Moving On From DmC, MGR, and Bayonetta to TMNT

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Well, sir i'm currently playing it right now and it's not even close of being called a "great" action game. This was better than TMNT 2007 at least.
Oh dear, I messed up the threads. Thought I was replying to a different topic.

Remember kids, don't have several tabs up for different threads.
Is there a special reason to expect TMNT game to be excellent other than hype?
Wasn´t Deadpool game also "going to be awesome!!" ?

No offence, i just am wondering is there a basis to expecting a game to be good?

For example i know if you want good Hack and Slash, you go to one of these three:
* Vigil Games
* Capcom
* PG

And there is reason why i recommend them: Darksiders 2, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry.
Is there a special reason to expect TMNT game to be excellent other than hype?
Wasn´t Deadpool game also "going to be awesome!!" ?

No offence, i just am wondering is there a basis to expecting a game to be good?

For example i know if you want good Hack and Slash, you go to one of these three:
* Vigil Games
* Capcom
* PG

And there is reason why i recommend them: Darksiders 2, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry.

What about Ninja Theory?:troll:

I severely offended you didn't mention Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden).
What about Ninja Theory?:troll:

I severely offended you didn't mention Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden).
First off, i forgot to mention my list is not absoulte :) Just companies i acknowledge and have proven themself.

As for Ninja theory - they havent proven themself. DmC gameplay was made by Capcom (Team Little Devils, Itsuno etc).
Just because Ninja theory with help from Capcom made DMC gameplay formula to a lesser degree on Unreal Engine does not make them excellent.
Let me give you a analogy to illustrate my point further:
Two students are given a asssignment to solve a mathematical task individually. Student A receives help from teacher, while Student B doesn´t.
Student A uses 12 minutes to solve the task.
Student B uses 15 minutes to solve the task.
Which of the student is more accomplished in your opinion? Student A or B?

The only thing i hear about Ninja theory aside from the gameplay they produced that they didn´t pioneer (DMC gameplay) are:
Motion capture - irelevant in a Hack and Slash - unless its a bonus
Enviroment - irelevant unless its a bonus thing
Story - right...great story. Outsorcing.

Let´s take standpoint in DmC. Because of the "story" , they didn´t add taunt (which some fans wanted).
They didnt bother with 60 fps because they rather work on Unreal ...or because they wanted dynamic enviroments which Unreal allowed them. They turned down to work with Capcom´s engine for one of those reasons.

And let´s take anotehr example. You say "I prefer MGR over DmC", MGR = roughly 2 years development time.
DmC....roughly 3 years.
That shows you how much better Platinum Games is than Ninja theory.
And honestly Vigil Games made Darksiders 2 pretty good on their own (remember NT did it with help from Capcom).

Reproducing a gameplay that other developers invented/pioneered doesn´t make you excellent, it just make you a good copycat. Actually...NT didn´t do that so well either, they were above average at copying .

Maybe if they had made Heavenly sword 2 or Enslaved 2 instead of DmC and it was around same level as Darksiders 2, then i would have put them up there as good developers at Hack and Slash.
But i bet if they do make HS 2 or Ens 2 now, and they make above average gameplay its partially because of Capcom´s help and their experience with DMC gameplay.

And considering NT´s philosphy "Elevate games story and cinematics so that it rivalizes movies" (what a stupid philosphy) ...i dont think they will innovate Hack and Slash.
I find their philosphy a joke because games...are great mediums for story even without great graphics. And games are primarily about gameplay = interaction, not bloody cinematics or story.
I am not anti story, i am just stating a fact.

Agree 100% and one other thing was that DmC was narrative driven in a very poor direction. It expected to explain its entire story in ONLY cinematics.

The world building was minimal at best.

The one game that NT should've looked at for story telling and world building in video games is Bayonetta......why?

Well, Bayonetta may have had a lot of cutscenes that wasted time or was just over the top nonsensical action one can't deny as a video game they did world building quite well.

For example, the game taught you a lot about the world of Bayonetta through various interactions with the environments (adding more detail/history to the locations) and even collecting Antonio's Journal entries and in these entries they explained a lot about the world of Bayonetta and these info were very informative to the main story and even added more details to stuff that was introduced but wasn't so relevant so to not consume time for the relevant story stuff and Bayonetta's sexy time.They also gave more info and insight on certain important aspects such as Father Balder and his company the Ithavol Co. and how they were seen by the general public and what they did because through cinematics they barely touch base on the Ithavol Co.

Not only that but Antonio was a rather important character to the story and the journal entries not only gave insight to his character but what he was doing and developed more on his actions and how they affected the story such as how he was investigating all this stuff and even Father Balder (the main villain) found him interesting.

Granted DmC didn't NEED to this method because neither did the original series did...well sort of didn't do but for the way the story was it NEEDED to because there was so much damn details in the story a lot of the stuff was overlooked and shafted to the side to focus on our hero (Dante) and his family problems. I have a lot of criticisms about DmC's story and how it was structured. It was like a 6th grader trying to write on a 11th grade level.

Another better example of how to do story telling in video games right is the Bioshock series.
TMNT was like any other cheap hack n' slasher. It had good concepts and all but it failed to really carry anything well. It's story and graphics were interesting, but...that's about it.

Bayonetta was the same old mess that I'd seen in DMC but put to an exaggerated level. Pretty to watch and great to play though. Wouldn't mind getting on Bayo 2 and seeing how well the gameplay's elevated. But for now, it looks exactly like Bayonetta 1 with no real improvements. Bayo's story is just as low browed as Kamiya can write so I shouldn't expect much.

MGR was okay but I found it a bit dull that I couldn't run while those messages appeared. I didn't even need to try that hard since all I had to do was do the fruit ninja cutting attack the whole game and I was right as rain. Plus its story was a bit dry all things considered. Just some high heeled robo ninja is all.

DmC was the only one I enjoyed, but it was far from perfect. It's story was, honestly, less edgy then I wanted it to be. I wanted DmC to really get in there and go to the dark streets, and see people get killed and slaughtered by demons, making the situation more serious. However it's gameplay was certainly enjoyable and had a lot of potential to grow.

But out of all of them, I currently say Killer is Dead is better then all of these other games. (except DmC of course) It actually had a complex and invoative story that makes the ride fun and not all about Government (MGR), or fight the power (DmC) and certainly not stripping witches fighting a bunch of angels using her hair as weapons.
^ Great point. Nt could have done that. Just goes to show you how caught up NT is in cinematics.

I think that was the problem though. Cinematics are good, but it shouldn't stop from really digging extra deep in doing a DMC game. However, if they dug too deep, it would just be a copy of DMC4, and that really wouldn't be a proper growth or a proper restart of the series. (Granted a DMC5 isn't made)
I nominate Razor's Edge as this year's best Hack and Slash.

It had a good enough story (not the best or even that great but better than every other NG before it), great gameplay (not as great as Black), challenging fun, multiple challenging difficulty modes, awesome enemies, awesome boss fights, and an extra Ayane story mode as well as loads of content and co-op (Ninja Gaiden did it first f*ck off Bayonetta) and multiple modes some being online. NINJA TRIALS (YOU GET TO FACE OLD BOSSES FROM THE PAST GAMES)!!! Ninja creation and multiple playable characters each withe their unique gameplay style and stuff.

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Ehhhh no.

Razor edge was a bit better then NG3, but that still didn't make it better. Honestly it was just Team Ninja's way of saying "sorry for the sh*t game, here's the same game but with a bit more stuff on it."

A bit better than NG3. Its FAAARRRRR better than NG3.

Not only bringing back the combat mechanics and fun of all the past NG games but throws in loads of new content such as lots of extra weapons and 3 new playable characters and an extra story mode as well as an altered storyline.....more like a directors cut.

Did you even play Razor's Edge?

The amount of the content that was added to Razor's Edge was very large compared to many re-releases (DMC3 SE, Super Street Fighter, Ninja Gaiden Sigma games, UMvC3, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full that is a mouth full).

Its more comparable to the Pokemon re-releases or a directors cut (Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Emerald, and Pokemon Platinum).
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