Do we have any Monster Hunter players in the community?
We are fast approaching the release of the next installment in the franchise, Monster Hunter Wilds. The game releases on Feb 28th with the second open beta coming on Feb 7th -10th followed by another on Feb 14th - 17th. The 2nd open beta will add some new content to enjoy, as well as new bonuses for participating, which can be claimed in the full version of the game.
Capcom have however stated that the 2nd open beta will still be running on an old build so all the improvements they detailed in a recent community update video wont be applied until the games full release. This includes game optimisation which was a hot topic after the first beta, they have however promised vast improvements in this area for launch.
- Does anyone have a favourite monster to fight?
- Favourite weapon to use?
- Monster they are looking forward to fighting in Monster Hunter Wilds?