Well that certainly doesn't sound like traditional JRPG to me.
Well i can describe it best as a Snake&laders or ludo where you just spin the dice and expect to win 0% strategy required.
Just like how MMO's are just like aquariums where you just gawk at your goldfish without actually doing anything fun.
Okay on the first one about Mario & Luigi, Paper Mario, Super Mario RPG, and Mother/Earthbound. So a traditional JRPG would just be pick from Attack, Magic, Items, and maybe Special and pretty much everything besides bosses require a lot of strategy like knowing their weaknesses. Would Pokemon qualify then? Final Fantasy probably popularized the trend at first before deviating with different combat systems.
For the second, are you referring to Final Fantasy X's and X-2's combat system or Type-0's? I feel like you lumped both of them together. X and X-2 were the closest things to older, traditional Final Fantasies (and JRPGs) with it's turn-based combat. Type-0 is like taking Kingdom Hearts? and slowing it down to something like Demon's and Dark Souls.
Recent MMO's include Tribes: Ascend, Warframe, Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2, Path of Exile, Continent of the Ninth, TERA, Blade & Soul, Rusty Hearts, and Blacklight Retribution. They cover a wide range of genres now unlike before where it was mostly MMORPGs - bad ones at that. Now we have MMOFPS, MMOTPS, MMO-Action RPG, MMO-Beat em' Ups, etc. So we don't have to deal with Everquest, World of Warcraft, clones of WOW, grindfest MMORPGs. Though it can be debatable since Path of Exile is essential a F2P version of Diablo and Tribes: Ascend does not include massive battlegrounds like Planetside 2. Guild Wars 2, TERA, Blade & Soul, and Continent of the Ninth while being MMORPGs change the traditional point and click or skill spamfest with more interactive combat systems, but they're still limited by the genre. Yay for MMO being a broader term...