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lady comic readers. do you guys run into this problem a lot?


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
so i just came from getting some coffee for my co-workers and i and i stopped at the local comic book shop to say hi to a friend of mine. and in the shop we saw this guy with a few of his friends and he was a loser. and i say that in the most offensive way possible. because a very cute young woman walked over to him to ask him a question, then he starts grilling her on the comic and it's history. he later apologized and said "sorry, its just crazy to see female comic book fans".
is it just me or does anyone else find this a bit sexist? now this could only seem out of the ordinary to see this to me, mainly because my mother and sister and past few girlfriends have all read comics and i've been exposed to dozens of female comic readers all my life...but seriously? i bet that was the first girl that has ever approached him and said anything to him and was genuine about it. but thats just me.
any thoughts?


Devil hunter in training
That guy was out of order. If I were her I would have told him where to stick it.

It's weird when guys like that put women off getting more interested in comics. Surely he should be encouraging her instead of giving the impression that all male comic book fans are the creepy and too serious about comics stereotype.

I've never come across a weird guy like that, or the creepy pervert type of comic fan.
The most I've had is sometimes surprise, but they're happy to talk comics with me. Other guys are used to female readers. And some are a bit too friendly when they find out.
When I have a question about some of the old stuff, they're happy to answer, or lend me a DVD about that particular comic character. At the moment, I'm watching a Silver Surfer DVD set that I wouldn't know existed unless a guy hadn't lent it to me.^_^

I think the only thing that bothers me is when a guy says something like 'but you're a girl, you're cute, and you like comics.' Or they try to be too friendly, which comes off as stifling. I'm not sure if these types of guys come across women very much...:/
I just find that weird that my looks should be important. What should be important is that I like comics just as much as guys and I want to talk about it with them. And sometimes they do have conversations about comic characters they'd want relationships with, but I'm used to that now.;)


One Hell of a Member
Well, yeah. My friend actually asked me about oracle from DC. I gave him the complete answer, and he actually looked at me in shock. I replied casually that he isn't the only DC fan around here.
I just hate the fact that some comic book geeks think that girls don't read comics. News flash buddy, comic books weren't only made for the male gender.


SSStylish Swordsman
everyone and anyone can be a comic fan or gamr or whatever they want regardless of their gender it doesnt matter if your male or female and i ahte reading about stories where guys put down or look down on females who like cmic's or anime, or video games its definitely not fair


Devil hunter in training
There's nothing more funny than the look on a guys face (or that of his friends) when you tell them the 'offside rule' in football... (being a female, you're supposed to know nothing).
To add to that, when it was discovered that a woman ran a science blog, all people could comment on was how she looked, or that they could not believe a woman ran a science blog. *facepalm*>_<

It's like the weird assumption that all women must want to be fashion designers, or be good cooks. But in real life the majority of men are the top chefs working in high class restraunts, and a lot of top fashion designers are men. Good for them, I say. They're following their dream...sadly though there are people telling them they must be gay, or a disgrace to men to want to cook or make clothes for a career.
It's like if a man wants to be a nurse, or a woman a doctor. It's sad that people still think all nurses are women, and doctors are all men.

I thought these days we could just do whatever we wanted regardless of gender...apparently not.:/ Maybe this is because it's all about number of people. I think if the number of female comic fans increases, then it will be more normal for guys to see women enjoying comics. Maybe then the wierd situations described in this topic will lessen. The same goes for women interested in science. More women who are open about liking science, the less weird it becomes.


he later apologized and said "sorry, its just crazy to see female comic book fans".

I wouldn't take offence to that because

1.) translated what he's really saying is 'uh, I haven't come out from under my rock in a while....'


2.) who goes to a store to look at comics nowadays anyway? Is he from the stone age or something? INTERNET people, hellooooo.:troll:


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
I wouldn't take offence to that because

1.) translated what he's really saying is 'uh, I haven't come out from under my rock in a while....'


2.) who goes to a store to look at comics nowadays anyway? Is he from the stone age or something? INTERNET people, hellooooo.:troll:

actually...my computer got aids trying to download a few comics...but yeah...SUPAH SPEED HI-5!!!


Supporter 2014
I remember this one comic where this woman told this guy to draw Batman as a slimmer person with a "smoother jaw" and "bigger eyes".

The guy said "I feel violated."

"Welcome to my world."

The crazy **** was... I felt violated too. :blink:

I mean, they made Batman look like Edward Cullen. Yes, really.

(I think I know how DmC naysayers feel now)


Enma Katana no Kami
Well, yeah. My friend actually asked me about oracle from DC. I gave him the complete answer, and he actually looked at me in shock. I replied casually that he isn't the only DC fan around here.
I just hate the fact that some comic book geeks think that girls don't read comics. News flash buddy, comic books weren't only made for the male gender.

well they are mostly marketed to guys but that is just because most people haven't noticed that female comics fans exist, but of course women can read/watch things marketed to men and men can read/watch things marketed to women so it's not really odd for comics to be read by people outside of the demographic they are expecting.

There's nothing more funny than the look on a guys face (or that of his friends) when you tell them the 'offside rule' in football... (being a female, you're supposed to know nothing).

i would probably encounter the opposite problem if i actually talked to anybody. since i am a guy that knows nothing about sports (well i know the names and general concept of most of the popular ones but none of the details) and doesn't really want to know.


Well-known Member
Lol at that guy, he sure could've just answered that question and been a Nice Person, but no, he decided to be a jackass
Honestly, I believe anyone can do anything, there's no so such limit like gender or some other stupid ****


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
To add to that, when it was discovered that a woman ran a science blog, all people could comment on was how she looked, or that they could not believe a woman ran a science blog. *facepalm*>_<

It's like the weird assumption that all women must want to be fashion designers, or be good cooks. But in real life the majority of men are the top chefs working in high class restraunts, and a lot of top fashion designers are men. Good for them, I say. They're following their dream...sadly though there are people telling them they must be gay, or a disgrace to men to want to cook or make clothes for a career.
It's like if a man wants to be a nurse, or a woman a doctor. It's sad that people still think all nurses are women, and doctors are all men.

I thought these days we could just do whatever we wanted regardless of gender...apparently not.:/ Maybe this is because it's all about number of people. I think if the number of female comic fans increases, then it will be more normal for guys to see women enjoying comics. Maybe then the wierd situations described in this topic will lessen. The same goes for women interested in science. More women who are open about liking science, the less weird it becomes.

Or that all women should be in the kitchen, chained to the cooker pushing out babies... (not at the same time... although I do hear the ladies are good at multi-tasking lol)... those 1950's attitudes still exist :/


Devil hunter in training
Or that all women should be in the kitchen, chained to the cooker pushing out babies... (not at the same time... although I do hear the ladies are good at multi-tasking lol)... those 1950's attitudes still exist :/
Yep, some people still think that. :mad:
There's more to life than having a baby these days. Women can be educated, have a career and earn their own money which does mean more control over our reproductive choices. And the more educated a woman is, the fewer children she has.
On the other hand, if the woman is uneducated, probably living in a poor country, then she'd have no choice about having babies. So I'm glad I live somewhere that lets women have a career and doesn't force them to marry men they do not love for the sake of being a baby machine, while also being a house servant.

However, I don't think women who choose to be at home to look after children should be looked down upon, or considered to be stupid. I've seen that kind of attitude before between my friends who have no children and friends who have children but stay at home. There's this assumption that they're now boring, have ruined their bodies, wasted their degrees and have wasted their lives.>_<

My only concern for women who have no job and stay at home with the children is about the husband cheating, leaving or becoming abusive. With no job, how is the mother going to support the children if the man leaves or she leaves him? At least my friends with children have degrees, so they can use those to get a job, but I'm still worried for them.

As for the 1950s attitude... it's a live and well.
I can't believe this moron told high school girls to have babies. That's a terrible idea. Children having children. All I can think of are those terrible 16 and pregnant shows. This behaviour should not be encouraged.
In this society, having a baby in your teens is one of the worst things you can do. It stops almost any chance of a career, earning decent money, and men still have the attitude of women with children= second hand goods with baggage. >_<
It's going to be a hard life for the baby and the teenager. It's going to make getting a university education even harder, and that's if she's even able to finish high school. These days women need an education if they are to survive in this world, and this idiot man would rather see teenage girls pregnant with no careers and no future. He's also failing to address men in this. So where are the fathers to these babies? I assume they get to carry on with their lives like nothing has happened....:mad:


Supporter 2014

This is going to be a long post--


On the subject of women:

Women should be willing to do anything their male counterparts are willing to do. Or at least, almost anything.

That's my personal opinion on that particular matter. *ahem*


On the subject of children.

Times have changed. People have evolved. In my very humble opinion transhumanism and off-hands (but still approachable) methods will be the example to set for many when it comes to child-raising.

-- The undergoing changes that I'm suggesting would happen in a better economy, so I'm assuming that most parents would be able to afford this. --

First off:


Instead of getting pregnant and then complaining about it later (as more than a few women (and men) are wont to do) why not just have an artificial womb to the job for you?

And that "implanting-the-fetus-into-the-male-partner" option still has merit if the woman wants the man to "feel her pain" (and if the man agrees to do so, of course).

Infant Care:

After the "birth" takes place, the infant will then be raised by private caretakers at an institute paid for by the parents (a lot of parents already have babysitters, so this wouldn't be so different).

This way, the mother (or the father) won't have to take maternity (or paternity) leave. Stay-at-home parents would be a thing of the past, for most ladder-climbers.

I suggest this because most adults would want to further their careers and simply won't have time to raise their children.

Besides, the more time you spend with your children, the less time you have to do your job. Gotta earn that paycheck (and pay for boarding school). Chop-chop.

Full-time school:

Here is where the child would be educated. It would work like a boarding school, only closer to home so that the parents can check up on their children without having to take time out of their workday to "pick them up" or "take them to an after-school program" because the two would be one and the same.

After a certain age, the children would be able to take care of themselves at home, so the parents would have the option of putting them in a "normal" school (the children could take the bus or go home themselves), or leave them at the full-time "boarding" school as is.

After that, straight-up job-training should take the place of "college" seeing as how there are more workshops opening up every day. Technical schools kind of fill this niche, but too much time in spent in the classroom, imho.


Enma Katana no Kami
On the subject of children.

Times have changed. People have evolved. In my very humble opinion transhumanism and off-hands (but still approachable) methods will be the example to set for many when it comes to child-raising.

-- The undergoing changes that I'm suggesting would happen in a better economy, so I'm assuming that most parents would be able to afford this. --

First off:


Instead of getting pregnant and then complaining about it later (as more than a few women (and men) are wont to do) why not just have an artificial womb to the job for you?

And that "implanting-the-fetus-into-the-male-parter" still has merit if the woman wants the man to "feel her pain" (and if the man agrees to do so, of course).

Infant Care:

After the "birth" takes place, the infant will then be raised by private caretakers at an institute paid for by the parents (a lot of parents already have babysitters, so this wouldn't be so different).

This way, the mother (or the father) won't have to take maternity (or paternity) leave. Stay-at-home parents would be a thing of the past, for most ladder-climbers.

I suggest this because most adults would want to further their careers and simply won't have time to raise their children.

Besides, the more time you spend with your children, the less time you have to do your job. Gotta earn that paycheck (and pay for boarding school). Chop-chop.

Full-time school:

Here is where the child would be educated. It would work like a boarding school, only closer to home so that the parents can check up on their children without having to take time out of their workday to "pick them up" or "take them to an after-school program" because the two would be one and the same.

After a certain age, the children would be able to take care of themselves at home, so the parents would have the option of putting them in a "normal" school (the children could take the bus or go home themselves), or leave them at the full-time "boarding" school as is.

please tell me you are joking, i honestly can't tell and want to make sure i know if you are serious or not before reacting.


Supporter 2014
As long as my posts aren't a problem with you. Why don't you follow your own advice and pretend they "don't exist"?


Enma Katana no Kami
As long as my posts aren't a problem with you. Why don't you follow your own advice and pretend they "don't exist"?

from that attitude i am guessing that you are not joking about eliminating the concept of parenting ( or are overly sensitive about jokes, this is going to be very confusing if you don't say which one). there is a huge difference between pointlessly bashing something you have never read and discussing a bad idea on a forum ( eg. a website where things are posted for the sole purpose of discussing them) novels exist to be read by people that like them, forums exist for debate. if you don't like a novel don't read it. if you don't want to debate about a subject don't post about it. it's that simple.
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