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Ideas for the return of Sparda


Let's rock, baby!
In the game, DmC's Sparda fell in love with the angel Eva and gave birth to Dante and Vergil. Later on the demons found them, Eva was killed by Mundus while Sparda was captured and imprisoned for treachery.

But the questions now are...
- How will Sparda return in the new series?
- What will his human and demon forms look like?
- Will he wear one of DMC Dante's outfits?
- What weapons will he wield? Will he wield Force Edge and Luce & Ombra?


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
should we assume he is weaker than dante ? as for weapons id go with the sparda sword and the outfit from the picture in home truths , not sure on the guns though. Id say his human form would be like an older dante and vergil and his demon form i dunno bout that.


Let's rock, baby!
I can see him in DMC4 Dante's outfit, short-long white hair and a beard and mustache.

If he'll wield Force Edge in human form while Sparda sword is revealed in demon form transforming.

Luce and Ombra will be his guns along with summoned swords. He'll use energy blasts as his guns.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I see him more in the clothes he wore in hat picture and brushed back black hair since that's his hair color in the reboot. He doesn't have white hair because that's a Nephilim trait.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I'd imagine him in more anachrostic clothing with an outfit that's mixed and matched from various time periods he'd live through but his clothes have wear and tear on them and his look is more emaciated as he just escaped torture.


Supporter 2014
I actually wish Dante would look like my avatar. The red hoodie under the black leather jacket and his white hair peeking out of his hood.
I know I'm pushing it, but I would like the mask, as well. I really like the idea of a ninja Dante (for obvious reasons).


Major suck-up point: I actually dress like your avi most of the time... it's cold here, so I can do that (a lot of people around here do, actually) without raising suspicion.

Also, I wear a baseball cap under the hood because the hood keeps slipping on my head. It helps keep it in place and to keep the sun out of my eyes. It's not a fashion statement or anything like that (it's just a regular cap and not some "trucker's cap" that makes me "look cool").


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
In fact.


Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
If he was to come back, he'd most probably be bald. And he'd be wearing some trash jacket he either stole or scratched out of the dumpster, in other words he'd kinda look like Dante. Just messier.
Or who knows, maybe he'll come back as a totally average looking Joe whom you wouldn't know is Sparda unless he actually said who he really was.
OR, he may come back in the form of possessing humans. Cause that's what demons do, they possess people, right. So he'd have no one singular human form, he'd be whoever...kinda like the agents from The Matrix who just randomly appear where some random person had been before. Only Sparda wouldn't physically change the appearance of his victims.
kay, yeah, that's it for my brilliant ideas. :|


Let's rock, baby!
Sparda will look like a monk with the robes and all. But in battle, he's will still wear some robes but adding a trenchcoat to it.


Let's rock, baby!
In the beginning of Sparda's journey, he'll start off wearing Roman empire clothing.
Later on...
- Samurai warrior clothes
- Ninja warrior clothes
- Chinese warrior clothes
- Viking clothes
- Highlander clothes
- WW clothes
- Modern clothes - trenchcoat with hood. Pieces from each of his former warrior clothing in the past.


Let's rock, baby!
I'd like to see him return with long white hair like the classic DMC Dantes.

And of course some of the best DMC Dante designs for Sparda to wear for battle.

In the game, Sparda spent so much time with Vergil he hasn't spent much time with Dante, so.... this could be his change for them to team up and for Sparda to set things right.
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Well-known Member
why would they even bring him back, hell the demons don't even mention him that much, they seem far more interested in Eva being a "whore", Sparda never even did anything note worthy other than have sex with an angel. for all we know he could have just been the guy who got mundus his coffee or just did his paperwork. there's nothing interesting about reboot sparda, so I doubt they'd bring him back at all


Well-known Member
In the game, DmC's Sparda fell in love with the angel Eva and gave birth to Dante and Vergil. Later on the demons found them, Eva was killed by Mundus while Sparda was captured and imprisoned for treachery.

But the questions now are...
- How will Sparda return in the new series?
- What will his human and demon forms look like?
- Will he wear one of DMC Dante's outfits?
- What weapons will he wield? Will he wield Force Edge and Luce & Ombra?
Sparda will definitely have to EVOLVE his looks. i mean the bald man CEO-look can only go so far. i felt like at the end of the game, he couldnt regain all of his powers since he got stabbed by Vergil and his hell-hole was shut down.


Don't mess with a Mage, bitch.
Sparda will definitely have to EVOLVE his looks. i mean the bald man CEO-look can only go so far. i felt like at the end of the game, he couldnt regain all of his powers since he got stabbed by Vergil and his hell-hole was shut down.

That was Mundus.
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