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Anti - Little D
Only a couple more months of Lost guys :(:( I'm a massive fan of Lost and always will be . But I agree it was dragged out for so long and the whole flashforward thing was abit gay... But now they are trying to answer all the questions that have come open in the past 5 seasons in 17 more epsidoes ... How on earth are they gonna do that ??


This video takes the pee out of lost but its still pretty funny really .. and some answers have already been answered in the season 6 opener.

Does anyone have theories on how its gonna end and stuff .. BUT they are all dead and they wake in coma's and etc have already been discreditted by the people who make it ... so please only senisble ideas

Enjoy the video LOL:lol::lol::lol:

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Its been a rocky ride watching Lost over the time its been on. Confusion, theories, story twists and long gaps between seasons but ive enjoyed it. Still a real mind**** of a show but guess thats half the fun. People are probably going to end up annoyed with the ending no doubt but i was quite impressed by how much stuff they fit into the latest 2 episodes and how things are slowly coming together. Still throws confusion in there for good measure but ive enjoyed it and look forward to the conclusion, be it good or bad ive put a lot of time into watching this show over the years and although i wish some parts of the story hadnt gone down the route they did i need to see the ending. :lol:


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I really, really enjoyed the first two series of Lost but series three and four made me completely lose interest. I don't even care how it's going to be wrapped up anymore. Possible spoiler(?):

I think if Lost hadn't gone the supernatural route then I might still have been a fan.


Fearfully and wonderfully made

To be fair: Lost series 3 didn't suffer quite so much from the problem I mentioned in my above spoiler, but I think the introduction of the new characters helped play a part in why I started to dislike it. I thought...

...Ben was a crap character

There, I said it. Another thing I can't stand is how no-one on the island seems to ask the "right" questions. If I were on that island - in fact, if anyone other than the dimwits who are currently on that island, you would damn well get to the bottom of what's going on in about 10 minutes.

It seems so obviously staged that I can't feel at all immersed in the story or believe that anyone isn't just an actor. I can't help but think that everything that is said is so deliberately cryptic and vague in an effort to prolong a certain sub-plot that might be going on.

Sawyer is cool, yes, and my wife fancies the pants off him. Locke is okay until he starts spouting cryptic crap that no-one seems to pick up on. Any sane person would ask "Right, Locke, what's goin on, mate? Seriously. Nah, I'm not buying that crap. RAWR! FALCON PAWWNCH!!!!!111!"

I liked Ekko (sp?) - he was my favourite character.

I dunno. I can't explain it but nobody asks realistic questions or behaves in an even remotely believable fashion. Grr. I really enjoyed series one and two as well and was able to overlook the crap that went on...

And that's my rant over with.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Its a pity JJ Abrams couldn't have stuck to making lost, rather than poking his head into the Star Trek franchise


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
HAY! Don't diss Star Trek! :p

But seriously, if you read Steve's posts, he has the exact same (and I do mean EXACT SAME) opinion as I do. Right down to fave character... Are we clones or something, dude? :p
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