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Itagaki Calls Devil May Cry "Shallow"

cosmic master

The Eternal Insomniac
Ninja Gaiden II creator Tomonobu Itagaki has labelled the games made by Devil May Cry creator Hideki Kayima as "rather shallow."

He made the claim during an interview with OXM, when asked about the Platinum Games deal with Sega that saw Bayonetta announced. Kayima said the "action adventure genre hasn't evolved in seven years" but Itagaki wasn't impressed.

"I think Kayima-san makes good games," he said when asked what he thought about Kayima's statement. "However, I think they, the systems, gameplay elements in his game tend to be rather shallow and he makes up with that through stylish presentation. I think if you were to compare them directly, the combat and other gameplay elements in NGII are much deeper than projects that he works on."

you can read the whole interview here


New Member
I'm not surprised by the statement. Devil May Cry 4 was rather, 'very shallow' compared to Devil May Cry 3. The game needs some deep improvements in weapons, styles - basically, in every aspect of the game. I do hope Devil May Cry 5 is not a clone of 4.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I'm a Hardcore fan of Ninja gaiden and I will say this, Itagaki tend's to act like he has a stick up his ***.

Enough said.


TimeLord Detective
Well, it certainly isn't one of the deepest games around. Especially DMC2 & DMC4 which aren't as deep as the other 2. But announcing it and making a fuss out of it is kinda childish:p
If they don't like it, then don't play it.


New Member
^ Yeah, It's childish! But, It has a doze of truth there. Devil May Cry 4 was just a mess of flashes, lightning and extreme graphics, nothing else.

cosmic master

The Eternal Insomniac
Fair enough DMC4 wasn't very deep but for another developer to say that in an interview and even hint that his are so much better. If he doesn't like the games theres no reason for him to put down another developers games. He even says at some point that Heavenly sword was 'half assed'


New Member
cosmic master;92441 said:
Fair enough DMC4 wasn't very deep but for another developer to say that in an interview and even hint that his are so much better. If he doesn't like the games theres no reason for him to put down another developers games. He even says at some point that Heavenly sword was 'half assed'

I know what you mean. He has difficulty in the realizing of being surpassed by Capcom and other game companies.


cosmic master;92441 said:
He even says at some point that Heavenly sword was 'half assed'

I agree with this. The gameplay was so stiff and the story was okay. On the upside it was fun kicking @ss as a female;).


New Member
PorKYkinG;92457 said:
I agree with this. The gameplay was so stiff and the story was okay. On the upside it was fun kicking @ss as a female;).

Heavenly Sword = Female version of God of War....but yeah, she's hot and she's brutally beautiful in combat.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I guess this game is shallow(a little)

I love to be wrapped up in a deep thoughtful and amazing story so...why do I play this again? Oh yhea, IT ROCKS!!!THATS WHY!!

If you want a great story play something else, if you want to kick demon *** while rocking out to great metal music, DMC.:p


New Member
From a perspective, Devil May Cry 4 was a bit 'shallow', but that doesn't make the whole saga a 'shallow' one. Personally, he can go and suck a Yamato as a lollipop...:lol:


Well-known Member
hmm surely the fact that theres all sorts of awesome combo vids turning up on youtube kinda defeats his whole arguement. its not hard to be good statwise on DMC4 or 3 but to be really amazing at the game it takes a lot of skill.

surely if anything NG2 is more shallow, it seems all you ever hear about is the gore and the dismemberment, which isnt really all that fascinating if you ask me.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
DMC 4 was/is a very shallow game, it revolves purely around a stylistic form (admittedly a heavy feature in most DMC games) while also having a rather unmoving storyline along with a very uncreative new character who was a very hollow addition.

Nero's motivation was far too generic video game textbook, compared to other DMC characters who are fresh and original, the plot line really is starting to show it's age a lot, I think Devil May Cry 4 is scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel in terms of ideas.

DMC 1 and 3 had a very deep story which was interesting to follow, hey, I'll even go as far to say that DMC 2 had a more interesting storyline than 4, 4 is pretty much a lights show for newcomers to the series, it's difficulty was scaled down from that of DMC 3's to somewhere beyond "easy" and more along the lines of "games for your mother".

I don't blame the guy really, sure DMC 4 had a lot of visual flare, but it had NONE of the depth that the other games of the series had, DMC 5 had better be an improvement, and this whole generic character basis style had better be thrown out on the curb because this sort of trend just pulls it so far away from what Devil May Cry was originally about, a deep storyline mixed in with stunning visuals, deep characters and characters with a motivation that made you empathise with them.

Devil May Cry 4 cut that out for style and visuals, and therefore was a very shallow game.


Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;92601 said:
Nero's motivation was far too generic video game textbook, compared to other DMC characters who are fresh and original, the plot line really is starting to show it's age a lot, I think Devil May Cry 4 is scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel in terms of ideas.

how are any of the characters in DMC fresh or original, you have Dante who is the wisecracking badass (really original) vergil, the evil twin brother (because thats never been done before) lady (avenging her mothers murder) and then all the main bad guys who are just corrupt with power(and you never see that in the movies).

how can people say that the plotlines from any of the games are original and deep?


New Member
Nero is a clone of Dante and Vergil. He has all the characteristics of them in the game. Make something original, damn It.

Sir Psycho No 6

New Member
evilweevle;92745 said:
how are any of the characters in DMC fresh or original, you have Dante who is the wisecracking badass (really original) vergil, the evil twin brother (because thats never been done before) lady (avenging her mothers murder) and then all the main bad guys who are just corrupt with power(and you never see that in the movies).

how can people say that the plotlines from any of the games are original and deep?

Dante's wise-cracking badass attitude is usually just a front which you realise during the climax and endings of DMC 1 and DMC 3 when he reveals he's actually a guy with emotions and pretty bad family issues.

Vergil might of been the evil twin (which i admit is a bit of a cheap idea for a villian but this is different) but he showed to have some decency in his body (as he helped Dante fight Arkham which also proves that not only does Vergil crave power but i'm betting he does have a slight love for his father, Sparda).

Lady goes after her father, who killed her mother, because he wanted to become a demon. I've not heard that been done before.


Vergil and Dante have 2 very different views of thier father. Well they did in DMC3. Dante hated/didn't care about Sparda or almost anything at all. He basicly wanted nothing to do with him. Vergil wanted to live up to his fathers name and legend and basicly wanted to be the next Sparda, But he felt since he was half human he would never be able to compaired to him so he was trying to become a full devil. I'm guessing he was trying to achieve all of this by attaining the SPARDA sword.


New Member
The true extent of a demon's power in fact, comes by willing to protect the others, rather than to destroy and conquer. That's why Sparda was such a powerful demon, called even the Legendary Dark Knight. Dante, Vergil and Nero are exceptions to this due to having human souls with demonic essences.


Well-known Member
anyway i guess what defines this whole arguement is what he means when he says 'shallow'. that could be specific to any number of particular areas!

he doesnt specify which bit of DMC is 'shallow'
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