I hate this generation of young people.

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I ****ing hate the youth of today. And that's pretty shocking coming from a 14 year old. They have no tolerance, respect for authority, nor a brain. Kids seem to think that they know everything, they can just f*ck off school and get with their friends. It sickens me just how disrespectful my generation is. My English teacher tries so hard to teach us, yet they mock her and say awful things to her face. I nearly got up and beat this kids teeth out after he said, "Your homework can go **** it's self, YOLO 'hashtag' SWAGER." Television and media certainly isn't helping either, MTV is the pinnacle of stupidity and ignorance. Young teenage girls are made famous and popular just for getting pregnant, dropping out of school, and losing their dreams. It makes me sick how girls say that they want to be on this show, just to be famous.

And as for the term, 'yolo', it makes me sick. Like drinking, going to stripclubs and watching women degrade themselves, smoking, up you're totally living your lives to the fullest! I tried telling a group of girls that making the most out of your life is so much more than just drinking. I tried telling them that going out for a hike or just spending time with your family is what it truly means to live. But did they listen? Hell no, they just laughed in my face. Nearby, where I live, is the Witchita mountain life refuge. A huge area of mountains, wildlife, and one of the few areas where you can actually see buffalo. Me and my father go whenever we can, it's become a place of my childhood and life. But do these kids even try to enjoy whatever 'god' they believe in has given them to enjoy? Nope, they'd rather drink, smoke, have sex and get pregnant at age 14, and scream at each other over facebook. And this wonderful place is just fifteen miles away from our city.

This is why I refuse to partake in what they youth of today does. MTV can go kill it's self, I don't care if I get made fun of for not wasting my life watching Jersy Shore or Teen mom. Facebook will never be a part of my life, young girls kill themselves over what bullshit happens on that abomination of a site. I'd rather be here, on this wonderful forum full of intelligent people. I'm just glad that I have a good father to show me whats right in the world and to set a better example for me. I'm glad that I have someone who actually cares to bother to have intelligent conversations with me whenever I ask. I can't ever talk to my mother, it's like speaking to an 8 year old caught up in MTV. I'm just glad that I have the friends that I have, and that I have my father. Even though this world may be stupid, there are still some good kids out there. It just takes another good kid to find another good kid. :)
Heh, Jersey Shore,

We were required to watch an episode of Jersey Shore in one of my writing classes and write about our impressions. I wrote a 4 page paper that pretty much was "Jersey Shore Sucks and Here's Why" and got an A on that sucker lol.
Every generation will hate it's generation of youths. True story.
As a teenager in my society, i just disliked how many of them are close minded and thinks that having sex is everything when you're at this age.

It's really sad and all but i'm gonna be honest that i don't like the reaction of people or the media to her death during the time this whole fiasco was popular. I don't like it how she became like a martyr or a symbol something like that. In the end, she committed suicide. That's it.

And yes, this kind of teens in TheFinebros is someones that i would like to hang out with.


Reading through this thread, all I can think of are these *WARNING EXPICIT LANGUAGE*: Eddie Griffin - Old School Parenting, Craig Ferguson - Does This Need to be Said, Bill Cosby - Parents, Christopher Titus - Norman Rockwell is Bleeding, and Anthony Griffith - Teenagers.

Funny, this was parenting back then and so far, parenting has become much more lax over the years. Did you know what parents did during the past like in Ancient Greece, Ancient China, and the New World? Try being a smartass back then, they'll send your ass into boot camp if you're lucky and male. Otherwise, you might end up dead in some forest, desert, or tundra. Back then, with the lower population they needed productivity, disciplined and and able youths, not smartasses running their mouths and doing dumb stuff all the time. But now, not so much and unfortunately, that results in a higher amount of reckless, disrespectful, impulsive people running around. Do we really need a well oiled machine in every country right now? Some places, but not all like back then.

People say they hate their parents; I don't like mine much too. Guess what though, they're the only parents you'll ever have, including step-parents. There are people complaining that their parents are leaving them with so much money and that they don't need it. Hey, did y'know that there are kids starving and parents saving as much as they can so that they can provide a decent future for their children? Oh, it's not you, but it could have been you.

Right now, with my parents in their late seventies and sixties or fifties, I might end up graduating college or even high school without parents. I'll be that kid who knows that his parents can't show up, not couldn't show up. I'll be that kid when he's in his late twenties or early thirties without parents to look back to while everyone else has at least one parent alive. Heck, I don't even have grandparents while others have great-grandparents or even great-great-grandparents. They died in Vietnam almost a decade before I was born. "Oh, I have to spend time with gramps. God, he is so boring", you don't like spending time with gramps? I wished I had a gramps alive even for just thirty seconds to say "Hi" to.

Everyday, I know I'm an ass to my parents and others. And every year, I feel like I become more and more humbled. I remember a youtuber who during his rants while playing videogames said that his younger self was an ass and if he could, he would give his younger self a royal beating. Me, I would go back in time each year to give my dumbass a beating. Just these little things that annoy me because I know that I was being disrespectful to others. With parents, others have so much time to reconcile; I have maybe a decade with my parents. You try being old and surviving war, cancer, concentration camps, raising your old siblings, and even helping with your mother's funeral when you're a teenager. I didn't and hopefully don't ever have to experience half of those things.

So you got teased at school and started being an ass to others. Great suffering and achievement, huh? My father had a machete shoved into his right forearm during his time in concentration camp. You know what they used to heal it? Herbal medicines that probably stung like hell. He lost his chance to become a musician or hold a job in law. He faced political corruption, was drafted to fight for a cause he probably didn't care for like most civilians in Vietnam - kind of like the other civilians living through war - lost his first son, tried to save his mother who died because at the time there wasn't sufficient medical care, watched as his brothers were "tried" and sent to concentration camp, lost two brothers, watched his father fall into grief-stricken madness, stood while pirates pillaged and plundered a refugee ship, and lost his first wife to cancer. And not once do I remember him being disrespectful to anyone, became an alcoholic, drug addict, and all the things he remembers and told me, he has never said anything about being mean towards anyone. He survives all of this and remains a decent human being. What makes it justifiable that lets you be a jerk towards others when someone else goes through hell and remains being decent to others?

You go through nine levels of hell and come back, then I'll be okay with you being angry and disrespectful, however, if you stub your wittle toe and mommy didn't bandage it, then you can rot if you try being an ass to anyone.
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." ATTRIBUTION: Attributed to SOCRATES by Plato, according to William L. Patty and Louise S. Johnson, Personality and Adjustment, p. 277 (1953)."

"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint" (Hesiod, 8th century BC).

"The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress." Extract from a sermon preached by Peter the Hermit in A.D. 1274
Several other people have mentioned this but I feel the need to say it as well. Every generation of people is the same. Minor details change but in every single meaningful way every generation that has ever been born since the beginning of the human race is exactly the same and every generation accuses the next generation of being worthless because of a few (relatively speaking) idiots who draw attention to the stupid things they do. every one in on the joke just laughs and moves on while old people (and a few very confused kids) manage to forget the idiots of previous generations and take the idiots of this generation seriously. Then the idiots laugh at each other, the old people and everyone who knows what is going on. (Basically everyone except the people who share their own variety of idiocy)
The good news is most idiots grow out of it (and some even remember that they were idiots). Unfortunately many people (both reformed idiots and people who always had some sense) mistake new forms of idiocy for an actual new concept that somehow ruins the entire human race (which leads to discussions like this)
I'm 14 and I think that this problem mostly occurs in Western culture. At my school, so many people slack off work and it takes a huge amount of arguing just to get them to sit down and put pen to paper. It's partly because now, you don't have to work hard in school. You get bad grades, you can live off benefits and never have to work at all. In poorer countries, if you don't work hard and mind your manners, you could be left homeless and poverty stricken.

About the YOLO thing, I'm sick of hearing this phrase, because mostly it's accompanied with a picture of someone wearing a snapback or: #SWAG. YOLO is just a stupid phrase that allows people to justify not working hard and doing whatever they want. Their mentality: Why waste your life doing work? You only live once, party! ... And the sad thing is most people who live by this mentality will have their parents to help them out financially, so they can get away with this stupid lazy culture. There's no point trying to tell people that they act stupid, they'll usually dismiss you as a, "Hater." -.-

I never watch MTV, I think it's stupid, and I also hate mainstream music; just because it has no meaning. People only listen to it if it's a, "Tuuune!" In other words, catchy. The lyrics could be about anything, they just don't care.

Overall, although there are some absolute idiots out there, there are also a lot of people who are really considerate, and some who have made mistakes but deserve a second chance. I'm lucky enough to be friends with two of the best people I could ever hope to meet, and I've been unlucky to befriend the worst. I've never been picked on for being who I am, and I only know a couple of people who have been picked on for being different, and even this was meant as a joke.
Now, I know this may seem a bit harsh to some, but I honestly hate this generation of teenagers and young adults.

This is kind of a rant, but I'm just speaking out.

Whoever thought of this saying should be shot in the foot. This saying is being constantly yelled by people these days and its really getting annoying. I know the meaning of it "You Only Live Once" and yeah you should live your life to the fullest, but since when is going to clubs literally every night, drinking yourself silly and destroying your body with drugs living your life? That's more like killing yourself slowly. And what's worse is that this word is used in the worst prefix and as such people are just doing stupid things because of the word. It's really sad.

EVERYONE says this! I've never heard of "YOLO" before but everyone thinks they know another person's life better than said person. You gotta learn to ignore it or do what I do and say "Fu@k you! You got (insert problem here) and you wanna tell me to live to the fullest?! Fu@k you!"
Than go eat some pizza, it will make you feel better. Watch how quickly folks stop saying "yolo" when you tell them to fu@k off. Try it.

If you don't do this, or that you're a loser:
Now I don't mind smoking, drinking, or sex at all, and it's alright to do those things. But apparently if you're the one who doesn't smoke, drink, or have had sex yet, you're considered a p*ssy, a bitch, or gay. I really think that's uncalled for. Just because one doesn't want to do it yet, doesn't mean that being called names is the best way to respond. Especially the sex. Sometimes people get socially disbanded from others because of having no sex life, and I really feel that's sad.

Refer to top.
Not everyone has sex right away, its normal, it will happen when it happens. Same with everything else.

I'm starting to pretty much hate television. There's always some kind of stupid show on television that has the worst lure to be seen, yet it makes millions. Now personally, as an African American, I hate BET. I never liked BET because it was, to me, a TV station to make black people look stupid with its earlier shows like college hill or hell date. Then there's MTV which I don't even know why it still has that name since they don't even show music videos on there anymore. MTV seems like the epidimy of stupid Television with it's annoying shows like Ridiculousness (funny sometimes, and irritating sigh worthy in others) and the worst one of them all Jersey Shore.

I like TV (not these channels but like The U, METV, FOX. Sooooooo change the channel???

Fighting for stupid reasons;
I feel like teens fight for the dumbest reasons I've ever seen. Sometimes its for the most petty of reasons and others for dumb misunderstandings. I just hate that teens gotta go at each other for legitimately no reason, and it honestly makes their race they represent look bad. With me, I'll laugh at a fight and say "OOOH" when it's on TV, but went you have to sit in an empty bus loop, and watch your classmates and bus mates fight each other and dropping each other down, or sit in a bus where people fight for the dumbest reasons and in the most petty way possible, sometimes it's just sad to see.

As long as I'm not the one fighting I don't care what others do. Perhaps do the same?????

There's a whole lot of other things, but these so far are my issues.

What about you guys?
MOLO - Might Only Live Once
Because who has the right to say we only live once?

Bit more on-topic; I pretty much always ignore any dumb acts and the people that do them. They can create a bad image for this generation all they want, quite frankly the people that judge me from a vocal minority because I'm the same age as them are the kind of people I probably wouldn't want to associate with anyway. I also don't care what the vocal minority think of me directly, again same logic applied there.

Thinking about it, I guess I've been pretty lucky in my life. I've always had a large group of like minded people to hang around with so ignoring the vocal minority (Yeah, I'm avoiding calling them idiots... Dunno why, guess I'm just not in a very offensive mood) has always been very easy. Plus with things like TV being littered with crap like Jersey Shore, I've always had the entirety of the internet to escape it. I actually think previous generations were even more annoying than current ones simply because there were less escape options, but that's just speculation from a youngsters point of view.
Oh god I saw that. It was disgusting. Anyone who still wants to keep their lunch down, do not watch this.

My friend forced me to watch "A Serbian Film", the uncut version. My appetite was gone for weeks.

Also... *raises hand pathetically* I-I'm technically a youth of this generation. Only 18 years to my name. ;~;
My friend forced me to watch "A Serbian Film", the uncut version. My appetite was gone for weeks.

Also... *raises hand pathetically* I-I'm technically a youth of this generation. Only 18 years to my name. ;~;
What the hell?! Why would someone make a film like this?! It's as creepy as the-film-I-dare-not-name! Damn my curiousity!
People love to hate "the youth", but when I think of the real big problems in the world, things like exploitation, poverty, religious extremism, discrimination, actual warmongering, political agendas, failing to care about human beings or the environment because making money is more important... those things aren't being pushed on the rest of us by the young, are they?

I can forgive a few YOLOs for that
Oh god, you're exactly like me... My sense of curiosity gets me into trouble. I read things I know I'll be sickened by, and watch things I know will scare me...
*is fighting the urge to look up movie description* ._.
*is fighting the urge to look up movie description* ._.

Please, for the sake of your sanity, don't.

And what sickens me even more is that the movie is available (THE WHOLE MOVIE), uncut, on YOUTUBE. Even though it depicts graphic rape scenes. Never mind that I got a video removed for just swearing a few times.
Please, for the sake of your sanity, don't.

And what sickens me even more is that the movie is available (THE WHOLE MOVIE), uncut, on YOUTUBE. Even though it depicts graphic rape scenes. Never mind that I got a video removed for just swearing a few times.
*your response is just making me more curious* O_O