I'm... not sure if I get what you mean? I just consider the pre-order bonuses to be like a little "Thank you for putting so much trust in our game to actually pre-order it!", so, that's acutally a nice thing to do, isn't it?
No pre-orders are a way to seal you in to get the content you already own. The pre-order DLC is on the disc. Whether or not Vergil DLC is...well I'll wait for someone on NeoGAF to find that out by looking at the code (as with every Capcom game).
Pre-order from Amazon and get...this
Pre-order from Best Buy and get...those
Pre-order from Gamestop and get.....that
Then we come into the problem for people like me who don't have Gamestop/Best Buy(England)/. How do we get that locked content?Simple, pre-order on PS3. The problem is that the PS3 pre-order version is £5 to £10 more (Games are £40 so that's a hefty added price and is a massive rip-off for content in the game). Next is the problem that this is PS3 only and doesn't cover Xbox owners. I would rather get this on Xbox than PS3.
Next is the pre-order artbook which isn't available for North America or Europe so you can't get it any other way.
NEXT is the problem that the Dante necklace is only for us on Europe and no-where else.
Capcom have this idea that if you DON'T pirate their game and you PLAN on supporting companies that, that isn't enough. You have to pre-order content you should be able to unlock once beating/fulfilling an in-game challenge.
SSFIV, SFxT(The Big one), SF3: 3SOE, MvC3, UMvC3, RE6, Dragons Dogma, Asuras Wrath all have this problem. That's not a "thank you for buying our game" but a "your fault for not buying the game three times from two different retailers and an e-tailer".
Capcom gonna Kappa