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lost in the middle

ok so we all know that there are two sides the light side {the good side} and the dark side {the bad side}. and we all know that everyone is part of one of those sides. and we all know that it is easy for someone from the light side to become one of the dark side. and it takes a long time for someone from the dark side to become on of the light side. but that is not true. the truth is the people are splited into three groups. the light. the dark and the middle. those in the middle are lost they don't know if there in the light or in the dark. they are like a boat in the middle of a storm.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
An interesting point you bring up, but I don't find it to be necessarily good, I consider myself to be neither good nor evil, rather somewhere inbetween, I do whichever benefits me at the time.

The way I see it is like this, you can have good and evil, but at the same time, you have to have balance, a being which plays for both sides in order to even out the odds, to keep the balance, so to speak, so yes, I don't consider those who find themselves in the middle ground to be lost, but rather to be those that keep the balance in check.


TimeLord Detective
There are no sides, only points of view. Nobody can be considered absolutely "good" or absolutely "evil". Everyone has reasons for doing things, but he is only viewd through his actions and the result of his cause.

However this is not 100% accurate judgement. If one sides with "evil" does not mean that he or she is evil himself/herself, only that his/her views/ways/reasoning told him/her that she/he should join this side. Reasons for that could be fear, respect, love, cowardice, blackmailing, and many other feelings views, and reasonings which would make that person noble, with the opposite being posible as well.

All of us have good and evil. The thing is if we can tell them apart the same way the majority does or not before "joining a side" as Bringer put it.
Tony_Redgrave;152869 said:
There are no sides, only points of view. Nobody can be considered absolutely "good" or absolutely "evil". Everyone has reasons for doing things, but he is only viewd through his actions and the result of his cause.

However this is not 100% accurate judgement. If one sides with "evil" does not mean that he or she is evil himself/herself, only that his/her views/ways/reasoning told him/her that she/he should join this side. Reasons for that could be fear, respect, love, cowardice, blackmailing, and many other feelings views, and reasonings which would make that person noble, with the opposite being posible as well.

what you mean is sometimes someone who is known as a great person a person who helps the people. will make the world a better place by sacrificing all the good things he/she made by doing something evil?

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Tony_Redgrave;152869 said:
There are no sides, only points of view. Nobody can be considered absolutely "good" or absolutely "evil". Everyone has reasons for doing things, but he is only viewd through his actions and the result of his cause.

However this is not 100% accurate judgement. If one sides with "evil" does not mean that he or she is evil himself/herself, only that his/her views/ways/reasoning told him/her that she/he should join this side. Reasons for that could be fear, respect, love, cowardice, blackmailing, and many other feelings views, and reasonings which would make that person noble, with the opposite being posible as well.

All of us have good and evil. The thing is if we can tell them apart the same way the majority does or not before "joining a side" as Bringer put it.

^Oh there is evil.

Some people do things that cannot be justified and never forgiven.:dry:

But evil is different frum the dark side. Two different things.

I like darkness but if I see what I consider evil, I kill it.


Anti - Little D
^ there are evil people in the world like terrorists and murderers but there are good people like me :lol:
and i thing that people can change side when they like


TimeLord Detective
There are no evil people:p Just because 9876543 other people decided that X's actions were bad, doesn't mean he is bad. Sparda is hated throughout all the underworld. But he helped humanity, so we immediatelly say that he is good:p It all has to do with how you view things, but I'm not going to try and persuade you people. Each to their own opinion after all;)


TimeLord Detective
Sorry for what?:p Hitler thought what he was doing was right. From HIS point of view, he was a good guy:lol:


Anti - Little D
Tony_Redgrave;153029 said:
Sorry for what?:p Hitler thought what he was doing was right. From HIS point of view, he was a good guy:lol:

Ok from Bin Laden's view point hes doing good as he believes in what hes doing , and from my point point of view hes a terrible person who has killed thousands of people
:Oit turned into a touchy subject.

anyway what i don't get is why do people always remember the bad things. like someone lived his life saving and helping the people. he does one mistake. the people will begin to talk about that mistake and forget about all the good things he did.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Good and evil is always a touchy subject.

Hitler killed millions ot people for no better reason than the gain of power and wealth for his own people, that's pretty evil if you ask me, sacrificing massive amounts of people in order to benefit the few is an evil act, it doesn't matter if he saw what he was doing as good, killing people who were genetically deformed, homosexual, or of a different religious background is wrong, and evil.


TimeLord Detective
Angelo Credo;153035 said:
Good and evil is always a touchy subject.

Hitler killed millions ot people for no better reason than the gain of power and wealth for his own people, that's pretty evil if you ask me, sacrificing massive amounts of people in order to benefit the few is an evil act, it doesn't matter if he saw what he was doing as good, killing people who were genetically deformed, homosexual, or of a different religious background is wrong, and evil.

That's how you view it. He probably thought he was cleansing the world or something like that. But anyway as I said earlier I'm not going to try and see things through many view points like I do. Let's just stick to our own opinions without trying to prove which is right and which is wrong (this is something children do after all:p) since in the world of opinions, there is no wrong one. Only ones different from each one of those:lol:


Gosh Napoleon...
Wow.. what the f-ck is that your kingdom hearts religion or some sh!t?

Nobody is perfect and everyone has a heart. So no I don't know.
Its not like someone is f*cking born "evil" or "good" jesus christ. For real, you people need to stop playing these fantasy games. SH*T
Bandoor;153094 said:
Wow.. what the f-ck is that your kingdom hearts religion or some sh!t?

Nobody is perfect and everyone has a heart. So no I don't know.
Its not like someone is f*cking born "evil" or "good" jesus christ. For real, you people need to stop playing these fantasy games. SH*T

WOW touchy subject

people born with both they are like seeds. one of them grows depending on your actions. it is like a tree. if you cared about it all the time. it will be beautiful. but if you cared about it for a while and then left it it will change as the time passes.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
We all have the power inside ourselves to try our best to do the right thing. If someone falters and makes a mistake, that doesn't make them a bad person. What makes us good or bad, are our actions. If you do some minor bad things, but more good things then bad; then you are a good person.
that is if the people didn't talk about the bad things and another group heard it and it reach the media. becuse the media will add some words and thing will be really big. and some people will lose everything.
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