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Legendary Dark Knight Mode


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
Alright boys and girls I just downloaded DMC4 for PC and I'll get to modding very soon, and I'll show off some flashy Turbo gameplay as well! And with some Freestyle Tournaments that have occoured in the past...with great privileged to mention some such as Brea's, His1Nightmare's, ChaserTheWolf, Vash The Shell Bullet and other great players out there who make Legendary Dark Knight Mode seem so flawless in their executions...I thought I'd ask if some of you would like to give me some tips with dealing with the enemies of such high caliber, and how to deal with them...that would be great.

Any great advice you can give me is welcomed with open arms and greatly appreciated...

Thanks again



Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Make good use of pandoras gattling gun to fill the bar , the move omen takes out large amounts of enemies. Also keep moving and stay in the air as much as possible. Try to find any areas where you have enough time to charge a full overdrive also as it does a lot of damage as do dt stingers through large amounts of enemies.Yamato dimension slash is very handy for crowd control too as is the fireworks from the shotgun for knock back.Use the pandora laser too.

With nero max act and do level 3 exceeds as much as possible and stay airborne using dt charged shots and aerial busters , doing maximum bets is great too. If all else fails and you are in trouble use a holy water to clear the whole area. If you can jc then stay airborne all the time and make good use of royal guard and royal release

Other than all that just fight as you normally would and if you need individual tips check out the DMC4 tips and hints guide or feel free to pm me, however i work a crazy amount and there may be a time difference as i am in ireland but i will reply as soon as i can
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Well-known Member
Unfortunately, much like VashTSB has noted in his LDK playthrough, this mode encourages the use of certain attacks, such as Omen and Yamato's area-of-effect moves, to clear out the rabble. If you want to keep it stylish, it will of course take some more time, but it's certainly better than spamming a few attacks. That said, Pandora should be your firearm of choice in this mode- the others focus a lot more on one or two targets.

Really, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself, but in order to do that you need to get your defensive skills up to speed and adapt them for the unpredictable nature of these crowds. Well-timed evasion is critical here, and will improve your flow and control over the situation. It also helps a lot to know counters for particular enemies to take them out more quickly.


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
@ef9 o shea and @scionicspectre thank you so much for your input I greatly appreciate that the two of you took your time to reply to my post...it's helped out a lot especially since now I know how to take care of enemies at higher capacities. But I want to ask the two of you something...

With Legendary Dark Knight Mode being the most favored in terms of SSS Ranking made easier to achieve! Does it also take into account that it had it's downsides such it can be too repetitive, for example same enemies continuously spawning, and with Blitz's coming in two's or three's! Do I have to watch out for certain enemies that weren't in the console versions or are they the same ones?


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Hmm.. strange. I always considered AI of normal enemies in DMC3 very low, and biggest problem were than normal enemies in it killed you in 3 hits on fully upgraded health on DMC3 vanilla. By son of sparda what game do you mean?
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