I hope this is some kind of social satire based on the economy making it hard for parents to stay at home to raise children.-- The undergoing changes that I'm suggesting would happen in a better economy, so I'm assuming that most parents would be able to afford this. --
This sort of idea was proposed in novels like Brave New world and Orwell's 1984. What you're suggesting seems quite damaging to babies and children. It is scientifically proven that a foetus gains more than just nutrition in utero. It forms a bond with its mother. To grow a foetus in a sterile environment like a machine would take away that bond.First off:
Instead of getting pregnant and then complaining about it later (as more than a few women (and men) are wont to do) why not just have an artificial womb to the job for you?
And that "implanting-the-fetus-into-the-male-partner" option still has merit if the woman wants the man to "feel her pain" (and if the man agrees to do so, of course).
Society doesn't have time for babies anymore. It's very hard to earn enough to run a household without two wages these days. However, seeing parents a little is much better than being raised by a bunch of strangers forever. It's not that parents don't want to see their children (they wouldn't be having them if that was the case). It's just that society makes it very hard to have a family and earn enough to keep that family.So parents have to spend a lot of time at work.Well...
Infant Care:
After the "birth" takes place, the infant will then be raised by private caretakers at an institute paid for by the parents (a lot of parents already have babysitters, so this wouldn't be so different).
This way, the mother (or the father) won't have to take maternity (or paternity) leave. Stay-at-home parents would be a thing of the past, for most ladder-climbers.
I suggest this because most adults would want to further their careers and simply won't have time to raise their children.
Besides, the more time you spend with your children, the less time you have to do your job. Gotta earn that paycheck (and pay for boarding school). Chop-chop.
This is also not a good idea. A lot of adults say that school was the worst time of their lives. Some people are even permenantly psychologically damaged by school, especially if they were sent to boarding school. Those places are harsh and cruel, full of bullying, and have turned out some pretty messed up people.Well...
Full-time school:
Here is where the child would be educated. It would work like a boarding school, only closer to home so that the parents can check up on their children without having to take time out of their workday to "pick them up" or "take them to an after-school program" because the two would be one and the same.
After a certain age, the children would be able to take care of themselves at home, so the parents would have the option of putting them in a "normal" school (the children could take the bus or go home themselves), or leave them at the full-time "boarding" school as is.
After that, straight-up job-training should take the place of "college" seeing as how there are more workshops opening up every day. Technical schools kind of fill this niche, but too much time in spent in the classroom, imho.
But what you are proposing is a program which benefits the government, not the parents and not the children. Therefore, parents should not pay for it. What kind of parent would want their child grown in a machine, raised by strangers as an infant, sent off to boarding school....that's over 18 years of their child's life that they have not been a part of. The child might as well be a stranger. The only benefit a program like this has is for the government, and I do not see parents endorsing an idea like that at all.Wait wait hold on.
I said that this should be optional. That means that all of this should be privately paid for. It's no different than having a sitter or an after-school program; the only difference being, that it lasts for as long as the parents are able to pay for it.
Wait... so are you for or against the government paying for us? (medicare, food stamps, etc.)
In my humble opinion, a school that lasts all day (or maybe even lets the child go home at the very end of it to not interfere with their work schedules) wouldn't necessarily benefit the government.
It would give the parents free time, and would allow more study time for the child as well.
And if you don't like that idea, how about this?
Home school. Have the certified (by the parents association in that town) teachers go and teach at the homes instead? This way, nothing interferes with the parents' career building.
Well... in my opinion, as long as there is at least one responsible individual (parent or no) available to raise each child (privately, within their own home), then I don't see a problem.I am also curious to know what you thought of my response to your idea about growing children artificially and then rearing them without their parents.
Well, I had another option in mind, but chances are, you probably won't like that either.The alternative to this is to go back to a time where children worked instead of learned. I can't decide which is worse.
Way to dodge the bullet there, loopster.I don't live in America, so I have no opinion on that.
When you said raising children with carers, I had this image of child care en mass in some kind of huge facility with no access to parents because they were busy working. Especially since you coupled it with growing children artificially.Well... in my opinion, as long as there is at least one responsible individual (parent or no) available to raise each child (privately, within their own home), then I don't see a problem.
So, this is as an alternative to parents raising children?Well, I had another option in mind, but chances are, you probably won't like that either.
Complete anarchy (or enhanced libertarianism). Nomadic life. Or mass rule, whatever you want to call it.
I like to call it, complete (but harsh) independence.
The children form gangs and fend for themselves through hunting, building their own wilderness shelters, and basically just fending for themselves.
Whether or not they choose to be nomadic is entirely up to the group.
It is dangerous, especially if they are left to survive by themselves. How old are these children? 6, 10? And do you mean they are raised in society until they reach, say 10 years old, and then thrown into the wildreness until they turn 20 and are old enough to get a job?I know what you're thinking.
It's too dangerous.
Well, I think that's the only solution that could really work outside of parental and government control.
Just let them fend for themselves.
Yes, a lot of them will die from the numerous perils of the wilderness. But that's life. A person can take care of another for only so long before it's time for that person to take care of themselves.
Have fun eating.^_^ As for hypocrite, I think everyone is like that on some level.Ok Loopy. Let it all out. I'm out of ideas and I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go eat and live my socialist life because deep down, I'm a lazy bum who's also a hypocrite.
Please be gentle... no...?
I do however, like the fact that you don't like the idea of overbearing control. I hate control and pretty much will do whatever it takes to fight against it. Even if it means being a total douche. :troll:
UK has too many security cameras, like the 1984 big brother is watching you idea. But we haven't yet got to the stage where people are told to have children for the sake of the government. The again, I don't think people need to be forced to have children when there are so many adverts and women's magazines glorifying babies and motherhood, making it out to be a magical experience when the reality is post natal depression and misery.Personally, I think we're already in 1984 (which is why I moved out of the U.S.), but to each their own.
Anyway, I only suggested the wilderness option because children can't be homeless in the city (I mean they can, but their lives are really screwed if that happens), so, they live in the wild.
Here's the thing. At age 14 (I think) Native Americans would teach their children how to survive in the desert (or whatever forest nearby) with nothing but a knife.
I'm thinking, if certain children have problems with their abusive parents, they have the option of running away and being able to take care of themselves.
All of these solutions I presented above are just ways to see if there's any way to achieve independence, whether inside or outside the city.
And I ordered my food, it'll be here soon.
Reminds me of what Dr. Manhattan said about mankind.snip
I really applaud you.Or that all women should be in the kitchen, chained to the cooker pushing out babies... (not at the same time... although I do hear the ladies are good at multi-tasking lol)... those 1950's attitudes still exist :/
I actually want a smart (but still reasonably attractive-- yes, I know, I'm pure scum) woman who knows what she's talking about.snip
Presumably you are making some sort of sweeping generalisation there, yes?there are so many adverts and women's magazines glorifying babies and motherhood, making it out to be a magical experience when the reality is post natal depression and misery.
I actually want a smart (but still reasonably attractive-- yes, I know, I'm pure scum) woman who knows what she's talking about.
The "less smart" ones (yes, even the pretty ones) are beyond boring. I'd rather stick a fork through my eye.
Reverse traps are so awesome.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=reverse trap
Indeed. I am a rare breed.Then it means guys like you are rare.
I am the first to admit that I am very shallow and vain, but I also know that no matter how much we try, our looks will all eventually fade. These people will only be "lucky" for so long. Once their luck runs out (and it will), they'll be screwed beyond recognition.I don't say to be good-looking means nothing,because it does,a well-kept person is a respected one.But if there's nothing in your head,you don't do much with that beauty,because it fades.:/ And of course,you will only be considered a 'pretty face' and only this,not respected for how much you've done but only looked as a 'lucky person'.
In fact,I love to take care of how I look and how I dress,but I don't wanna be considered only a pretty face,I'd feel truly generalized and random.
I do as well... sometimes. It takes a bit of money to get a good suit... nice clothes. And it takes time to work out to look better.
However, like I said before, looks fade, so the only real factor of importance is how much you know.
But I don't do that either. I just goof off whenever I have free time, lol.
When I see girls from my neighbourhood spending 3-4 hours only to do their hair and make-up I'm really like: What do you do with your life? Your life consists only of that? You can't fake who you are even with tons of make up and jewerly.:lol:
That's probably the best way to live life. But little things get in the way (internet, music, movies, etc.). One can easily become distracted and complicate their lives this way. It's important to focus on your own simplicity and be satisfied with what you have.I'd like to think,the simple,the modest.
Hm... I know what you mean. But it's so easy for these people to live the easy life because it's so attractive. But no matter. It'll only hurt them in the end, so everything works out for the best, eventually.Sure,I have nothing against those persons,but they put price on their appereance more than anything else in life,and it's not that good because they live with their mommy and daddy who gives them money,but I'm curious how they'll live once they will be on their own,since they're not that smart.
Yeah, but then the douchebag will just leave her for another Barbie Doll eventually. Happens all the time. See? I told you these people eventually get what they deserve.But I guess they'll find some douchebag with a lot of money in searching for a Barbie doll to make himself look good in front of his other douchebag friends. Some kind of "Jersey Shore'' .
They're both extremely good shows, with positive role models as well. I don't watch a lot of anime, but when I find one I like, I obsess over it like nothing else.Ohh,Persona 4 and Ouran good good.I like them,even though I didn't watch so many episodes from Ouran I know what it is about.
Anytime.And thanks for that.New stuff in my english vocabulary.
(I actually reversed roles for fun as well with my friends xD)
Naturally - I have been on both sides with each of my children. But I could never state that parenthood is just misery and postnatal depressionDifferent cases with different people. Some happy. Others, not as happy. I'm sorry, Angel.
If you contrast those adverts of perfect happy baby, no crying and mother looking beautiful, young and relaxed with what I have seen, then the adverts do seem like they are selling a lie. I really don't think they should have those kind of adverts on TV anyway consiering how one of my friends actually cited one of the adverts for why she felt so miserable.>_<Presumably you are making some sort of sweeping generalisation there, yes?