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Latest Interview.... *BIG SURPRISE*


This interview shows a lot of things, mostly titled about the fact that they are telling the real truth behind the game going multi-platform. But there is a big surprise, and Fans of Vergil, you will be disappointed.

Here is a link.

Well, quite a lot of news there in the Interview, especially the fact that they mentioned no appearance from Dante's Brother - Vergil, and they said PS3 and Xbox 360 - in terms of gameplay that they should both favor the same. And there should be no noticeable difference between the two. And it has been said that they are not going to allow players to choose between Dante and Nero, instead you have set times in the game when you have to switch between them. That'll add a bit of an interesting twist to it to be honest -

It is confirmed No Vergil in the interview.

Also, I would like to take a little bit from the interview and basically laugh my *** off over it. In terms of storyline - they mentioned Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry and then followed by Devil May Cry 4 and absolutely no mention, or acknowledgment of Devil May Cry 2. Seems they see it the same way we do, right guys? lol.


Lost Soul
Nice link Steven. It's a shame that Vergil wont be in the game but it's still going to be good.


Supreme Ruler
I'm kinda dissapointed, hearing about no presence of Vergil in the game. I'm a bigger fan of Dante, but I'm still dissapointed. I'm also dissapointed that at first Koyabashi said that the game at first was going to be 50/50 between Nero and Dante, but now it's 60% of Nero and 40% of Dante. What a dissapointment :(


But didnt they say in another interview that vergil will have an apearance in dmc4 because of his highly huge fanbase in dmc3.Also the VA of vergil also said he will have a role in the game but didnt go into much detail about it...and they also said that we will play with nero first then dante in the middle and finish off the game playing as nero again in i think the first interview...


TimeLord Detective
Good news Steven +rep;)
I like the idea of the game play. It reminds me of Onimusha 3: Demon Siege.
Too bad for Vergil though:p
But I hope he makes a small appearance even if this is in the credits;)


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Awesome! Nice find, Steven. Green rep for you. ;)

Shame that Vergil definitely won't be making an appearance in Devil May Cry 4, though.


Well-known Member
Baaadd news.... 8(

I'm really disappointed. First of all - that thing with switching heroes... I don't want play Nero! I waited (yes, WAITED) this game to play Dante! And now I MUST look at Nero during boring 60% of game time??? F***! It's foolish to beat demons for Nero and a few minutes later go there for Dante. Screenshots show us the same places. I know that Dante will have his own locations but... it's smaller part of game!

Second... Hellish 40 %! Let Capcom take it into their a$$e$! Kobayashi has laughed at fans... Great!

Third... No Vergil... I haven't words... to talk around the degree of my disappointment... After that news he could be a reason - why should I buy this game? Now this reason is fading away...

I'm so sad that even Dante can't help.... 8'-(


They want us to play as nero because they want us to see a differt perspective of dante in Nero's eyes also to the new players that will be brought into the dmc series.Also if vergil isnt in this game im betting he will be in the DMC4:SE if they make one which im sure they will to make more money like they did with dmc3 because alot of ppl wanted to play as vergil.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Im surprised about the lack of Vergil in the game actually due to the big fanbase he had generated, good link and +rep for posting however.


TimeLord Detective
I do not quite understand the frustration you all have with Nero. Surely he's no Dante, and it's annoying that the presented the game with him as the lead. But on terms of game play you should give him a chance. It is completely new way of fighting that Vergil and Dante were unable to posses (as they don't need to) but that should make it interesting.
As I said before, the game style is similar with Onimusha 3. Again on of the lead characters which existed in previous games has to share the game with a newcomer. The newcomer gains equal strength in terms of game play and surely that was somehow annoying. But after giving the new player a chance you can see that he is pretty useful and fan to play in his own way, and can do things - in game play - that the original hero of the game cannot. But in the end it shows you that in terms of power he is no match for the hero. As Nero with Dante.
Surely all of us are annoyed with some newbies who appear once in a while claiming that "Nero rulez omg he can kick Dante and Dante doesn't stand a chance 'coz he's weaker" etc. But we know this is untrue and I am sure that after we play the game we will see again Dante's greatness;)
And I still am positive that we may see Vergil in or after the credits:p


that zzzombiekid
Yeah, Tony Redgrave is right.
Lets give Nero a chance, ya never know whats in store.
And by the way, I watched another interview.... it said that Dante will be the new bad guy and it will give him a whole new fresh look.... doesnt Dante already look FRESH!?
And that we will be switching characters. Of course.
And that Neros and Dantes relationship is unknown.
By the way aswell....... Nero has got Dantes DMC3 Dantes attitude! Funny, smart... not sure, a bit charming... stuff like that.


nobody can really determine whether or not Nero will be annoying yet but he did drop kick Dante in the face so he's got my vote.

(his sword is also cool)
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