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Max Payne 3 Review Roundup

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Here are the reviews that have been released so far for Rockstar's latest title in the Max Payne series...

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Those are all fine but what do actual gamers think. That's who the games are marketed towards, not so-called professional reviewers but gamers with varying tastes.

Not actually out yet (Midnight US and Fri UK) and they are all gamers too with varying tastes and opinions, just paid for their opinions. I did read a lot of the peoples thoughts on Twitter who got to play it early in the booths and in playtests in special warehouses set up by Rockstar and they all seemed to love it. Preordered mine months ago and should have it by Thursday/Friday morning hopefully so I can experience it first hand then.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I'd love to read what you & others honestly think.

I cant wait, meant to be a technical marvel but also have all the old school style shooting and action you would expect from the series. Currently averaging 87% on Metacritic based on 34 review scores.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Wow I haven't seen good reviews like that since Ocarina of Time. MP have always been the "DMC of shooting games" so I'm sure this game is awesome.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Wow I haven't seen good reviews like that since Ocarina of Time. MP have always been the "DMC of shooting games" so I'm sure this game is awesome.

Skyrim had some pretty beastly review scores (96% average). Ive always respected Rockstar and Red Dead Redemption had some of the best shooting mechanics and physics for gunplay and deaths id seen. Max Payne series is known for its gunplay and Rockstar have seemed to take the franchise by the horns since they bought the rights to it and with Max Payne 3 the shooting mechanics look amazing and the slow-mo deaths look epic. Hope they can carry over some of these mechanics into their other titles especially those with weak gunplay such as GTA.

Really want to play it and after reading all the praise for the game on Twitter by gamers and the press from US who have got their hands on it Friday seems so far away.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
^ I didn't know that. (I'm under a rock when it comes to game reviews these days)

By any chance is this a continuation of MP2 or a whole new story all together?
Its been a LONG time since I've watched by cousin play part 2.
But I think GTA benefits by not being like other shooting games. I always loved the crazy gun play found in GTA3 and San Adres. (I spelled that wrong sorry)

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
^ I didn't know that. (I'm under a rock when it comes to game reviews these days)

By any chance is this a continuation of MP2 or a whole new story all together?
Its been a LONG time since I've watched by cousin play part 2.
But I think GTA benefits by not being like other shooting games. I always loved the crazy gun play found in GTA3 and San Adres. (I spelled that wrong sorry)

Its a little of both apparently, I never owned MP1 or MP2 but im aware of the games and ive seen them played. You will be able to understand the story if you havent played any of the previous titles or in most cases wont be able to remember them that well (as there has been a gap of 9 years between titles). However it does carry on from Max Payne 2 apparently and the events that happened before Max Payne 3 do play a part in why Max is the way he is in Max Payne 3.

I like how GTA's gunplay is different and I dont expect it to have as tight gunplay as RDR or MP3. However the gunplay was the weakest part in the GTA series with it being so basic as well as a basic cover system. If they could make the experience as deep as they have in other games and have the weapons pack the same amount of punch as other titles it would be superb. Always took too many bullets to take someone down in GTA and gunplay just didnt feel as satisfying as it did in other franchises Rockstar develop.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Its a little of both apparently, I never owned MP1 or MP2 but im aware of the games and ive seen them played. You will be able to understand the story if you havent played any of the previous titles or in most cases wont be able to remember them that well (as there has been a gap of 9 years between titles). However it does carry on from Max Payne 2 apparently and the events that happened before Max Payne 3 do play a part in why Max is the way he is in Max Payne 3.

I like how GTA's gunplay is different and I dont expect it to have as tight gunplay as RDR or MP3. However the gunplay was the weakest part in the GTA series with it being so basic as well as a basic cover system. If they could make the experience as deep as they have in other games and have the weapons pack the same amount of punch as other titles it would be superb. Always took too many bullets to take someone down in GTA and gunplay just didnt feel as satisfying as it did in other franchises Rockstar develop.

What are the odds we both never played the games but watched someone else play them? Small world huh?
Didn't Max die in part 2? (I should look that up) Wow its been 9 years good God! Well if a person can jump into MP3 without issue win/win!
This is true, the CPU could kill you so fast all you could do was run away and ether A) run over them with a car or B) use the life cheat code over and over again.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
lol magazine & pro online reviews don't sell me on games & that's one reason they don't.
I'd rather hear honest opinions from average gamers not denial & sugar coated hype from fanboys lol.
To me Hitman looks great & is very interesting, i wanna try a demo & judge from my own hands on experience.
So your saying Skyrim isn't good?
Well Friday you'll have your chance to judge this game.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
1. don't need to because i'm not buying anymore first run Bethesda titles, i'll wait for GOTY version only.
2. I didn't say Skyrim is a bad game however i don't think any game with as many technical issues like weird glitches & freezing problems which Skyrim is still having this very day should get such high scores.
3. I'm not a follower or fan of these games but i find it very strange Skyrim beats out Batman Arkham City, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Gears of War 3, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Portal 2, Dark Souls, Catherine, for game of the year. And none of those games has as many problems as Skyrim, I know they're no were as big but when did finding excuses for problems become the norm because of a game's size.
I don't think Skyrim is bad but King of 2011 games it is not, not by a long shot.
God its hard to read your posts. Could you use a darker font please. Skyward Sword was good but its ending was weak. Majora's Mask is still the best Zelda game hands down.

MP has always delivered in the past so its good reviews are not over stepping at all.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
What are the odds we both never played the games but watched someone else play them? Small world huh?
Didn't Max die in part 2? (I should look that up) Wow its been 9 years good God! Well if a person can jump into MP3 without issue win/win!

I dont even know why I didnt own them, only thing I can think of is that I was young and didnt have much money for games and it was released in a crowded schedule. I dont know how Max Payne 2 ended as I cant remember but must have been inconclusive. :lol:

Only critisms ive read about Max Payne 3 is that it feels a little old school and the actual run/gun and take cover hasnt evolved much in the 9 years. However most have said they are happy about this as they dont want the formula of the games massively changed. It still feels like the Max Payne of old but with a fantastic graphicial presentation and physics engine.

1. don't need to because i'm not buying anymore first run Bethesda titles, i'll wait for GOTY version only.
2. I didn't say Skyrim is a bad game however i don't think any game with as many technical issues like weird glitches & freezing problems which Skyrim is still having this very day should get such high scores.
I don't think Skyrim is bad but King of 2011 games it is not, not by a long shot.

Still averages an 8.3 on User Reviews on Metacritic and was voted game of the year by gamers in the gamers choice. In nearly 100 hours ive had 1 minor glitch involving a floating Mammoth and 1 loading screen crash and with games that have 100-300 hours of play you can expect some glitches. The PS3 version had quite a few bugs and a major filesave size issue which caused lag but the 360 and PC versions were the least buggy game Bethesda have ever made. The new engine is much better than the Gamebryo engine used in say Fallout 3 and Oblivion. Bethesda continue to patch the title with fixes on all platforms and are working on HUGE DLC pieces for it currently which will also ship with fixes.

It was the game that I played the most in 2011 and I had a lot of favourites, just couldnt seem to stop playing it and I will still be playing it in 2013 most likely whereas the others I will not. Bethesda truly embrace the DLC market with huge pieces that are games in themselves and also are one of the best companies at encouraging modding on PC and creating toolkits to help with it. They also actively monitor their support forums and try to fix any issues that are raised there.

In the past some games have been released very buggy (still ive never had any huge issues with any) but was down to the engine they were working with and it was known to be rather buggy. I played Oblivion and Fallout 3 for around 145 hours each and only had 1 major issue (in Oblivion). That was down to a patch not being compatible with my saves and making the grass in the terrain rainbow coloured, reinstall on my new computer was fine and played from start to finish with no issues. Ive found Lionhead to be one of the worst for patching their games and Fable III had some game breaking glitches that are still not patched and no sign of anything being done about it. So there are other companies that do it but arent even actively releasing patches and bug fixes.

I make no excuses for buggy games but I can overlook some bugs in games that are as ambitious as Bethesda's titles and with the size that they are so long as they are well supported with updates and fixes.


Well-known Member
Gives some details, like control, sound, gameplay, all that stuff lol. But take your time & enjoy it then in your own words give your full review.
cool....and from what i'v play so far (more than half of it) everything looks gr8....i mean the controls are easy and simple so you dont get confused...as for the sound its very realistic and the visuals are very real like when u shoot somebody in the head for example u can slow mode the bullet and u can see his face busts right open from the effect of the bullet.....and gameplay is really nice lots of flashbacks and memories and u play as him then u know like a mission then back to the present...its like that all the time but its not annoying cuz you get him a little more u know.....thats all for now if thers anything else just ask :) and when i finish the game ill consider doing a full review :) although im not very good at this but ill try :D thx for the idea btw ^_^

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I managed to get to Chapter 4 so far in between renovating my new house and im loving it. The controls are great and feel natural and ive never played a Max Payne game before, takes some time to get used to when you should use shoot dodge and bullet time but once you go on instinct your half way there. The set pieces are superb, graphics are stunning, physics add so much to the gameplay with lethal one shot kills and unscripted epic kills you can pull off. Narrative flows perfectly into gameplay with no jarring load screens and the style of the cutscenes is great, brilliant voice acting and motion capture too. Max dies easily so have to be wary of your enemies and they arent stupid either and will work together to flank you and draw you out of cover.


Well-known Member
I managed to get to Chapter 4 so far in between renovating my new house and im loving it. The controls are great and feel natural and ive never played a Max Payne game before, takes some time to get used to when you should use shoot dodge and bullet time but once you go on instinct your half way there. The set pieces are superb, graphics are stunning, physics add so much to the gameplay with lethal one shot kills and unscripted epic kills you can pull off. Narrative flows perfectly into gameplay with no jarring load screens and the style of the cutscenes is great, brilliant voice acting and motion capture too. Max dies easily so have to be wary of your enemies and they arent stupid either and will work together to flank you and draw you out of cover.
hehe very true...i admit your way better than me at this :)....i feel like sh*t now :p:p

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Wow very nice first hand reviews Dark Drakan & darkdeamon92/dmc3/ Your own words & it's more of actual gamers playing to enjoy not playing to review.
Nerd time lol.
So how is the multiplayer ? Or are you saving that till after you've beaten MaxPayne3 at least once.

Wouldnt say mine was a review as such just some first impressions as ive only played it for about an hour or so. I havent touched multiplayer yet and will try it out after ive done the single player, theres a co-op pack being released in the summer too.


Well-known Member
Wow very nice first hand reviews Dark Drakan & darkdeamon92/dmc3/ Your own words & it's more of actual gamers playing to enjoy not playing to review.
Nerd time lol.
So how is the multiplayer ? Or are you saving that till after you've beaten MaxPayne3 at least once.
hehe thx....and me too i havent played the multiplayer yet but when i finish solo ill give u my thoughts then :)


Battousai The Manslayer
I still remember the first time I played Max Payne back in 2001, it was the best game I had played! The noir atmosphere, mature storyline, graphic novel style cut scenes and introduction of bullet time! So, I was very worried about Max Payne 3 when they first published the game screens, he was in sun-kissed streets of Brazil and Max was completely bald and fat! I was very skeptical about the game BUT when I finally bought this game yesterday, I was mind blown!! The control are smooth, graphics is great, gun physics are real and story so far is going great!! Most part of the gameplay is basically cover and pin point shoot. Bullet time is awesome, you can control the final kill cam - watch as your bullets tear apart the enemy! Painkillers are there. Collecting parts to get Golden gun is quite fun. Overall the best action game released so far!!! Also, one thing I learned from playing Max Payne 3 is never judge a game from its screen, play yourself and be the judge! That's why I am ready to take my chances in DmC :)
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