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I ran into a couple (you know what game) fanboys last week

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Well-known Member
Last Friday when I went to Gamestop to pick up DmC before work, I saw a BIG poster of Metal Gear Rising and shook my head, then when I was inside and in line to pay for my DmC copy, I heard a couple of fat (or should I say big) boys who smell and have big ass gauges on their ears talking smack behind me, telling me "this is not Devil May Cry, this is Devil Gay Cry!" and "New Vergil looks like f*cking homo" I wanted to punch them in they stomach or faces but I didn't wanna get sued, go to jail, or get kicked out of store and never come back, so I ignored them.

When I was about to go to my car to go to work, the two fat idiots were badgering me and pointing at the Metal Gear Rising poster and one of them told me "You see this game over there, you should get this instead of this sh*t." The other one told me that "This game will be destroyed when Metal Gear comes!" I just told them "whatever" and drove off. What got to my head is that would Rising sell way more then DmC, and when I got home from work later, I was a bit discouraged to play DmC, but after a little thinking I just got playing and stopped giving a sh*t about what people say, and still enjoying it.

Sorry for the long post, but I had to get that off my chest and ask you guys did a situation like that happened to yall.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Actually, when I went into a Gamestop to buy a game completely unrelated to both Rising and DmC (The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction if you care to know), there were a couple kids from my school talking about the games. Total geeks, really... I don't know them very well. One came up to me and tells me "Hey, my friend just doesn't get it, man. Tell him why he should get Rising over Devil May Sh*t!"

I answered quickly and honestly: "He should get both like I am." The guy looked like he was about to punch me in the face for that. >_>

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Never ran into this problem so far myself. when I went in to pick mine up release day, even the cashier was giving me kudos for being willing to defend and pick the game up. Maybe it's dependent on what area you're in, but the Utah DMC community hasn't been that bad about it.


Well-known Member
Never ran into this problem so far myself. when I went in to pick mine up release day, even the cashier was giving me kudos for being willing to defend and pick the game up. Maybe it's dependent on what area you're in, but the Utah DMC community hasn't been that bad about it.

I live in New Jersey and it has a open-minded DMC community too, it's just the two idiot haters that I ran into last week are the minority.


Smile it confuses people
Last Friday when I went to Gamestop to pick up DmC before work, I saw a BIG poster of Metal Gear Rising and shook my head, then when I was inside and in line to pay for my DmC copy, I heard a couple of fat (or should I say big) boys who smell and have big ass gauges on their ears talking smack behind me, telling me "this is not Devil May Cry, this is Devil Gay Cry!" and "New Vergil looks like f*cking homo" I wanted to punch them in they stomach or faces but I didn't wanna get sued, go to jail, or get kicked out of store and never come back, so I ignored them.

When I was about to go to my car to go to work, the two fat idiots were badgering me and pointing at the Metal Gear Rising poster and one of them told me "You see this game over there, you should get this instead of this sh*t." The other one told me that "This game will be destroyed when Metal Gear comes!" I just told them "whatever" and drove off. What got to my head is that would Rising sell way more then DmC, and when I got home from work later, I was a bit discouraged to play DmC, but after a little thinking I just got playing and stopped giving a sh*t about what people say, and still enjoying it.

Sorry for the long post, but I had to get that off my chest and ask you guys did a situation like that happened to yall.
Actually, when I went into a Gamestop to buy a game completely unrelated to both Rising and DmC (The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction if you care to know), there were a couple kids from my school talking about the games. Total geeks, really... I don't know them very well. One came up to me and tells me "Hey, my friend just doesn't get it, man. Tell him why he should get Rising over Devil May Sh*t!"

I answered quickly and honestly: "He should get both like I am." The guy looked like he was about to punch me in the face for that. >_>

Wow...all those people sounded like a bunch of dicks.

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Here's the thing about people claiming Rising will sell better; the MGS community is already furious over the change in gameplay and genre, and most of the people saying they will buy it over DmC are saying so because of P*, and assuming this game will be "more DMC than DmC". So far, I've NOT heard good things about MGRR, so...yeah...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Here's the thing about people claiming Rising will sell better; the MGS community is already furious over the change in gameplay and genre, and most of the people saying they will buy it over DmC are saying so because of P*, and assuming this game will be "more DMC than DmC". So far, I've NOT heard good things about MGRR, so...yeah...

I've played the demo and it's a blast to play, but it is NOT the DMC that people are expecting from it, that's for damn sure.


Well-known Member
Here's the thing about people claiming Rising will sell better; the MGS community is already furious over the change in gameplay and genre, and most of the people saying they will buy it over DmC are saying so because of P*, and assuming this game will be "more DMC than DmC". So far, I've NOT heard good things about MGRR, so...yeah...

Ooooh. Is that so huh..?

You know, it's just NOW I noticed that people think that whatever game has the P* name slapped into it, it's automatically considered "good" to them. Well guess what? Games like Anarchy Reigns proved that wrong and what I've played in the MGR demo.

I've played the demo and it's a blast to play, but it is NOT the DMC that people are expecting from it, that's for damn sure.
Exactly. Does the game have cancel combos like the original DMC games do, maybe not. Does it have the player shooting at the enemies, no. People really need to stop saying that.

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
I honestly think the reason that those people assume that MGR:R is the "proper DMC successor" is just because P* is involved so they assume Kamiya is part of the project...when he's NOT.


Well-known Member
Last Friday when I went to Gamestop to pick up DmC before work, I saw a BIG poster of Metal Gear Rising and shook my head, then when I was inside and in line to pay for my DmC copy, I heard a couple of fat (or should I say big) boys who smell and have big ass gauges on their ears talking smack behind me, telling me "this is not Devil May Cry, this is Devil Gay Cry!" and "New Vergil looks like f*cking homo" I wanted to punch them in they stomach or faces but I didn't wanna get sued, go to jail, or get kicked out of store and never come back, so I ignored them.

When I was about to go to my car to go to work, the two fat idiots were badgering me and pointing at the Metal Gear Rising poster and one of them told me "You see this game over there, you should get this instead of this sh*t." The other one told me that "This game will be destroyed when Metal Gear comes!" I just told them "whatever" and drove off. What got to my head is that would Rising sell way more then DmC, and when I got home from work later, I was a bit discouraged to play DmC, but after a little thinking I just got playing and stopped giving a sh*t about what people say, and still enjoying it.

Sorry for the long post, but I had to get that off my chest and ask you guys did a situation like that happened to yall.

Dispite your hating against my post, im going out on a limb and say its good you didnt hit them because first off, not worth the time, second you might catch something if you did. Good thing you ignored them and drvoe off. Honestly people have their opinions on whatever they want, just focus on yours and thats it. I might not like this DmC and lookingforward to MGR but thats me and I already moved ahead and put the bad things behind me.


Well-known Member
Dispite your hating against my post, im going out on a limb and say its good you didnt hit them because first off, not worth the time, second you might catch something if you did. Good thing you ignored them and drvoe off. Honestly people have their opinions on whatever they want, just focus on yours and thats it. I might not like this DmC and lookingforward to MGR but thats me and I already moved ahead and put the bad things behind me.

Now that's the spirit!

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Wow, what a bunch of asshats. Why should they care what you get or don't get? Damn nosy pricks. And good for you for not stooping towards their level by responding.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Was one of them this guy?


Well-known Member
No wonder he's mad. DmC Dante knocked his Virility away while crushing his dreams and false belief in Virility. He's probably ****ed that Kat was more concerned about Dante than him.


Me: Why?

Fat person: Cuz it has me in there and got exposed...!

Me: Really? What's so bad about making a cameo appearance?

*later that day*

Me: Ooooh now I see...this guy wanted to bang Kat!

That's what really got to me when you said that.


Well-known Member
Ooooh. Is that so huh..?

You know, it's just NOW I noticed that people think that whatever game has the P* name slapped into it, it's automatically considered "good" to them. Well guess what? Games like Anarchy Reigns proved that wrong and what I've played in the MGR demo.

Sweet Justice. ^_^

That's what P* gets for trying to make too many games at once. Anarchy Reigns, MGR, The Wonderful 101, and now Bayonetta 2?

I hope you like your products rushed and undercooked. :/

Game studios can barely get enough funding for current-gen as it is. I don't need to tell you how many are going down during the next gen. :(

Darksiders III was my one last hope for gaming... the only thing that is redeeming P* in my eyes is the fact that they could really improve (upon the already great) combat in the DS series -- if they end up buying "Vigil Studios" that is.
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