Is Dante that important anymore?

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Well-known Member
Aug 21, 2009
Ok! ^^ So since there aren't to many non-DmC related discussions I thought I'd post a thread asking this here question;

Should Dante come back or should the series (Assuming future DMC, not DmC games will happen) concentrate on Nero? I ask this because a lot of people seem to think Dante's role in the series is more fan service than anything else at this point. Like he wasn't that important in DMC4, but instead just thrown in there. So! Do you think he should return in DMC5,6,7 and such? And if so as the main character or just supporting roles like in 4? And! If you do think he should return why do you think so? Please don't just answer saying things like "Dante is awesome" or "He's the main character." That goes without saying. ^^
Well, I think it depends on where they want to go. If they want to continue to have Dante be the central focus, I believe that then it could work if executed well. However, DMC4 did do something interesting. It expanded the DMC universe. Even if just a tiny bit. I think it makes it a bit more of a solid world to expand upon it. So they could I think if they also wanted too expand on the whole DMC universe as a whole and not even include Dante once. So I think it really does depend on where things go.

Personally I would rather the whole DMC universe be expanded upon and be even more fleshed out. For them to show other demon hunters, etc. I think it could also be very cool if stories on not so grand a stage happened as well. Afterall, not every amazing epic has to be about saving the world and or defeating God-like opponents and all.
Dante is awesome!!!

:D I guess you saw that coming! *evil grin*
I think Dante is DMC and without him.....*starts to cry*
No really I know what you mean about Nero and the 4th game, but they need to get it right if they take a step back from Dante and I think they got it all wrong in the 4th game.......I was going somewhere with this and I've forgotten what i was going to say....*points to avatar* la la laaaaaa!
We'll sorry but...

Dante is awesome!!!.

to put it simply.

Dante IS devil may cry for me.

Dante HAS been Devil may cry longer than anyone in the series.

Dante should continue to be Devil May Cry in the future

Dante is to badazz to be overshadowed by a emo crybaby like Nero

Dante is one of the sons of Sparda who the story happens to be about in every game.

Dante is the more powerfull of the 2 (Nero and Dante)

Dante still needs to be in the series to explain how the hell he became so quiet in DMC2.

Dante is the most pupular character in the series

Dante has 2 badazz guns instead of one

Dante has a Long Red coat

Overall Dante is just Devil May Cry personified if you ask me.
I don't think Dante is as important anymore. He's an icon, that's all. His place in the story is nearly null at this point.

Capcom would do good to make a game completely about Nero.
Nero to me did not bring anything to the story other then crying and whining about his girlfriend.

Dante on the other hand brought depth to the story such as the connection between himself and his brother and also having to live in his father's shadow by being constantly compared to Sparda.

Dante overall its just WAY better then Nero and i'd be pretty bummed if Capcom made a entire game completely about Nero espcially considering his fanbase has not even reached the level of Dante's.

Just my 2 cents on the matter...
ToCool74;298598 said:
Nero to me did not bring anything to the story other then crying and whining about his girlfriend.

His eighteen. What else is he going to do at that point in his life? At least he did something about it afterwards instead of being "emo" like many people accuse him of.

Seriously, a character cries openly once and he's considered emo... It's unbelievable.

Of course I'm not attacking your opinion. No, I'd never do that to another person. It's just rude. Please don't take this in a condescending or offensive manner, I'm just saying what I believe, as you are.

The only reason I say that is because lately, people have become quite defensive of their opinions to the point where only they matter. I cannot understand that for the life of me...
Storm Silves;298600 said:
Seriously, a character cries openly once and he's considered emo... It's unbelievable.

It's funny actually, now that you mention it. Dante in DMC 1 cried for Trish but no one considered him to be emo...yet they accuse Nero of being Emo when he cries for Kyrie. Kyrie is Nero's world, and if you're in a relationship, I'm sure you'd understand why he is such a hot head that he is. Nero is awesome! :P
Now now. Let's not turn this into a Dante vs. Nero debate please.

This thread isn't about who you prefer, though those opinions are welcome ^^, its about looking at Dante from a character development/story progression standpoint and determining if he should come back in future DMC games.
I have to agree with DT and Zero, Dante has had his spotlight, his place in the series is set and no one can take that from him true. However if one continues to use and reuse a character throwing them in place after place with no real development it gets stale. Sure there's a lot we don't know about Dante but that's all his past. If we really want to know more about Dante we should explore before he was who we know now which is what DmC looks to be trying to do. I think everyone really wants to know more about Sparda, Vergil, and Nero among others. It would be good to see the world expanded to see the torch passed to future generations, maybe even see Dante's legend fade into nothing more then myth much like Sparda has, then see the cycle start again but in a new way. This is all opinion thought up on the fly really.
*hugs DT*

I'm tired of Dante v's Nero stuff too and I agree with what you say about Nero - I quite enjoyed Neros story. However I just think they got Dante wrong in the 4th game - and this is now why people think he's no longer needed as the main character. Dante in the 4th game couldve been awesome instead he's dancing around with a flower in his mouth lol. I know that's meant to his laid back personality, but they could've made the Dante/Nero thing much more interesting. Dunno if I'm making sense anymore so I'm gonna go.

Oh also....
Dante is awesome! :D (just not so much in the 4th game.....apart from the bit where he ownz Nero! lol)
Well actually Ebony it makes perfect sense I think, they could have tried a little harder to make Dante's personality a little less, well.. corny really. I think they were trying to give us a break from all the seriousness, it just didn't work out like they intended for a lot of people and it's caused some backlash as could be expected. Personally I love Dante, he's hilarious, and crazy, and not something you see a whole lot of in video games, but to a certain degree you can only go so far with a character before what happened in 4 happens, or worse, and i'd rather they move on before they make it worse.
Ebony;298607 said:
Oh also....
Dante is awesome! :D (just not so much in the 4th game.....apart from the bit where he ownz Nero! lol)

Yes he is! :D Especially the line "Glad I finally got your attention. I was beginning to feel a little ignored." :wub:

Although I do want Dante to come back. I don't know how much story wise he can contribute to, but character development wise he's got a lot of potential and with the right team he can be even more cool than he is now.

And NT is not that team. :P :lol:
I would like to see Dante returns in the next games as the main characters, while Nero's story should be explained in next DMC game. If Capcom have already set Nero as the main star in DMC4, they should have made the game exclusively for Nero's story and should not bother putting Dante in the game as fan service.

I am a huge fan of Dante, and if Dante is not the main playable character in next DMC games, there are high chances that I won't be playing it.
Chaos Master;298656 said:
I am a huge fan of Dante, and if Dante is not the main playable character in next DMC games, there are high chances that I won't be playing it.

This ^^^

Dante better be then next main character or else i'm simply not playing it.

You guys can call me closed minded or whatever but as i've said before Dante to me is Devil May Cry peronified and DMC without him just is not DMC in my honest opinion.

I don't think Nero has the "stroke" or "pull" to take away the series from Dante nor will he ever in my opinion.
ToCool74;298716 said:
This ^^^

Dante better be then next main character or else i'm simply not playing it.

You guys can call me closed minded or whatever but as i've said before Dante to me is Devil May Cry peronified and DMC without him just is not DMC in my honest opinion.

I don't think Nero has the "stroke" or "pull" to take away the series from Dante nor will he ever in my opinion.

What's this? No one's calling you closed minded. All opinions are welcome here. ^_^
Meg;298728 said:
What's this? No one's calling you closed minded. All opinions are welcome here. ^_^

I never said that someone was calling me closed minded.

Nor do i think anyone here is calling me close minded.

Was just pointing out that i would not care if they did thats all.;)
No need to be defensive ToCool74. Its all good here.

Personally, I cannot play a DMC game without Dante. He kind of made DMC for me, because I was originally was going to quit DMC1 when it first came out. It was hard...possibly the hardest game I played yet sans Contra. However, when Dante started trash talking a demon spider...I knew I had to stick through it. Dante was flashy, he talked trash, he turned into a demon, and even though I'm a straight guy, he is pretty suave, thats for damn sure.

Dante is a synonymous with DMC as Kratos is with God of War, which bugs me when Capcom is trying to shoehorn other characters as the main character for DMC or change up Dante's appearance drastically.

Why they got to change Dante? They need to change Ryu...or Chun Li goddammit.

Ok, so to make a long story short, yes he is important. I dealt with Nero, better than most in the fanbase, but they need to sofly move Nero to the side and bring back...oh, I 'unno...Dante! The whole time!
Sorry if i came off as "Defencive" everyone.

And i agree with your post Esura.
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