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Marvel Comics' Big 3


Legendary Devil Hunter
So Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are DC comics 'big 3'. But who are Marvels?
On one hand, Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America are pretty big lately, thanks to the MCU

But I've herd it said that Wolverine and Spider-Man are, or were, Marvel's 2 most popular characters
Plus, are Cap and Thor as popular as Spidey or Wolvie? Iron Man maybe, but I don't think so (I could be wrong and Cap and Thor could be way more popular then I think)

But does anybody think I'd be wrong in thinking Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Wolverine are Marvel's big 3?


What do you guys think?​
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Absent Nova

Phantom Thief
Spider-Man is definitely the most iconic Marvel hero, after him I would say Wolverine (again a very popular character) and of course Captain America because 'Murica!


Keyser Söze
Spiderman is the most popular marvel character period! no one gave a crap about Cap america before these recent movies and i still don't like his character.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
I dunno who the big 3 in Marvel would be classified as, but I'm definitely sure that Thor isn't one of them. He was obscure as f*** before the MCU came out.

Spider-Man, Wolverine, and the Hulk would be pretty a good guess, since they've been overwhelmingly popular since before they even got animated or live-action interpretations.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I would also probably say Spider-Man, Wolverine and Hulk. Spider-Man takes the number one spot though, for me.

@WolfOD64: C'mon man, have respect for the swear filter.


Well-known Member
I say Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Captain America. But I'm also biased considering Cap is my favorite superhero. :inlove:

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Spidey is practically the face of Marvel so he should be a category onto himself but if you needed someone to cover for either Cap or iron man.

Right now its probably spidey, iron man and wolverine.
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