist) but it seems that with most anime, the basic subplot always seems to follow some angsty guy being followed around by an initially violent, but then sweet and candy lead love interest...Only it isn't a love interest because the main character shuns all of the girl's advances, making you seriously doubt his orientation...Because no sane guy would turn down offers like that.

I tend to watch to first episode of any anime, and if the first episode actually holds relevance to the plot, rather than just introducing characters with no apparent motivation, I'll keep watching.

Hellsing, for example, actually held relevance to the rest of the series, the first episode mainly opened up with the lead male killing the lead female, then bringing her back as a vampire...That lead to a sort of submissive thing, her calling Alucard (Lead male) master, but he DID turn her, so he IS technically her master, so no harm there, plus there are no exceedingly forward advances on the lead female's part.

Honestly, I always thought the true gems of anime are the ones that don't follow your classic anime rules, lead male with doubtful orientation, lead female who's asking...No, begging for it and the friend that has no use as far as the plot is concerned, sadly, very few of them exist, I tend to stray away from anime because of that, the only ones I actually like are Hellsing, Gungrave and Full Metal Alchemist.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
1. Would any body pass up an opertunity to screw the hot ass girl that has been following you around, AND saving herself just for you? And if that isn't enough to sway you consider this, she brings you to an desserted area and pretty much tell you that she wants you to do her hard and sloppy... Then would you pass it up?

*Note* If you have a religous obligation... Then I guess you wouldn't, or you have the hots for someone else.[/i]-quote, Bringerofchaos.

O.K. here is what I think.......No:$

Any girl that just wants you for sex is a slut, and not worth my time no mater how hot she is.:dry:

I carry the old-dead chivalrous belief that sex is never the most important thing in a relationship. If a totaly hot girl comes out of noware and wants to do me(which has never happened) I would say no because I feel a need for an emotional connection before sex. You know, at least get to know her.:dry:

I know I rambled, but I wanted to anser your question honestly.

I am one of those guys that whole-heartadly mantains his virginity to this day, because I want it to be special when it happens.
With someone I love.

I also come across as gay to some people, because I am shy and picky about girls.:lol:


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Angelo Credo;115581 said:
But doesn't this pretty much sum up all, if not most anime though?

If it's not about an angsty guy who is quite CLEARLY gay, then you're apparently not doing anime right, sure, there are the odd exceptions to the rule (Hellsing, Gungrave, Full Metal Alchemist) but it seems that with most anime, the basic subplot always seems to follow some angsty guy being followed around by an initially violent, but then sweet and candy lead love interest...Only it isn't a love interest because the main character shuns all of the girl's advances, making you seriously doubt his orientation...Because no sane guy would turn down offers like that.

I tend to watch to first episode of any anime, and if the first episode actually holds relevance to the plot, rather than just introducing characters with no apparent motivation, I'll keep watching.

Hellsing, for example, actually held relevance to the rest of the series, the first episode mainly opened up with the lead male killing the lead female, then bringing her back as a vampire...That lead to a sort of submissive thing, her calling Alucard (Lead male) master, but he DID turn her, so he IS technically her master, so no harm there, plus there are no exceedingly forward advances on the lead female's part.

Honestly, I always thought the true gems of anime are the ones that don't follow your classic anime rules, lead male with doubtful orientation, lead female who's asking...No, begging for it and the friend that has no use as far as the plot is concerned, sadly, very few of them exist, I tend to stray away from anime because of that, the only ones I actually like are Hellsing, Gungrave and Full Metal Alchemist.
I was only talking about ecchi anime's dude not ALL animes.:lol:

Hellsing was nice I loved the final fight.
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