I could say the same about YOU. You spent an entire post, pretending to hate on something. Kinda like a Twitter bot.
I enjoyed it for what it is. I didn't even try to compare it to 1995. Yeah, it could've been better, but it's not as bad as YOU made it out to be.
Then you made this comment...
I'm thinking you're trying too hard to be likable.
He looks nothing like Robin Williams besides his skull shape.
A lot of people like/love this version of Kano because he's perfect for the role, in addition to the comedic relief bits. So, again: Keep this in mind when you're talking to people, commenting on youtube videos, or any comments section or another forum.
Or suffer the hate. I'm serious, dude.
But you called me full of myself? You know what, when you're out there having these opinions, and whatnot. Don't say I didn't warn you.
"dOn'T sAy i Didn't WaRn yOU" Bwaahahahaahaha.. what is that even supposed to mean? I'm trying so hard here to be unlikeable to you.
IMO, for the times we're living in, movies need to be more than just "okay" to justify 1) their price tags, 2) going into the theaters at all to share the experience with a bunch of total strangers. I watched this thing at home so I didn't have to deal with either of that, but there needs to be more put into movies if they're going to have people spend their money and time on it. Not just spectacle and marketing to put the spectacle front and center to attract people to pay money to justify the budget on the spectacle, they need to work on the story. Not making the story cohesive is where we'll end up with "[X movie] flopped with biggest second-week drop off" something something after the initial novelty of watching it at all wears off, and people only watching the movie to skip to the fight scenes.
How did monks find armless-Jax and take him to their temple? Couldn't they have found Kano, Cole, and Sonya the same way?
Where did they get the materials to give him his baby metal arms?
Where was Liu Kang coming from when he found the other travelers?
Raiden can teleport his crew into a Void at any time but didn't save Kung Lao?
"Death is just another portal" okay, so they can travel to another realm and find Kung Lao, right?
Never mind how Scorpion learned English in Hell apparently, the start of the movie was Bi-Han saying something in Chinese, Hanzo saying "I don't understand a word you just said" in Japanese, they duel, and then Bi-Han says "For the Lin Kuei," in English. In the 1800s? That's nice and all dude, but Hanzo still doesn't know what you said.
Kano and Kabal have some history going on, except for when Kabal exposits for five minutes in front of Kano, then the drama is gone and Kano joins the bad guy side. Friendship! Again!?
So, Shang Tsung is technically cheating by going after fighters and killing them before the tournament begins. So the solution is... to kill all of his fighters before the tournament begins! Genius!
Oh wait, this is actually a serious offense that might require the Elder Gods to intervene, but Shang Tsung says he can handle them, and they're not seen actually intervening. Why mention the Elder Gods at all, then? Did anyone writing this movie play MK9 and remember that the Elder Gods descended to block Shao Kahn out of merging realms because he hadn't officially won and then obliterated him for the offense? Yeah. That's the thing that should be happening to Shang Tsung. But I guess they're lazy. Okay.
How do you introduce Mileena without Kitana? Where's Sindel? Where's Shao Khan outside of the easter egg in Raiden's temple?
Why did we get a Mortal Kombat movie without the tournament that the movie is titled after? This entire movie is a set-up to the tournament? WB has taken the literal wrong lessons from the MCU. But that goes without saying.
People might not find these things important enough to answer or fix. Sure. But it's the difference between a movie and just watching a Youtube playlist of highlights. Entirely disconnected scenes, just moment to moment. Is there anything in this movie that fans wouldn't be served watching Mortal Kombat: Rebirth and Mortal Kombat: Legacy? Or MK Legends: Scorpion's Revenge? Because those are better received by viewers without blowing their load on ice effect CGI.
Ayyyy the actor already knows!
Here's a side-by-side:
The resemblance is uncanny.
It's almost everything, the resemblance, the facial hair sure hid it for me.
I'm not capable of going thru those detailed lore. My mortal kombat game experience only reached MK trilogy and the movies, so i have no knowledge of how they are after that.
But all in all, it feels more like a series than it would a movie.
And all your points hits, the world building isn't comprehensive, but, it's an under two hour movie, this was definitely rushed, the screenwriting is fast-paced and not taking it's time, either covid or the usual WB had a hand in this.
I did noticed something weird in the development of the movie, for something of this caliber, there's no 'leaks', teasers or anything significant for so long when it has a promising list of casts --I still don't like Lewis Tan, dunno, just can't get the hang of him. And suddenly BOOM! Teasers and trailers just before release.