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i thought Dante didn't kill humans?


I Saw the Devil
yet he killed all those humans in the beginning of DMC 4 before he fought Nero....

and he was going to kill kyrie before nero intervened
Wait. Why wouldn't he? He's not Batman. He has no gripes killing people as long as they're evil or trying to kill him. Has no one here read the novel? Anyone? Not like been human makes you automaticly good.

As for Kyrie, if he was going to kill her-- well, I'm sure you've been told.

Demons are not necessarily evil by nature... only the ones who want to hurt people are. If he wanted to kill all demons, he would not need to be a hunter. He would just go to the demon world and kill everything there.
Since when?

But he did kill a human, though. Agnus. Goes to show that Dante is willing to kill a human if he feels it needs to be done.
Yeah, and fortunately he doesn't go ridiculous with the moral implications for years to come about everything, he's far more efficient than that. I'm sure he'd put an angel on the ground if it was evil, why would he make exceptions for humans?

And what is with the 'Oh, no, not humans. That would be bad. He'd never do that' attitude around here? Killing humans ≠ killing the innocent. There are bad people out there. Trust me.

What's next 'he wouldn't hurt a woman even if she was mad, psychotic, a violent murderer or the epitome of all that is evil. That would be rude and I don't approve of violence against evil women, just evil or inconsequential men'?
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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Well in DMC3 Lady states that they are humans as evil as any demon and vice versa so its safe to say he agrees on some level.

And in one of the light novels, he was mercenary before he became a demon hunter so I'm guessing at some point he probably did fight other humans who weren't demonically inclined.

Right now I'm guessing he just limits himself to demons and humans with demonic energy stuff. We haven't seen him fight enemies that are baseline human or achieved their powers without becoming a demon first (if its possible in DMC) so he doesn't concern himself with them too much.

He would generally just leave regular criminals to human police and just focus on otherworldly threats.

The order is an interesting case since most of them got demonic powers to protect their families and most of the rank and file probably weren't evil but since the game doesn't develop or address/develop this, its now a case of schrodigner's cat.

The order members he killed in the intro could have been the best of the best or the worst of the worst, we'll never know.


Starfleet Demon
The order is an interesting case since most of them got demonic powers to protect their families and most of the rank and file probably weren't evil but since the game doesn't develop or address/develop this, its now a case of schrodigner's cat.

The order members he killed in the intro could have been the best of the best or the worst of the worst, we'll never know.

They probably weren't evil, but since they were fighting for an organization that was, it made little difference from Dante's point of view (I mean, look at any war, ever).


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
dante will kill a human who is no good for the world. he doesn't seem to want to, but if push comes to cliff, he'll do what he feels he has to do

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I don't.... can anyone PLEASE link to the sources that, in black and white or visually, state that Dante has killed or would kill a human? Because I'm thinking a lot of people are blowing hot air around here. I know he's not a humanitarian but I doubt it's in his character to kill those weaker than him, a.k.a. humans.

Plus he was totally wondering where Kyrie was hiding her goodies, that's why he was perving on her.


Well-known Member
I only recall seeing him kill corrupted humans that got turned into demons, and they usually attack first so he retaliates in light of his 'they asked for a fight, I gave it to them' philosophy. Actual pure humans he leaves alone, as well as sometimes really weak demons and demons that found love.

However, the part where he shoots Sanctus in the head is kinda weird to me when combined with this claim. Sanctus looked like a frail old human, if I remember correctly he didn't even go through ascension ceremony back then, so why did Dante shoot him? From the anime I got the impression Dante can't just feel a demon in disguise (or at least not one of low power level), which is why he didn't know the wife was actually the purple gambling demon until she revealed it herself, and he didn't know the friend of Patty's mom is actually Sid wearing his skin (eww...). When the demon turned knights attacked the most probable scenario is that it made their power level spike and maybe he saw the glow of their eyes under the hood, so he fought back, but what inspired Dante to jump down and shoot this seemingly harmless old priest whose real agenda I doubt he knew back then?

Was it really the boring speech? o_O


Elite Hunter
I only recall seeing him kill corrupted humans that got turned into demons, and they usually attack first so he retaliates in light of his 'they asked for a fight, I gave it to them' philosophy. Actual pure humans he leaves alone, as well as sometimes really weak demons and demons that found love.

However, the part where he shoots Sanctus in the head is kinda weird to me when combined with this claim. Sanctus looked like a frail old human, if I remember correctly he didn't even go through ascension ceremony back then, so why did Dante shoot him? From the anime I got the impression Dante can't just feel a demon in disguise (or at least not one of low power level), which is why he didn't know the wife was actually the purple gambling demon until she revealed it herself, and he didn't know the friend of Patty's mom is actually Sid wearing his skin (eww...). When the demon turned knights attacked the most probable scenario is that it made their power level spike and maybe he saw the glow of their eyes under the hood, so he fought back, but what inspired Dante to jump down and shoot this seemingly harmless old priest whose real agenda I doubt he knew back then?

Was it really the boring speech? o_O

It's highly possible, actually, that Dante learned of the Order plans thanks to Trish, who was disguised as Gloria at the time. So he killed Sanctus, thinking that would prevent the disaster that later occurred.


Well-known Member
It's highly possible, actually, that Dante learned of the Order plans thanks to Trish, who was disguised as Gloria at the time. So he killed Sanctus, thinking that would prevent the disaster that later occurred.

I thought he didn't know Trish is Gloria until later on, when she revealed herself to all of us, and that until this point they haven't had any contact.
I guess they could have secretly met in Fortuna just before, with Trish coming as herself, but how would either of them know where to find the other in the city? Dante doesn't really seem the type to be carrying around a cellphone and he wasn't around his trusty rotary phone to answer since he ventured after Trish.
Maybe I'm just overthinking things, I like to do that sometimes.


Elite Hunter
I thought he didn't know Trish is Gloria until later on, when she revealed herself to all of us, and that until this point they haven't had any contact.
I guess they could have secretly met in Fortuna just before, with Trish coming as herself, but how would either of them know where to find the other in the city? Dante doesn't really seem the type to be carrying around a cellphone and he wasn't around his trusty rotary phone to answer since he ventured after Trish.
Maybe I'm just overthinking things, I like to do that sometimes.

Yeah, it's possible Dante met a non-disguised Trish right before. Also, come on... xD you really think that, when it comes to beings like Dante and Gloria, they can't find each other but thanks to a phone? They just sense each other, I guess.


Well-known Member
Yeah, it's possible Dante met a non-disguised Trish right before. Also, come on... xD you really think that, when it comes to beings like Dante and Gloria, they can't find each other but thanks to a phone? They just sense each other, I guess.
Or maybe after a failed order of strawberry sundae in a local diner, the chatty waitress (there always has to be a chatty waitress, that's a rule) talks about so many foreigners coming to town lately, and mentions this scantily clad woman, and that she left just a moment ago, upon which Dante runs after her into an empty alley, and it's Trish who quickly changed into herself to keep someone from accidentally seeing Gloria talk to son of Sparda.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
However, the part where he shoots Sanctus in the head is kinda weird to me when combined with this claim. Sanctus looked like a frail old human, if I remember correctly he didn't even go through ascension ceremony back then, so why did Dante shoot him?
He did, actually. Sanctus later tells Credo, after his body is reanimated, that 'it is fortunate' he participated in the ascension ceremony before Dante showed up. Otherwise it would make no sense how a normal human being can come back to life as a half demon, lest a deal with the demonic had taken place already.
Dante was just getting the ball rolling to get the job over with.
:inlove: Dante is so smooth. Lol


Queen of Neon
Dante must've known he wasn't normal by then, I sincerely doubt Dante was just like "oh cool a sermon, might as well shoot the guy."


Well-known Member
He did, actually. Sanctus later tells Credo, after his body is reanimated, that 'it is fortunate' he participated in the ascension ceremony before Dante showed up. Otherwise it would make no sense how a normal human being can come back to life as a half demon, lest a deal with the demonic had taken place already.
Dante was just getting the ball rolling to get the job over with.
:inlove: Dante is so smooth. Lol
Ah, thanks. So I did got it wrong, data in my mind got corrupted with time.
That Dante is so impatient, scaring little kids for life cause he couldn't wait... tsk tsk XD
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