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Mission 18 S rank, grrr arrrgh!


S'All over but the Crying
Hi Everybody,
just having a heck of a time trying to get an S rank in that crazy statue beat-down (The Savior in mission 18, of course)...I can get an S with the orbs & an S on my time but the style points are seriously bringing me down to an A. I've tried a gazillion things, including taking very minimal damage...or falling into the fault's pit, so I could smack those guys around but all that did was mess up my time! >_< ow

I apologise if this has been discussed before, I searched but didn't see anything but some good answers to other questions. I've read stuff and seen vids but it just isn't happening. So maybe somebody has a fresh spin on it? I'd appreciate it very much!


Well-known Member
SkyGemini;179571 said:
Hi Everybody,
just having a heck of a time trying to get an S rank in that crazy statue beat-down (The Savior in mission 18, of course)...I can get an S with the orbs & an S on my time but the style points are seriously bringing me down to an A. I've tried a gazillion things, including taking very minimal damage...or falling into the fault's pit, so I could smack those guys around but all that did was mess up my time! >_< ow

I apologise if this has been discussed before, I searched but didn't see anything but some good answers to other questions. I've read stuff and seen vids but it just isn't happening. So maybe somebody has a fresh spin on it? I'd appreciate it very much!

You're not alone here, I hated this mission.
Heres what I found....

-Pandoras Laser Canon works wonders on the Savior
-Wait for Angelo's to spawn then activate the laser canon (that you need to hit the switch for), if kills the Angelos and gets you some great style points too
-Shooting the BLUE energy balls with Ebony and Ivory gets you more DT

In essence, try not to take damage or use items, also don't forget that dodging enemies (before an attack) gives you style too

Otherwise wait until you get to lay the smackdown on the Saviours primary jewels (back and chest) and DT and use (Lock On + Back + Style) in Swordmaster, it gets great style and deals great damage to boot.

Hope that helps, I'm still aiming for that one myself ^^


S'All over but the Crying
Thanks again Keaton, that's one of those hair-pulling sessions I was talking about...I can get 1000 orbs and finish it in 6/8/10 minutes but the best style I can get is 3500 or so...gah! :pirate:

Well, I'll try try again! Thank you...at least I'm in good company...


Well-known Member
SkyGemini;179578 said:
Thanks again Keaton, that's one of those hair-pulling sessions I was talking about...I can get 1000 orbs and finish it in 6/8/10 minutes but the best style I can get is 3500 or so...gah! :pirate:

Well, I'll try try again! Thank you...at least I'm in good company...

Glad I could help ^^

Found this video for you, hope it helps -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57r7limckns (Mission 18 DMD Mode SSS Rank No Damage)

EDIT: Finished watching that whole video, found out some stuff I didn't know...like StyleSpamming at the beginning ^_^


Cut 'Em Up!
I had problems with that mission too, once you find a good way to S rank it on any difficulty you should be set for the other difficulties as not much will change.

All I can really say is try your best to get quick style points on the Angelos that spawn when you are taking down the Saviour. Also the video link Keaton posted above should be great help, if you follow that as best you can you should s rank it no problem.

Good luck.


Well-known Member
VeNGeD;179605 said:
I had problems with that mission too, once you find a good way to S rank it on any difficulty you should be set for the other difficulties as not much will change.

All I can really say is try your best to get quick style points on the Angelos that spawn when you are taking down the Saviour. Also the video link Keaton posted above should be great help, if you follow that as best you can you should s rank it no problem.

Good luck.

I agree, although that Style Harvesting at the beginning doesn't get you style points (because there is no kill perse) it does raise your rank so that when you do KO an enemy you get the best possible score ^_^


Well-known Member
I prefer Gilgamesh's Real Impact (back + style) spam on every knight, and DT Stinger spam on Savior's face when it's very close. And Dark Slayer's back/foward + style on those, eeee, blue things on Savior's arms and legs. It's enough to make S rank.


Well-known Member
^I always mess up my timing with Real Impact (thanks for reminding me of the name :D), I usually NEED to stun the enemy or atleast know that they;re not about to attack me :D

Some nice tips for this troublesome mission JakemJo ^_^


S'All over but the Crying
Sickly Smokin' video there (dontcha just love how they make it look so frelling simple?! :p) I'm not sure if I'm feeling inspired or want to go cry in a corner, LoL!

Great tips Everybody, thanks very much! I'm going to keep trying till I get it...I did know about the spamming on the blue fireballs & was getting some satisfaction out of Stinger-ing old Ugly in the face, (& everywhere else) but it seemed Pandora & Gilgamesh were the most effective in that video. The timing with Gilgamesh is my problem too.

Well, at least it's a fast-loading game ^_^


Well-known Member
^Giglamesh's Real Impact has about 1-2 Seconds of delay before it executes. If your going to aim for Saviours Head then just as you see the top of it peak above the platform Charge it up. You also then have two options, ONE: DT before hand so that you launch the entire attack in DT or TWO: DT as the first strike hits for the added power of Distortion, it sucks if you mess up the timing, but when you get it right its bloody lethal :D


S'All over but the Crying
Yep, I'm getting it! I went back into Devil Hunter mode and got it Finally! Pandora's what Really helped, on the knights & when they were stunned, they got sliced up real nice :p...now for the rest of 'em!

Thanks so much for your help, when I said I was new I really meant it, I only started this gaming stuff about a year & a half ago. When I saw the trailers for Heavenly Sword it prompted me to get the PS3. Now I'm hooked on the damn thing ;)

Speaking of Heavenly Sword, there was a work-around to that animation lag after you take a swipe at somebody & you're vunerable & can't move. You had to hold down 1 of the attack/weapons buttons whilst flicking the anologue stick at the same time & this kept Nariko constantly moving...is there anything like that in this game?(DMC4)


S'All over but the Crying
JakemJo;179637 said:
I prefer Gilgamesh's Real Impact (back + style) spam on every knight, and DT Stinger spam on Savior's face when it's very close. And Dark Slayer's back/foward + style on those, eeee, blue things on Savior's arms and legs. It's enough to make S rank.
Thanks very much for the advice...those knights went down pretty good and my rank went up! Nice vids over at YouTube too, btw.


Well-known Member
SkyGemini;179849 said:
Yep, I'm getting it! I went back into Devil Hunter mode and got it Finally! Pandora's what Really helped, on the knights & when they were stunned, they got sliced up real nice :p...now for the rest of 'em!

Thanks so much for your help, when I said I was new I really meant it, I only started this gaming stuff about a year & a half ago. When I saw the trailers for Heavenly Sword it prompted me to get the PS3. Now I'm hooked on the damn thing ;)

Speaking of Heavenly Sword, there was a work-around to that animation lag after you take a swipe at somebody & you're vunerable & can't move. You had to hold down 1 of the attack/weapons buttons whilst flicking the anologue stick at the same time & this kept Nariko constantly moving...is there anything like that in this game?(DMC4)

To prevent pauses inbetween/after attacks you need to abuse different styles and weapons. Forexample Royal Guard is always fun for cancelling attacks...for Example:

If you use the Melee Attack button while mid-air with Giglamesh Equipped you will kick-down towards the ground at a diagonal angle. If you do this against Blitz NORMALLY when you hit you will fall to the ground and take Damage due to Blitz' electric-covering o_O, however, if you press Style (and Royal Guard is equipped) just after your hit lands Dante will 'block' the damage leaving you in the air. I've managed to string together seven consecutive hits of that nature in the period of twenty seconds, quick tapping between Melee and Style just increase your Royal Guard Meter and also get rid of Blitz' Electricty really quickly.

The other great style for cancelling is Trickster, style to Dash or UP+Style to Trick Up is a fantastic way to move in the middle of a combo ^^


S'All over but the Crying
Yes I like that move with Gilgamesh, I use it on those pesky little Assaults...especially when they're trying to give you a group hug. But I'll try what you suggest. I have to practice the jump-cancelling with Royal Guard. I usually try to evade that Blitz and hit him with Pandora when he temporarily stops all that zipping around. After a couple of hits, his yellow shield goes down and then I swoop in on him and go to town on his behind with everything including Lucifer...a little crude, but effective!
Not exactly the same thing when you have to whack him with Nero....


S'All over but the Crying
Just out of curiosity, when spamming those blue fireballs at the start, it'll say "Smokin'" but the style points stay at a big fat Zero...it happens in other missions, like hitting the Adjucator with Lucifer, you can get an SSS pretty quick but the points numbers go nowhere. Which is kinda what counts.

..any thoughts?


Well-known Member
SkyGemini;180108 said:
Just out of curiosity, when spamming those blue fireballs at the start, it'll say "Smokin'" but the style points stay at a big fat Zero...it happens in other missions, like hitting the Adjucator with Lucifer, you can get an SSS pretty quick but the points numbers go nowhere. Which is kinda what counts.

..any thoughts?

You get Style Points per kill.
Using Combat Adjucator Statues and hitting those fireballs will set the rank, but you will earn points when you kill an enemy. For example:

If you start attacking an enemy (no Style Rank currently set) you may only earn say...10 points per kill, as your style goes up the points per kill will rise, C may give you 20, B 40, A 50, SSS 100. Getting the SSS Rank on the Blue Fireballs means the second you strike an enemy you will start getting SSS Rank points.

In essence, the Current Rank Displayed works as a Style Point Multiplyer.


S'All over but the Crying
Keaton;180147 said:
You get Style Points per kill.
Using Combat Adjucator Statues and hitting those fireballs will set the rank, but you will earn points when you kill an enemy. For example:

If you start attacking an enemy (no Style Rank currently set) you may only earn say...10 points per kill, as your style goes up the points per kill will rise, C may give you 20, B 40, A 50, SSS 100. Getting the SSS Rank on the Blue Fireballs means the second you strike an enemy you will start getting SSS Rank points.

In essence, the Current Rank Displayed works as a Style Point Multiplyer.
Well, you learn something new everyday...thank you for the info, Keaton. They don't make this stuff common knowledge, unless I'm completely out of it and can't see it for myself. Which, come to think of it, is probably the case.

I'm glad I found your site!

PS: I apologise for people like me who have you answering all the minutiae over & over again...I actually do read, but never seem to find this stuff!
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