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i thought Dante didn't kill humans?


Well-known Member
yet he killed all those humans in the beginning of DMC 4 before he fought Nero....

and he was going to kill kyrie before nero intervened

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
yet he killed all those humans in the beginning of DMC 4 before he fought Nero....

and he was going to kill kyrie before nero intervened
Nope, they were demons, remember? After they were dead, the camera panned to show they had dark skin and red glowing eyes.
I don't think he was going to kill Kyrie. His mission was to stir things up a little, and maybe to kill all the demons he could find. He is a demon hunter after all. If he wanted to kill Kyrie (or even Credo) he would have... Nero really isn't strong or fast enough to stop him from doing that. When Nero told Kyrie to run, Dante let her. Credo was outside somewhere, but Dante could've killed him on his way out, no doubt. But he didn't. He's not a human hunter.
Also, there's a good chance he already knew Nero was there, so he might've guessed Kyrie was his girlfriend. All he needed to do was look her way to make Nero spring into action.


Well-known Member
i dont know much the anime is canon to the games but i read somewhere that dante said he "doesn't kill humans and doesn't kill demons that want to live their lives as humans and only hunts devils"

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
i dont know much the anime is canon to the games but i read somewhere that dante said he "doesn't kill humans and doesn't kill demons that want to live their lives as humans and only hunts devils"
Well yeah, he obviously only hunts demons that put people's lives in danger. Demons are not necessarily evil by nature... only the ones who want to hurt people are. If he wanted to kill all demons, he would not need to be a hunter. He would just go to the demon world and kill everything there.

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
does dante view humans as weak
I don't think so.
Dialog from DMC4:

: You assume that humans are weak. Okay, yeah, their bodies lack the physical ability of a demon. But humans possess something that demons don't.
Agnus: [writing on his clipboard] What? What is it that demons l-l-lack? Please! For the sake of my research! Please! Tell me!
[Dante shoots his clipboard into the air, scattering Agnus's research papers]

Like Nero said later: ''Sparda had a heart that could love another person - a human - and that is what you lack!'' Nero gets more powerful throughout the game, and he's saying part of that comes from his love for Kyrie. Likewise, for Dante it would be the love for humans, or maybe Trish and Lady.
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One way to get yourself shot
so its fair to say that

Dante hated Sparda, but loved Eva

and Virgil hated Eva, but loved Sparda
For Dante hating Sparda, he despised him because he believed his father walked out on him. At the end of DMC3 after obtaining Force Edge, he begins to embrace his father's legacy. He did hate Sparda previously. "Father? I don't have a father."

Vergil didn't hate Eva, he just embraced his demonic side more. Part of me thinks he blamed himself for Eva's death because he was helpless to save her. "Might controls everything. Without it, you cannot protect anything, let alone yourself."


Fake Geek Girl.
It's never stated or implied that he would never kill a human if need be. Dante's simple moral ideal to fight against oppression and stand up for justice will call for whatever needs to be done. Arius was the antagonist in DMC 2 and he was human, albeit a sorcerer but still human. Sure, he was turned in to a demon at the end of the game by accident, but Dante would have stopped him if it meant killing him artificial demon or not.

Dante fights the good fight against the bad guys. Demon or not. Just most of his enemies happen to be demons.


Starfleet Demon
Humans can handle humans just well, so Dante's main focus are demons, but I agree that he would be willing to kill humans if need be. IIRC, Sanctus was human when Dante capped him in the head, and only turned demon due to the Acension ceremony. Or am I missing something?

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
in the anime Dante lets Sid go at first but then Sid goes to far so Dante decides to kill him

i think this is the same as Dante's reasoning for killing Agnus he may or may not have been human
but he was responsible for allot of those towns peoples deaths and letting him live would do much more harm then good

i think as soon as innocent people are harmed that's crossing the line in Dante's eye's

Lord Nero

Ultraviolet Sentinel
Like many have said, those knights were actually demons. And I highly doubt he was going to kill Kyrie.

But he did kill a human, though. Agnus. Goes to show that Dante is willing to kill a human if he feels it needs to be done.
Like others have said, Agnus had already become a demon by that point. He had already undergone the ascension ceremony. But yeah, maybe Chancey is right. Dante won't allow anyone to open hell gates all over the place, whether they're human or demon. That said, I stand by my comment that he's not a 'human hunter'. If he wanted to kill Kyrie - or even Credo - he would have. Nero really isn't strong or fast enough to stop him from doing that. Dante doesn't kill random humans. When Nero told Kyrie to run, Dante let her. Credo was outside somewhere, but Dante could've killed him on his way out. He didn't. Hell, it's possible that he knew Credo would be useful to them, and that he wasn't the enemy. Sadly, he 'helped' by sacrificing himself in his assault on Sanctus.
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