Mighty No.9

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Pain and pleasure... I've got it all.
Feb 14, 2013
Ultra Britanniazord
So Keiji Inafune announced this Kickstarter project the other day:

Mighty No.9

And i honestly think this is worth backing, sure it's roots are VERY obvious but i want to see this come to pass, i've already donated $20 and will likely donate more if i can.

I must confess i want to see this game happen for alot of reasons but it does look like it could be fun and i'm honestly hoping that the "Megaman formula" can get a new, fresh start right here.
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It's his to copy if you ask me and considering the only things that Capcom have done with is make a terrible IOS game and handing it off to Nintendo to be in Smash, i'd say that nobody has any room to criticise him or complain about it either.

I mean, from the looks of things, he's looking to improve upon the formula he created in the first place, what would be so bad about that? And if that gives Capcom a slap in the face, or dare i say, a wake up call in the process then all the better.
I for one don't know why everyone is going for kickstarters when they already have enough money/friends to back that up -__-
I say it's a test to see if there really is a market, Megaman fans have been clamouring for a new game even before Legends 3 was canned or anything.

"Put your money where you mouth is" is the name of the game here and i'd say with the way the money is piling up already that the Megaman community is doing exactly that.
I just... realized something horrible. Keiji Inafune cannot legally make Megaman, but loves his creation and wants to make another Megaman. He bypasses legal grounds by creating a Mighty No. 9, which is basically Megaman in terms of gameplay and maybe other things. It's a spiritual successor, but also another "Megaman game".

In a sense, Bayonetta is another Devil May Cry since Hideki Kamiya created Devil May Cry, but what about Okami, Godhand, and Viewtiful Joe? He could have made another Okami, Godhand, and Viewtiful Joe in terms of gameplay, but with different things that prevent them from being considered "illegal". The Wonderful 101 sort of looks like Viewtiful Joe art direction-wise, but we have yet to see something resemble Okami or Godhand. So... does that mean Kamiya does not love his creations? Dun dun DUH!!!

Also, I find it incredibly stupid how someone who was part of the original development team of whatever can be accused of "copying". It's like if J.K. Rowling wrote another witches & wizards book and was accused of copying Harry Potter. Patrice Desilets was part of the Assassin's Creed creation and if 1666 looks anything like Assassin's Creed, I wouldn't be surprised and I wouldn't be surprised if people accuse him of copying Assassin's Creed. Yeah, the person who made the original thing is "copying" it. Legally, Desilets can't make Assassin's Creed games, but he could make games similar to them.
Capcom already killed Megaman so it's fine for the father of Megaman to revive his long gone son.

Keiji Inafune himself said that he wasn't the "father of Megaman". Inafune said that he just did the artwork for Megaman, aside from Megaman himself. Akira Kitamura was the one who came up the gameplay and concept for Megaman. Sadly, he is no longer "relevant" to the gaming industry anymore and not many knew that he was the creator of Megaman. So, Keiji Inafune would be one of the fathers of Megaman or maybe one of Megaman's loyal butlers.

Well sadly.. gohand was panned by critics and didn't sell well either :( and Okami was popular and praised for its art but was a commercial failure.

Godhand is considered a cult classic and I think many fans claim that reviewers didn't play the game enough, gave Godhand enough time, or that reviewers generally know jack about anything including how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Okami didn't sell well, but apparently after a HD version was released it sold pretty well. Sort of like Mother/Earthbound, except that Mother sold well in Japan but failed everywhere else since back then, the Internet was still a baby and people relied on game magazine reviewers that were sort of biased to hardcore, dark, gritty games - hey, it's like a vicious cycle. It wasn't until now with fans of the game sharing their experiences and the Mother 3 fan translation that gave more attention to the Mother series. Mother/Earthbound getting an international release on the Wii U probably helps as well since there were only two ways to play the games before the Virtual Console release: find a cartridge or download a ROM.

This. Developers can just make a game similar to the one they love, instead of bemoaning the fact that they can't use a particular IP. They can just make one of their own, with a different aesthetic.

Ubisoft and Patrice Desilets are still debating over 1666. The cost and the attention required are huge factors that would affect whether or not a game succeeds along with a competent set of developers. Keiji Inafune is asking for $900,000 which is probably the bare minimum for a game that's 2D. Inafune probably has a group of competent employees that know what a Megaman game should have. At the same time, we had several games with only one developer; Dust: An Elysian Tail is one example and it took about three years to make. Keiji wants his game out in 2015, that's about a year and a half left excluding development time before the announcement. Games cost a lot to make nowadays even if it's nothing but sprites. Shadows of the Eternals is an ambitious goal especially when the graphics are top priority. The game looks like something an AAA developer should be toying with. I don't know the history of the game and it's predecessors, but I saw some footage and I just didn't like it. Oh, it was pretty and pretty boring. That's another issue since the gaming industry is all about photo-realism and many indie or small developers suffer to meet that "goal" of having photo-realistic games. At least Mighty No. 9 is going for an old-school look. So, relatively unknown game, Eternal Darkness, and a spiritual successor that aims to be AAA. Bad ideas across the board. Just look at recently bankrupt 38 Studios. Great idea and a really ambitious game. It did not reach its goal for profits and 38 Studios had to shut down and leave tons of people unemployed. Also, Rhode Island had to pick up the debt.
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Am I wrong in suggesting that we all make 2D games or games that have really low-end graphics until studios can manage their costs properly and wait until we're out of these hard economic times?

I wanted to make a thread about this, but I had made a similar one with voters allowing to chose "high-end graphics" or, "better developed in-game worlds".

However, I think it's once again time to make a new thread, in my humble opinion; I'm going to call it, "The Case For Low-End Graphics."

It's a re-iteration of the last thread I started, but this time, it's going to be an argument for low costs and only low costs. That way, the game developer in question will definitely make a profit, and the consumer will definitely won't have to pay as much in the future (I know most game companies are greedy, but they won't charge as much for low-end graphics).

I'm really put off by the fact that even a simple 2D game can cost up to $900,000. It's an outrage, in my opinion. I really think it should be lower, and that expensive business practices like this should be put to a stop.

Here, let's see if we can make a game that's at least halfway decent for free--



Should I make the thread? Am I deluding myself into thinking that game development doesn't have to be as expensive as it is now?
At time of posting we're past 800k raised for the game and this got added in as part of an update:

Also some fanart has, unsurprisingly, shown up:​
In a sense, Bayonetta is another Devil May Cry since Hideki Kamiya created Devil May Cry, but what about Okami, Godhand, and Viewtiful Joe? He could have made another Okami, Godhand, and Viewtiful Joe in terms of gameplay, but with different things that prevent them from being considered "illegal". The Wonderful 101 sort of looks like Viewtiful Joe art direction-wise, but we have yet to see something resemble Okami or Godhand. So... does that mean Kamiya does not love his creations? Dun dun DUH!!!
Well i remember last year Inaba said they were thinking about starting a kickstarter project to make pc game and get into pc market. If Mighty No.9 will be successful we will see something from PG?
I say it's a test to see if there really is a market, Megaman fans have been clamouring for a new game even before Legends 3 was canned or anything.
IMO i want a 3d megaman game with open-world like legends 3... i love 2d megaman games but this is 2013 i can play those games on my phone.