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The Da3dra

Master Of War
This apology is a lil late sorry

I would like to start by saying that I am sincerely sorry for what I had done.

I have one friend in real life, I have no job, I have no significant other, My grandmother, the person who had treated me better than my parents ever had is roughly 630 miles away, dying, and has no idea who the f*ck I am anymore, due to a lack of money I cannot go to college and have been reduced to nothing more than a house maid, and the frequent realization that none of this will change gets me frustrated and more often than not makes me severly depressed. This is by no means an excuse but rather just an insight of how pathetic my life really is.

In my time here, I've met a lot of people; and I gathered opinions for them. I guess flaming those whose opinions were less than kind was a way to vent my frustration, not a smart one, but a way to vent none the less. That is how this all really started for those of you who didn’t know.

The thread however came of my rational at the time that I wasn’t wanted in the forums anymore and that if there were enough people that wanted me to leave it, I would. And between LoD posting I was acting childish, NerosDevil posting I was retarded, and the surprising amount of people that carried grudges against me, as evident in the poll, I kept feeling more compelled to make the idea of becoming banned a reality. Looking back I can’t blame any of them. I am quite nasty to a lot of the members, I was acting childish, I was acting rashly, and had I been ND I would have even said I was being retarded. Although in reality I would have probably been a lot more harsh on myself.

I need to apologize to Sparda™. I had said some things to him that were quite distasteful. You have nothing to gain from lying to us about your life, and me stating that you were was completely uncalled for.

Bandoor, I treat you wrongly because I myself am flawed. If you take anything from this know that you are the better person.

BringerOfChaos888, to be 100% honest you had done absolutely nothing wrong. I just decided to hate you because you had agreed with a statement Bandoor made about me. Looking back I can tell now that you were not necessarily agreeing with Bandoor’s opinion of me but rather the way he so “eloquently” put me in my place.

Esura, I treat you unfairly only because your opinions differ from mine. I get frustrated when I see you bash the gaming platforms I hold so dearly, but all the same hating you merely because you think differently from me goes against my own belief that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Enigmatic Soldier, although I have ceased being a dick to him now, I once was unreasonably mean towards him. I even went as far as to flame him on his own profile. I want you to know that I only made fun of you because it made me feel better about myself. It is cold hearted but it’s the truth.

NerosDevil, even though I had edited the message before you read it, I had said some nasty things about you on your profile. You said what you said to me because of the way I was acting not because of who I am, there was no reason for me to be so mean to you.

LoD, you have been so nice to me ever since I joined the forum. I treated you very rudely when you had done nothing to deserve it.

Wickse, biohazardmaster, Angel Credo, and all the others that wasted their time on my meaningless thread, I’m sorry. I acted very unwisely in making that thread; I should have been the bigger person and just apologized for what I had said. But instead I made that stupid ass thread and you guys were roped into it even though you guys had nothing to do with it.

The Staff, It’s the kind of behavior I displayed that makes wonderful forums such as yours distasteful. It is people like me that cause problems that you shouldn’t have to deal with in the first place. I have spoken to every member of the staff one on one at least once, save for Keaton, and you have all treated me with respect and kindness I so clearly don’t deserve.

To all my closest friends, I'm not saying I'm anything special but I enjoy your company and you enjoy mine. I didn't think about how you guys would feel should I leave and that is just as bad as if I said you mean nothing to me.

I can't think of anyone else to apologize to, even though I know there most likely are. You are the ones I will most likely never be able to apologize enough to. But know that whatever I did, be it out of malice, jealousy, os sadness, I am so so sorry.

I just felt so damn lonely, and I wanted answers as to why people seemed so against me when all I had to do was look at myself to see what was so wrong. I appreciate the people on this forum. I enjoy their company and look forward to chatting with them everyday. All I can say now is that I hope you can forgive me, but I completely understand if you don’t.
The Da3dra;159928 said:
Wickse, biohazardmaster, Angel Credo, and all the others that wasted their time on my meaningless thread, I’m sorry. I acted very unwisely in making that thread; I should have been the bigger person and just apologized for what I had said. But instead I made that stupid ass thread and you guys were roped into it even though you guys had nothing to do with it.

posting in your thread wasn't a waste of time. well not for me. that thread made me realize a few things and i am going to be real honest and say it.

1. until today i always felt that i am a stranger in this forum. and i felt that i am unwelcomed. and i tried so hard to change that feeling but i couldn't. and after reading your thread i have realized that i am not the only one who feels like that. i realized that most of the people here feel the same way.

2. i realized that no matter how bad thing became. we always find a way to work things out.

3. i have understood the true meaning of life and death.

4. and i have realized that in this forum the members are separeated into three groups:

1. hero: those are the members who gained a lot of experience from fighting.

2. secondary hero: those are the members who doesn't have any experience in fighting but they have a pure heart.

3. bad: those are the members who tries to destroy this place. which by the way i haven't seen in this forum. and i am really happy for that.

oh and by the way your life isn't diffrent from the way i am living. except that your trying so hard to change how you live.

one last thing i want to say if you felt angry and you wanted to release it you can always come and release it on me via PM of course. ^_^

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
It takes a big man to apologise in this fashion, I don't know what to say to be honest, your problems are...Rather large, and not something one person alone should be dealing with, but I'm sure we can help you with that, a problem shared is a problem halved.

At any rate, it took a level of bravery to do this, and I thank you, I didn't feel as if I was wasting time on your thread, I genuinely didn't want you to leave, the time we'd talked before, you seemed like the kind of guy I could get on with, and I hate losing contact with people like that, still, welcome back to the site, glad to have you back.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
That is the brave thing to do. I honour you, my friend. I'm very proud of you, for doing this. You don't need me to appreciate this, or to honour you; or anything else of that matter. All I want you to know, is that I never held anything against you. And if someone such as yourself, is so open at admitting that he did wrong; then there is no childishness there. You are not a horrible, selfish or childish person. This shows that you're caring and very thoughtful. You've just had some personal issues, and instead of us hating you (Which would be wrong) We as a Community should do our best to help you out, as it's only the right thing to do.

You will have my help, always; as does anyone here. I can only say that I'm glad you didn't get life banned. The place would of lost a valuable member if you had of been. And I don't just say this to seem the kinder or better man, believe you me. I merely say all this, because I truly mean it all.

Life is full of mistakes. It's about pointing out where we have gone wrong. Seeking help in order to end certain ways. And being around people who care for us, and will always offer support. If we do all this, then each and every one of us will live a much better life; and be open to much more help and guidance.

There has always been, and always will be a place in my heart for you. You needn't of apologized to me, you were forgiven either way.

The Da3dra

Master Of War
You would be in the closest friends section, more so than anyone else because you fought me every step of the way not to go. I disreguarded your feelings on the matter and that wasn't right.
man u made the right thing with that confession because i was very confused to why u did that thread but now i understand and i hope people will understand it too :)


Anti - Little D
The Da3dra;159928 said:
Wickse, biohazardmaster, Angel Credo, and all the others that wasted their time on my meaningless thread, I’m sorry. I acted very unwisely in making that thread; I should have been the bigger person and just apologized for what I had said. But instead I made that stupid ass thread and you guys were roped into it even though you guys had nothing to do with it.

thanks for the mention dude :) and dont worry about anything dude , we all understand , and if anyone doesnt then there idiots and just block them from your profile like i did with little_d and other members :D and i still do , anyway im still waiting to see the horror movie of yours :D

The Da3dra

Master Of War
Thanks :)

Me and my friend Ryan are working on it...

:lol: my two best friends in the world are both named Ryan :lol:

Anywho:p, the movie is still in pre-production. We wanna make sure we plan every thing well so as to keep from wasting time during each shoot. This will ensure the movie comes out sooner; it could still be a while before it's finished though. ;)


Don't trust people
wow this just makes me think how other feel about me O.O . shouldn't mind that. at least right now. and i didn't see anything wrong about you before and i don't now either. that thread you made i just wondered why and now i got the answer. Your a good person!
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