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Japanese help please... and thanks forum


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Hi guys....


I have got some books in Japanese i'd like to try and 'decode'...:D

Could some please post (or send me) a full chart of the Japanese alphabet?
There's loads of 'letters', and no one seems to have a full chart of them.

Uhh, i don't wanna seem like a copycat but i just wanna say thanks to some of you lot on here...

I suppose I should start at the top, Which i think is Steve, Angel and Dark Drakan (i'm sorry if i've left anyone out). I haven't really had any 'run-ins' with you. I know you make the 'sticky' rules threads, but you do a great job.

Keaton and Angelo Credo... Two great guys that keep the forum in check... I must say that Mod Rage is really powerful stuff, and it scares the cr@p outta me! (It's a bit like a DT i suppose:D) I swear you'll burst a blood vessel one day Sir Credo. :( I really don't envy the work they do!
But, really, keep up the great work that you do.

Lastly, I'd like to thanks some guys on the forum.

clairavance: the main lady that has helped me with my Vergil 'obession'. A great listener... someone i would like to share a coffee and a chat with anytime (if i drank coffee).

Trish67: Your fanfics on this forum are excellent. It was brilliant reading Trish giving birth and the fact that Dante left her guns at home :D
It always left me thinking, if Trish gave birth to twin boys... would they look like carbon copies of Dante? (Seeing that Dante looks like Sparda and Trish looks like Eva...sorry, i didn't explain that too well). Keep up the good work with the writing Trish.

Dante Redgrave: You have explained alot about DMC to me... and the biggest thing you told me that Alice wasn't a prostitue (apparently, there's a difference between a prostitute and a painted whore... perhaps you should have told Bingo that). Also, I still laugh at the thought of Eva hitting Sparda with a frying pan!!:D (Mom's got the crockpot out!)

SpardaTM: TBH, i thought you were a bit of a smart@rse at first! But, with the time that i have been on the forum... I think you're cool.

LordofDarkness: I've only really known him a little since he came back to the forum. I called him a legend... loads of ppl missed you when you left. I was told what a great guy you are. From what i know... i agree with them.

Dreadnought DT: The newish edition to the family. Great for banter. Lovely and green!! You seem older than what i thought you were. For a 15yr old, you have an older smartness about you. I hope to have more banter with you on the forum.

Lastly GGC... Sorry...
GamblingGambitCloud: When i first joined this forum, you made me feel very welcome. I always enjoy talking to you. In some respects, its like having a little brother. :D
Life throws cr@p at you... it wouldn't be life if it didn't...
If i'm around... (on here or fb) you are more than welcome to B*tch and moan to me (or at me...whatever).

There are loads more ppl who i like on this forum and have a huge respect for... I just can't think at the moment.
I don't do sentimental too often... i end up crying like a friggin baby.
But, i just wanted to say some 'Thank yous'.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
1st point: There are three main Japanese alphabets, all of which are very extensive, Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji.

Hiragana and Katakana alphabets can be found here, though I'm not sure if it's all encompassing, have a search for the Kanji alphabet.
Hiragana/Katakana alphabets.

2nd: Heh, I appreciate the compliments on us keeping the place in shape, it's what we do, and one of these days I fear I might just have an aneurysm, mod rage, regular rage, it's all the same to me, but if the rage gets the point across then all the better, eh? :lol:

All this appreciation malarky is unexpected, where's it come from all of a sudden? :lol:


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Well, I guess Chaos Master started it... Maybe it's starting to snowball?

Thanks VB! You're no slouch yourself! :p

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
:lol: That's cool, we can settle for tea and chocolate cake instead :) Auuuw, my friend! You are just the sweetest person I've met! *glomps* Should we look for more Vergiliciousness on the net? Catch me when you're on, we'll scratch them out from the marsh pit ;)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Dreadnought: It took me a whole 2 hrs to realize the "no slouch urself' thing came from DMC3 (NEVAN) Slow thinker or what.

CV: I'm sure we can find loads of Vergil pictures... I'm around in the evening everyday!!

Pantera Queen: There's another!!! I just thought it was Hiragana and Katakana. It'll keep me busy for the next decade (Thanks)


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Heh. I don't care if you're slow. You're a very sweet girl. ;) As long as you stay on the forum and keep posting, I'm happy. That goes for everyone else here too!


The devoted
Hey VB, don't know if you still need any help with the japanese but, the links that you've been sent are not complete... You also get combinations of the letters to make sounds like kyu and ja then there's also the small tsu rule, where you take a 1 syllable pause to a word if you see a small tsu. There are also accents to sounds which mean that ka with an accent (a small " in the top right) becomes ga. There are also some other rules but it's hard to remember them all.

In general, Katakana is used for non-japanese words, e.g. Banana in japanese is Banana but written in katakana. Hiragana is used alot more in every day words such as watashi meaning I and suiei meaning swimming. Kanji is almost impossible to learn, well, at least all of it. If you never use kanji in what you write, then people will think you're kind of stupid, but will be able to understand you, usually kanji is written with the kana* next to it.

*Kana - Katakana or Hiragana

I studied basic japanese last year and am still advancing my studies in it, so if you need any more info on it, I could probably dig some up from somewhere.
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