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Look what DragonMaster noticed...


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I was watching the first boss fight of Lolipop Chainsaw and funny thing I noticed something of the first bosses attacks and movement. Look/

0:22 Sounds a bit like Arbiter from DmC and the smash to the ground, but that's a small thing.
0:24 look familiar anyone?
0:41He transorts around like Dante in DmC with his angel evade, but again, small detail.
1:08 Stinger?
1:35 longer reach stinger
4:19 possibly million (trillion) stab?

Also Zed looks like the main vocalist of Combichrist a bit. Zed's also a Punk rock boss like Dante is Punk with his clothes.

Plus both Zed and Dante say "F*ck" a lot:troll:

This isn't to be an ass, I just think it's funny and a bit cool. Like fighting new Dante before the actual DmC. Well not actually fighting him but fighting someone who's Punk style is like a certain Demon/Angel hybreed.^_^

What do you guys think?


The inFAAMous
Oddly enough I was playing this today at a friend's house, and was fighting this exact boss and I too noticed the stringer-like move.

It's not a bad game either, a little on the Maximum ridiculous side maybe.


I Saw the Devil
I think they're similar themes but DmC doesn't have the monopoly on them so I don't think they're related.


Well-known Member
Yeah, subtle rip offs is how I would call that. Lollipop Chainsaw references a lot of stuff anyway, and it is sort of a hack and slash game so it might use references from other games that are alike. This guy is way more badmouthed than Dante as far as I have seen, Dante swears but it's not in every sentence... so I think the language used is simply something original of the character itself. That really looks like the stinger though... lol


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
But rip offs is what many game developers tend to when their creativity stops.
I personally try to avoid ripping story ideas off other work i have seen, but many developers in Gaming industry don´t think like that :p


Well-known Member
But rip offs is what many game developers tend to when their creativity stops.
I personally try to avoid ripping story ideas off other work i have seen, but many developers in Gaming industry don´t think like that :p

Some of them aren't ripping because they want to, they just get influenced by it. All humans essentially act by influences anyway. Like unknowingly you do things that your parents do because you copied them when you were little, or things like that.

But then there is competition in the gaming industry. The ideas is: "someone made something that people liked, let's take that idea and tweak it around a bit so that what I make can also be appreciated by the masses." Why do you think most games now look more and more like CoD or Gears of War?


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
i can see direct influence, but the game itself is original enough that it doesnt matter f there are some similarities in gameplay


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Some of them aren't ripping because they want to, they just get influenced by it. All humans essentially act by influences anyway. Like unknowingly you do things that your parents do because you copied them when you were little, or things like that.

But then there is competition in the gaming industry. The ideas is: "someone made something that people liked, let's take that idea and tweak it around a bit so that what I make can also be appreciated by the masses." Why do you think most games now look more and more like CoD or Gears of War?
Yes, but if your creating something and you know you've used ideas for your creation from a other work (movie, other game etc) then your basically ripping off.
That's whole point of ripping off.

The struggle between not being influenced by other games is similar to Hitting the wall when your running. It's hard to get past it, but creativity is not about copying others.
It's about making your own thing :)

And that is why i lay my judgment hammer on my own ideas that are copied.

And the funny thing to make the rip off action more "pretty" people used the word "inspiration". "I was inspired by bla blabla".

I say this because it seems people misuse that word. Let me illustrate what i mean:
If someone i look up to is strong, knows alot about astronomi and music.
I can say He inspires me to become better.

But perhaps what i want to become better at is what i like to do.
Perhaps i like mathematics but i had poor motivation.
And then i met my inspiration,that made me motivated to become better.

I then became inspired, and thus became great at math.

I did not copy the person's interests, but instead i saw at the person and how great he was at what he liked, and then i became like that and applied it to what i like.


Well-known Member
sweet eye man :) and yeah i think its not totally a rip of ..... i alwayz say a good idea here and there is what makes it more awesome :) so we should be flattered cuz DmC is getting more eyes on it so its awesome....:) we know it and they know it:)


Soul Reaver
Well according to you basically everything is a rip-off nowadays, for example every new comedy film is a rip-off from ancient Greece's comedies because they copy the "comedy element", every game copies the idea of entertainment. So once again it's not a question of who copies who, but a question of who can polish that borrowed idea to the max. :cool:

It's not important whether the game is a copy as long as it's good...

And someone who claims that there is something completely original in todays world is a hypocrite ;)


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Well according to you basically everything is a rip-off nowadays, for example every new comedy film is a rip-off from ancient Greece's comedies because they copy the "comedy element", every game copies the idea of entertainment. So once again it's not a question of who copies who, but a question of who can polish that borrowed idea to the max. :cool:

It's not important whether the game is a copy as long as it's good...

And someone who claims that there is something completely original in todays world is a hypocrite ;)
Taking an idea such as a FPS game isn't something i would say "That's a rip off - it's bad!".

But taking a spesific scene, character or something similar are rip offs i consider very bad.

Now you are right there is so much that's not original, but that is why we must try to clear our conscious and try to come up with something original :)
I get the feeling that original stuff sounds so lame in my mind. Where as non originals sounds awesome.


Enma Katana no Kami
Taking an idea such as a FPS game isn't something i would say "That's a rip off - it's bad!".

But taking a spesific scene, character or something similar are rip offs i consider very bad.

Now you are right there is so much that's not original, but that is why we must try to clear our conscious and try to come up with something original :)
I get the feeling that original stuff sounds so lame in my mind. Where as non originals sounds awesome.

1. A punk character who has a few extremely basic moves that are vaguely similar to moves used by another punk character that looks completely different is not a rip off. At most it's a minor reference and probably not even that. None of the moves shown were at all distinctive and there is a limit to the number of things you can do with any weapon. There is a very high chance that it is just an amusing coincidence.

2. Originality does not exist. Everything that is ever created is a slightly different version of something that has appeared a thousand times before. The goal is to create a variant that is different enough that most people don't notice or to combine multiple ideas in a way that creates something that looks new.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
1. A punk character who has a few extremely basic moves that are vaguely similar to moves used by another punk character that looks completely different is not a rip off. At most it's a minor reference and probably not even that. None of the moves shown were at all distinctive and there is a limit to the number of things you can do with any weapon. There is a very high chance that it is just an amusing coincidence.

2. Originality does not exist. Everything that is ever created is a slightly different version of something that has appeared a thousand times before. The goal is to create a variant that is different enough that most people don't notice or to combine multiple ideas in a way that creates something that looks new.
1. Considering Lolipop Chainshaw is a hack and slash, and the way the cheerlader holds her saw, it seems like they have looked at Devil May Cry for ideas. The attacks they have implemented is not distinctive enough, your right. But it seems like they looked at Devil May Cry for ideas. Also i don't care about the punk characters, i was thinking of the attacks.

2. Originality exists. You just have to make sure you don't get influenced by ideas from works you have experienced so that you don't copy them into your game.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
I'll be honest. Lollipop Chainsaw looks a little bt too cliche for me.

I LOVE Zombie games when they are done right, such as Dead Rising was perfect.

It had aspects of SURVIVAL rather than just killing, and left 4 deads unique AI had made it a winner in my book

But Lollipop Chainsaw is just chainsawing through zombies like no tommorow, and why in the f*ck would I want a Chainsaw when in Dead Rising, I can have a sh*tload of Combo Weapons.

Point is, While Dead rising and L4D were unique games with fun ideas. Lollipop chainsaw just seems to be a porno trying to cash in on the zombie fad.


Enma Katana no Kami
I'll be honest. Lollipop Chainsaw looks a little bt too cliche for me.

I LOVE Zombie games when they are done right, such as Dead Rising was perfect.

It had aspects of SURVIVAL rather than just killing, and left 4 deads unique AI had made it a winner in my book

But Lollipop Chainsaw is just chainsawing through zombies like no tommorow, and why in the f*ck would I want a Chainsaw when in Dead Rising, I can have a sh*tload of Combo Weapons.

Point is, While Dead rising and L4D were unique games with fun ideas. Lollipop chainsaw just seems to be a porno trying to cash in on the zombie fad.
1. this is a thread for discussing minor similarities between the movesets of Zed and DmC Dante not a thread for expressing your lack of interest in Lollipop Chainsaw. ( you really should stop with the off topic posts)
2. I strongly disagree with you (i am really interested in Lollipop Chainsaw, i played Dead Rising and got bored and i am not particularly interested in Left 4 Dead. )
3. Lollipop Chainsaw is ridiculous, over the top, very cliched but it also looks like a lot of fun and that is what truly matters.


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D
Give us an example of true originality, since you are so keen on the matter:shifty:
Being original isn't a easy thing. But it's possible.
I just know i try to stay away from ideas that manifest itself in my head because of game or other story influences.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
planet of the apes
I am legend (the book)
lord of the rings
the list goes on
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