My thoughts about the Dante

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who's slinging mud, i'm just stating the reason why I think that people don't like the new dante

well people who support this game tend to belittle the old Dante by saying he is to "anime" and "unrealistic" which is why DmC Dante is better.

Hence the reason why I thought you where slinging mud.

Guys... I've seen haters.

And Gorbashou... is not a hater.

I seriously don't see the reason why you people defend the likes of.... well, they shall remain nameless, but pick on this guy here for giving a valid reason as to not liking the game. He's not a hater.

thats kinda funny coming from a guy who ignored me because I disagreed with him and called him out on his immature attitude.
So people, don't nag about it being a "hating" video and it not being valid. I'm not targeting you with anything nor is the video, so don't take offense or try to defend your interest.

I know that. The video itself maybe be haterific, but your post wasn't. I honestly don't mind that you don't like the new Dante. You have not once insulted him, nor the fans -- you've only explained your reasoning as to why you dislike him...

Which is more than can be said for a few select others on this forum.:/
Ok, that's it. I've had enough of this.

Gorbashou = not a hater

Too Cool = shameless flamebaiter

Too Cool = shameless flamebaiter


Lol, how exactly did I flame bait you?

I simply told the truth about what happened on the last topic.

You where posting videos that where pretty much saying "skeptics are lame, supporters are way better" which any mature person would see as immature.

Especially considering the topic at hand was about respecting others opinions and not picking fights with one side.

You then proceeded to ignore me because I called you out on your attitude.

How is that flamebait exactly?
well people who support this game tend to belittle the old Dante by saying he is to "anime" and "unrealistic" which is why DmC Dante is better.

Hence the reason why I thought you where slinging mud.

thats kinda funny coming from a guy who ignored me because I disagreed with him and called him out on his immature attitude.
i never said I think this one is better? stop putting words into my posts, and also, saying that old dante is anime like and unrealistic is not slinging mud, because he was clearly designed like an anime character, that isn't debatable.
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Seriously ToCool, stop picking fights with me. You've been reported.
funny stuff your posting.

Thanks for just wasting the staff's time.


Yea that is debatable, and i never intended to put words into your post, just gave you my view as someone who has witnessed mud slinging at the old Dante in favor of this new one.
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Bad lives? I met in my lives assholes acting similar to new Dante.

Yes bad lives, please do refrain from calling people who I know to have similar personalities as Dante assholes since they are the nicest people and would help anyone despite what they have been through they are not easy to trust others but when they do they tend to be protective and want to help out and before you say you did not call them that you did in a round about way.

Tbh I do not even think Dante is acting like an asshole and do not even see where that vibe is coming from but hey you want to see it that way have at it, that is all both Dante's are fine as they are they fit their games and stories and not one of them is better then the other to me.
I wouldn't really say the video in itself is based upon alot of hate, it's more reason than anything else. Don't flame everyone, you can be nicer to each others, it's always better. ^^

I like how this thread is titled, "My thoughts about the Dante."
The Dante. Has a nice ring to it, don't ya thing?

Yeah, there is only one Dante in the game. Hence, no matter what anyone thinks, in DmC, this Dante is the Dante. ^^
I wouldn't really say the video in itself is based upon alot of hate, it's more reason than anything else. Don't flame everyone, you can be nicer to each others, it's always better. ^^

Yeah, there is only one Dante in the game. Hence, no matter what anyone thinks, in DmC, this Dante is the Dante. ^^

Your Userpic reminds me I have to brake away from my brake from P4G..oh and darn it if your sig does not make me want to DL the P3P...darn you!!. xD
Yeah, there is only one Dante in the game. Hence, no matter what anyone thinks, in DmC, this Dante is the Dante. ^^

Thank you. :|

See?? I told you guys he wasn't trolling. My troll detector didn't go off when I read his post.
Erm...That video was made before half a month the game was out. It ain't valid.
And I must say it's the fans fault that DmC's Dante has been changed in looks and personality.
I wanted that cigarette, but the fans said no. Isn't it plain wierd that the guys who said "no" are now saying changing Dante near to the original was a bad idea? It isn't a fair fight.
No and the entire controversy behind DmC isn't fair. This video is a perfect of ignorance at best. Posting a video about why the new Dante is bad 4 months before the game even came out, going by what a demo uses to somehow claim the writing in the entire game is bad. Somehow understanding Travis Touchdown but not understanding Dantes character. He's supposed to be an edgy rebel fighting the power. No, he's out for revenge on Mundus. I've spent paragraphs explain the most tedious BS that people come up with to say DmC is bad like swearing. I point out the previous DMC games have swearing or other games but again, it's not fair on DmC. Same with glitches. Legitimate complaints with the game:
No lock-on
Colour coded enemies
Bad QA testing and that's coming from someone who bothered to play the game before coming to a conclusion.

I just watched a 5 minute trailer for a film that doesn't come out for another 5 months, let me go write a review about why it sucks, why the characters are bad and why you shouldn't watch it.
Really don't care about this BS anymore as there's so much wrong with this video(and no surprise since again, the video was made 5 months before the game came out) and would rather go back to posting funny gifs and comments.