Hmm, if it's also about how we treat people, then I will treat anyone civilly and I will be polite, as long as they are the same back. I like people who are respectful of others, so if someone knows how to be, they will get nice treatment from me.
If someone gives me the prick treatment, they'll get it in return IRL. Although I am not the type to bother with mind games or revenge - they'll simply drop off my acknowlegement radar completely. If there's something most people don't like, it's to be ignored.
With strangers I am very polite. But I do expect much more from my family members, which is why I am harsher with them because they are so terrible at respecting each other and being unselfish. On the surface it might seem odd that I have more patience for a stranger than I do for my father, for example, but that is because most strangers extend you some courtesy as a matter of custom, and my father has treated me far worse than he would ever treat a stranger. Hence my behaviour/morals, which revolve around respect and trust and some integrity, and the expectation is the same for every single person I meet. If someone does not believe in having any of those things at all, then I do not believe they deserve to be noticed.